
Twilight Tales I: Sypnosis

The wagons pushed by some men dressed in rags on the streets produced a displeasing horrible terrible sound, well enough to make someone exasperated in anger. From afar Erica could see merchants trying their best to sell some items they call priceless, passersby were customers and the only choice for money. A bevy of ladies crossed the busy road carefully with clothes decorated heavily, laughing lightly without a care of the surroundings.

Not far from the left, a group of men sat down opposite each other playing what seemed to be gambling, or maybe games as they slumped down beers from wooden cups.

She could also see little boys and girls, ages not above eight playing with bright smiles on their faces even in the night.

Street lights were not available nor existing, so lanterns were used, producing lights in the darkness. From shops to shops which were still open had theirs, some people like the merchants had their lanterns also, while others moved on the streets with the brightness of the moonlight or lanterns held by others.

The chiming of bells coming from a particular building made her wonder deeply, Why?.

However, the roads were neat and also tidy, making Erica not sure whether this really is the 18th century or if this was the e18th century, maybe not in London.

"You're sure we are in the right century or City?" She asked the pixie who hasn't uttered a single word.

"Nope, I'm not sure," he was quick to reply but still not abrupt, "the main story you are living in now didn't state any date".

"You mean this particular story?"

"Yes," he continued, "The rest three or two stories are in the 20th century, while the others have no specific date".

Arranging her hood, Erica took a deep breath before speaking up, "Let's put that aside for a minute and then you should start telling me the synopsis"

"Fine, I'll tell you" the pixie had a mischievous face every time when talking, this made Erica a bit alarmed.

"Go on"

"This particular story which is the first, round all about you specifically as Rose, a young lady living a normal life helping others in need while trying to prevent others knowing she is a very powerful mage with abilities unspeakable. There was a day when she stumbled into a little boy who had nothing at all but still she cared for him as a mother would due to his loving and sweet personality, but his secrets made her shocked. Nevertheless, the boy wasn't ignored or neglected, but continued living under her care. Again on the same day, she also stumbled into man who was is a wizard in training and also a lady who is a vampire, these two were looking for the same thing everyone wants. Help, safety and freedom." the pixie looked up to the dark skies with a focused face and an intense gaze.

"Okay? Synopsis shouldn't be stopped" Erica told him, and this made him speak up.

"Secrets can't be hidden forever or abilities locked up for good. She never knew her help would be thoroughly needed until a man crossed paths with her, warning her about a darkness coming from the abyss to destroy all. With no choice left, she traveled with the man who said he was a vampire lord and her new friends as all had to ask for help from other vampire Lords and also Dracula. The man warned her about showing her powers in front of the vampires as this would start the beginning of a prophecy. Doubts were made until the signs started showing but during the darkest hours, help came. After miraculously defeating the darkness, the man showed his true self leading to a terrible battle between him and Dracula. Hope wasn't Lost as the little boys showed his hidden form, and also many other help. At the end she truly understood the real prophecy, "the pixie looked at her before continuing, "you will have to live this chapter or should I say story before moving to the others and paraventure, the end".

"Okay, let's start..." Erica was about to say a word but he stopped her by interrupting.

"As you start living this story, being Erica would be no more, you will live as Rose with no memory of your true self" he warned.


"Yes, and also least I forget, every move you make is based on the story. If you think moving left is not how the story is supposed to be like, then that's a lie. If you move left, that's how it's in the story, move right or sideways, it's all in the story" the pixie smiled at her astonished face, he had never seen someone with that expression, it was priceless.

"Anyways, I have to start now. How many days for everything?" Questions were necessary especially when she had to enter a world filled with surprises.

"I don't know, but maybe a hundred or eighty?. The thing that matters now is that you start right about now" the pixie left her shoulders as he flew with the help of his wings.

Erica made a relaxing sound before taking a step, if she was going to be another person it was best to take slow steps.

First twenty steps, yet nothing. Erica looked around for the pixie but he was nowhere to be seen, looking like he was gone.

"Well I don't feel any c….." no opportunity was given for her to complete the words, as a flash of lightning followed by a terrible headache pounding in her head.

Slowly, she knew what the pixie meant by being Rose, the main character. Memories of Rose occupied her head completely, but deeply within, she was Erica and never forgot.

"Looks like I'm Rose but also Erica," she told herself with a slight nod of understanding, "And also I know right now I have to go home, I know the direction and also everything".

Surprises were no doubt her expression, but with that aside, Erica now Rose moved towards the specific direction with a serious face…

"Let's get this story started".

Steps of confidence and with strength and courage, she tore through the night.

Meanwhile, the pixie sat on a roof far away with a smile.