
the Spirit

"YOU FOOLS...!!!!!!"

Adryan deftly dashed towards Blackout who was hugging Damian. His sharp claws were ready to grip the black figure. But too late, Blackout managed to penetrate Damian's body leaving Adryan slumped in the snow for failing to prevent it.

"Ah.. dammit...." The Feline slapped a punch in the snow, annoyed at failing to prevent the villain from possessing her comrade. His pupils narrowed, reflecting his annoyance.

“w-what should we do.. Damian..”

A second later Damian's body stood stiff with a lowered face. Efialtis slowly disappeared from him.

“…even Efialtis disappeared by itself.. He lost control of himself..”

“What should we do.. Nathanael.. Erick… Cyrus…”

"I don't know Peter.. I've never seen anyone possessed by an evil spirit like this..."