

It was already dark by the time I came back. My husband was not home yet, but I was too busy thinking about Vampire’s behavior today to focus on Lewis. I moved around in a daze, still wondering about that forced smile on my editor’s face when we separated at the bridge.

These days, whenever we met, he would always treat me intimately, making me feel surge of warmth in my heart. But now when he finally started acting aloof, I didn’t know what to do anymore.

It wasn’t like I hadn’t anticipated this in the past. I knew we wouldn’t be able to last for a long time, but I hadn’t cared about this. I just wanted to feel this lingering warmth that had sprouted seeds of love in my baren heart after a long time. But who would have thought that just as I had grasped that feeling, it would be snatched away?

Even thinking about it sent a wave of pain in my chest. I was still cooking, but my entire focus was in the memories of mine and Vampire’s. So I didn’t even know what I cooked anymore as I clutched the cloth in front of my chest.

It really hurt. I didn’t want Vampire to go away. But did I really have a say in this?

I sighed and ate the food dully. I didn’t remember the taste, but I still had a lingering sensation of pain in my chest, making me realize how important was Vampire to me at this time.

After eating, I washed my hands and sat before the computer with a blank face. Before meeting Vampire today evening, I was already disturbed. But now, my situation has worsened. I didn’t think I would be able to write today at all! I pursed my lips and forced myself to type a word.

But when I remembered that the name of protagonist was Vampire, the pain in my chest increased ten-folds, and I had to take several breaths to calm myself.

Why did this kind of situation happen to me? For Vampire, I even left my husband, and now when things were finally going right, he started behaving indifferently. At least he could tell me what was wrong!

Thinking like that, I decisively took out my phone and started jotting down something and sent the text to him.

“Why didn’t you hug me today?”

But as soon as the message was sent, I instantly felt regretful. I shouldn’t have sent it to him directly. He would think that I was desperate to get his attention! All this time, we still hadn’t talked about having an affair, neither did we converse about whether we were in a relationship or not.

It was just a harmless confession. That’s it. And now when I asked this directly, I was already behaving like a wife who wasn’t getting attention from her husband.

I pursed my lips, thinking about any kind of excuse for my behavior, and just then, the notification bell went off.

Vampire had replied.

Suddenly, my heartbeat rose rapidly, and I opened the imbox with trembling hands.

Vampire: “Well…How should I say this? I felt kind of guilty when I had hugged you earlier…” Then without waiting for my reply, he texted again. “You see, I used to be in love with my wife, but somehow, we drifted apart. And now when we were together this morning…”

And the conversation paused at this. Even though he didn’t write anything after this, I could tell what he was indicating. Apparently, he was guilty of having an affair outside marriage.

My lower lips quivered at this thought. I was also in the same situation, and I was also feeling guilty a while ago. It seemed like me and Vampire really couldn’t go ahead with such a kind of relationship. I smiled bitterly at this and closed the messaging app as I felt waves of pain troubling my heart.

I sat before the computer for a long time, staring at the screen before my eyes in a daze. The page of the new Chapterwas as blank as my life was at this moment. I didn’t know whether I would be able to get out of this situation in my life. I didn’t know what me and Vampire would do. I didn’t know how to face my husband anymore.

So for a few days, I didn’t touch my phone. Instead, I kept up with my schedule of waking up early to find that my husband wasn’t here anymore. I didn’t even remember seeing his face recently.

But at least he would prepare the food beforehand. So I ate the food and sat before the computer, staring blankly at the screen. And in this way, I would sit for the whole day before cooking dinner.

This was how I lived every day. My entire day would be dull, and I would keep up with the same schedule like a robot. The only thing that worried me the most were the nights. I would sleep soundly, but the thing that would make me surprised were my dreams.

Perhaps it was because I was too guilty because of my affair with Vampire. So maybe I had been seeing Lewis in my dreams so much lately. Did my editor finally influence me? I didn’t know, but the dreams were very vivid.

In my dream, I saw my husband caressing my body with the tips of his fingers until they reached my lips. Then he would rub my lips softly before placing his own lips, nibbling and sucking them gently. The gentle action would suddenly become rough, and the surprising thing was that I never rejected my husband’s advances.

There was no Vampire in my dreams, and I only saw my husband kissing me so much that I would be exhausted. But Lewis didn’t stop. His hand went inside my shirt and cupped my breasts. I didn’t even know why I wasn’t wearing bra in that crucial part in my dream.

After covering my breasts with his big palm, he would press them, and flick my nipples with his fingers, pressing them gently. Even when I was asleep, moans and gasps would escape from my lips, and I would subconsciously blurt out, “Lewis, stop it!”

What I didn’t know was that every time I had an erotic dream about my husband, I would mumble such words in my sleep, and Lewis would hear them clearly. When the first night when this happened, my husband got confused and ignored me. The second night, He frowned and slowly, a real smile formed on his lips. It even seemed like he wanted to jump in my brain and look at what kind of erotic dream I was having! And the third night, the dream was so erotic that a series of moans escaped my lips and finally, I said, “Ah…Lewis, don’t press my breasts!”

At that time, my husband was wide awake, staring at me with amusement in his eyes. But I had no idea what kind of embarrassing things I was doing. In fact, I would forget about my dreams the moment I woke up. Then I would go ahead with my dull schedule.

On the 22nd day, my morning was the same, but when I went to the kitchen, I sniffed the fragrance of lunch and frowned. The scent of food was so strong that my mouth watered. The depressed feeling that I was feeling in my heart was starting to go away at the scene of such a delicious food before me.

But at this sight, I couldn’t help but furrow my brows. Why did my husband cook such a delicious lunch?

I shrugged and ate everything, glancing at the messaging app every once in a while. When I saw that Vampire was still online, but he didn’t text me since that day, my mood fell. I kept the half-eaten plate in the sink and went before my computer to stare at the blank screen until late evening.

At might, suddenly, I heard someone unlocking the front door and putting up the shoes in the rack.

I instantly turned to my side such that my back was facing the bedroom door. It looked like my husband was some, But I didn’t want him to see that I was already awake. Otherwise, I feared that he wouldn’t come back home even to sleep.

I heard the rustling sound from the kitchen before heavy footsteps walked toward the bedroom. After that, I felt someone sleeping beside me. But before I could sigh and ignore my husband’s presence, he touched my shoulders and suddenly hugged me from behind.

My heart jumped up to my throat at this, but I still pretended to be asleep. To be honest, I would have been happier if Lewis had done this an year ago. But today, I felt nothing but a dull ache in my heart. I wished it was Vampire instead of him.

In my dreams, I would have sex with my husband, and when I was awake, I would daydream of having sex with Vampire. I really didn’t know what was wrong with me!

But before I could get a chance of thinking anymore, Lewis lifted my shirt effortlessly and pressed my naked breasts. For some reason I felt that this action was familiar, and suddenly it dawned on me that I had been having such a kind of dream for three nights already!

I instantly felt as if I was struck by lightening. My entire body stiffened, and I finally realized why my husband wanted to touch me today. His hands pressed my nipples and played with them until they became hard. And then, I felt his lips kissing and sucking an area behind my neck.

But instead of feeling warmth, I felt guilty. I didn’t want this now. If I hadn’t had an affair with Vampire, perhaps I would have been happy seeing my husband’s behavior tonight.

But my heart was already yearning for my editor, and I felt only regretful whenever my husband touched me. I instantly pushed my husband’s hand aside and said coldly, “I want to sleep.” And I took the blanket and went off to the living room.