
A Beastly Proposal

|Cover image generated by me!| |Shout-out to Forteller for this amazing book cover!| [ WARNING: MATURE CONTENT, GORE] Bianca has spent her life trapped. Born into a wealthy family, she was treated more like an object than a daughter by her father. When she finally became aware of his betrayal, a fire ignited within her. Revenge became her sole purpose. For years, Bianca honed her skills, learning everything she could about the world beyond her gilded cage and cultivated a persona of elegant indifference. Finally, she felt prepared to strike. Her target: The Selvaggio Mafia family. More specifically, Achille Selvaggio, the ruthless underboss known as "The Beast in human flesh." Achille, a man as feared as he is respected, holds the key to Bianca's revenge. But getting close to him will be a dangerous gamble. Bianca hatches a daring plan. She will make Achille an offer he can't refuse - a proposal so shocking, so audacious, that it will force him to confront his own demons. A proposal that will change their lives forever.

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48 Chs

Have A Taste Of The Forbidden Fruit.

The air crackled with a nervous energy, a stark contrast to the smooth melody spilling from the polished grand piano. Achille fidgeted with his champagne flute, the bubbles mirroring the rising agitation within him. Still beside him was Ariana, her voice a rapid-fire stream as she spoke . Her manicured hands fluttered like exotic birds in a gilded cage, but Achille barely registered her words.

His gaze, a restless panther scanning the savanna, darted through the throng of guests. Sparkling jewels winked under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers, silk gowns swirled in a kaleidoscope of colors, and laughter danced on the air. Yet, none of it held his attention.

Then, a vision in burgundy caught his eye. Standing by the antipasto table, a feast of cured meats and marinated olives, was Bianca. Delicate lace details adorned the fabric and the rich color of her dress clung to her curves in a way that sent a jolt through him. Its fitted bodice hinted at hidden depths, while the full skirt cascaded down in a graceful sweep, revealing a hint of silken ankle peeking out from beneath. 

Her chestnut hair, the color of ripe chestnuts sun-warmed, cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, framing eyes that held the mesmerizing depth of sun-drenched olive groves. Her features, delicate and understated, spoke of a quiet beauty that captivated him with its simplicity.

A tremor of recognition rippled through Achille. Where had he seen her before? He thought. The air itself seemed to crackle with a strange energy as their gazes locked across the crowded room.

Ariana's voice, a jarring intrusion into his newfound focus, pierced through the tension. "Achille, darling," she purred, a possessive hand hovering on his arm, "are you even listening?"

He blinked, momentarily disoriented. "Forgive me, Signorina," he murmured, his voice husky with a newfound urgency. "The decor is truly magnificent, isn't it?" The compliment felt hollow, a flimsy mask barely concealing the tempestuous desires swirling within him.

Bianca, catching his stolen glance, offered a subtle smile that played on her lips. 'Men,' she thought, a glint of amusement sparkling in her olive eyes, 'always so predictable, captivated by the forbidden fruit dangling just out of reach.' 

The evening stretched before them, as the music swelled, Bianca, with the feline grace of a huntress, excused herself from the throng. 

She then made her way towards the french doors that led to the beautifully landscaped outdoor area.

 Achille watched her go, feeling an inexplicable pull to follow her, his heart pounded a frantic rhythm against his ribs. He stole a glance at Ariana, oblivious to the storm brewing within him. 

With a murmured excuse, he left Ariana's company, and made his way to the doors, stepping out into the cool night air.

The French doors sighed open as Bianca pushed them open, their aged brass hinges whispering a welcome to the cool night air. Bianca, glided out onto the jasmine-scented terrace. The air vibrated with the distant strains of a tango from the ballroom, a melancholic counterpoint to the chirping crickets.

Achille, found himself outside, his footsteps crunching softly on the moonlit gravel path. Strings of tiny white lights twinkled overhead, strung between the ancient olive trees, casting a dreamlike glow on the scene.

Bianca stood poised near a weathered stone bench, her silhouette bathed in the cool moonlight. He recognized her from the boutique earlier, a memory that sent a spark of heat through him.

"Signorina," he ventured softly, not wanting to intrude on her reverie.

Bianca turned, the moonlight catching in the depths of her sapphire eyes. They sparkled with a hint of amusement. "Signor Selvaggio," she purred, her voice a silken caress. "Does the ballroom within prove a touch too much for your refined sensibilities?"

Achille couldn't help but smile. The stuffy ballroom, filled with the cloying chatter of society gossip, felt miles away. "Indeed," he agreed. "But I couldn't help but notice you seemed a touch... out of place amongst the throng." 

Bianca raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Is that why you followed me, Signor?" she teased, her voice a melodious challenge. 

He felt a flush creep up his neck. "Perhaps," he mumbled, suddenly feeling awkward under her direct gaze.

Bianca's laughter, a tinkling melody that carried on the night breeze, filled the air. Her smile held a hint of something more, a secret promise whispered on the breeze. "You seem… intrigued, Signor. My name's Bianca," she said, her voice a mere whisper. 

Achille inhaled sharply. The scent coming from her, intoxicating and heady, filled his senses. Was it jasmine from the nearby terrace, or something more uniquely hers?

Her smile widened as she continued, " I came out here for some fresh air. "

Bianca leaned in closer, the moonlight outlining the elegant curve of her cheek. "These moonlit gardens," she murmured, her voice a caress, "have a way of revealing truths that ballrooms cannot."

Achille felt a jolt course through him. Her words, laced with hidden meaning, sparked a fire in his gut. 

She was now within arm's reach. Her right hand hovered, then settled on his cheek, her index finger tracing a feather-light path.

Achille's eyes fluttered shut as her touch grazed his skin. He savored the delicate sensation, his breath catching in his throat. His muscles tensed beneath her touch.

"And if I might ask..." Bianca's voice was a mere wisp, her breath fanning across his lips. A delicious shiver danced down his spine. His body ached with a tension both pleasurable and agonizing. "What truths are these moonlit gardens revealing to you?" she whispered, her voice laced with seduction, her breath a warm caress against his lips, sending a jolt through him. Her fingers trailed a slow, deliberate path across his lips, sending shivers down his spine.

A flicker of surprise crossed Bianca's face as she stared at his shoulders. The damned souls that had clung to Achille's shoulders, those malevolent whispers that had haunted him, suddenly detached and swirled around her before vanishing completely. What had she just done? She thought, momentarily breaking her focus.

Achille stared down at her, his heart drumming a frantic tattoo against his ribs. Her closeness and her scent were intoxicating, the anticipation a physical weight pressing down on him. 'So close,' he thought, his mind a haze. 

Bianca, for her part, felt a tremor of something unfamiliar course through her. But her objective remained clear. 'Focus,' she reminded herself, locking eyes with Achille. 'Seduction is the key.'

'Good grief! What's gotten into me? I can't seem to resist the urge to take her in my arms and kiss her senseless!' Achille thought, his eyes locked on Bianca's like a magnet. 

He struggled to maintain his composure, but he knew, deep down, that his resolve was crumbling like sandcastles against a rising tide. Bianca's lips beckoned, and he was powerless to resist.

'Men are all the same,' Bianca thought to herself, a sly smile spreading across her face. 'Just tempt them with a taste of sweet life, and they'll be putty in your hands.' Her plan was unfolding like a perfectly orchestrated opera, and Achille was playing his part to perfection.

Achille and Bianca Character profiles are out. (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠)

Do check them out!

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