

Helena On:

Seeing the young man falling to the cement floor with that great scene of a frozen paradise behind him. Ignoring the tiredness in my legs and the slight pain in my feet, I run towards him. Yuki finally touches the ground, raising some of the dust around him. Neither of us says anything and the sound of our footsteps was the only thing on what was once a battlefield against goblins, even Lilith had stopped speaking through the small device in our ears. Marcus was the most exhausted for using so much sacred energy at once, being left behind but still moving, while Harrold and I are the first to arrive. I kneel down and put my hands close to the unconscious young man with a satisfied but at the same time tired expression.

- Shit. - I say worried and starting to analyze his physical state.

Gently resting my slightly trembling palm on Yuki's chest, I begin to inject my mana into his body and his internal mana network as carefully as possible. With this I can make a safer diagnosis about the situation, I do not want to risk a wrong treatment ... if I make a mistake, your condition can become critical. I close my eyes and try not to let worry dominate my experience as a priestess on duty. As if the mana inserted in the body were my new eyes, I can see the inside of Yuki's body: from his flesh, muscles, nerves and more in the background where no ordinary doctor can see... his internal network of mana. A large tangle of fine threads throughout the body, where the mana is kept. Normally, the beings that are born with mana, have a strong and almost unbreakable network, but we humans are the complete opposite. We can only control magic through blessings or contracts and our mana network ends up being more fragile and gradually getting stronger... but due to inexperience, he must have formed his contract recently.

Searching through that network of shiny wires with speed, looking for any fractures. It was obvious that Yuki was an amateur, at most a beginner in magic who still doesn't know how to control his magic power, making me doubt my choice to let him fight alone. Even though I want to focus on the treatment, I can't stop the feeling of guilt by gradually eating away at me... so many choices that I could have made, but still I chose the worst...

"I should have stopped him or even used a spell to make him sleep ... what I had in mind, leaving an amateur to fight alone!"

But even so, I can't help remembering his determined eyes, making it clear that he would stop for absolutely nothing... those eyes that even in dark color seemed to shine in the dark of that bloody battle.

Still looking for the cause of his fainting, I went down to the middle of the wires, being the most likely place for my answer.

- I found! - I say finally getting to the bottom. - I found the contract mark.

The contract mark is the symbol that allows humans to use magic when making a contract with a demon. In the case of angels, we have the blessing marked on our bodies, but it seems that the demons prefer to keep their deepest contract... while this can be symbolized as care, it can also be a collar. I go deeper and see a small stone with several lines connected to it, a beautiful diamond-shaped sapphire with its tips and sides straight and precisely detailed ... but, that was not correct...

- But what...? - I open my eyes when I see Yuki's mark completely.

- What's wrong Helena-san? - Marcus catches up with us and kneels beside me tired, wanting to know the reason for my concern.

- Is his condition that serious? -Harrold standing next to me with his manly voice and seeming to be the most concerned of our group ... he always cared about the lives of young warriors, not leaving me surprised by his words.

- This ... this, it is not a complete contract ... - I say amazed returning to the situation, looking up and observing the beautiful and powerful rose of solid ice created by the hands of that sorcerer in my care. - How can someone who only has an incomplete contract do something like this?

Silence dominates everyone, forcing us to look in surprise at the ice plant and at the young man passed out afterwards.

"Ah, I can't worry about that right now!"

I go back to treatment. Being incomplete, the mana threads were even more fragile than normal. I focus my vision to the fullest and look for failures. I can carefully see seven loose threads and a few more hanging from the perfectly sculpted sapphire. I take a little breath and start the treatment.

- Domine dominus noster Urihel, qui in ordine, hoc my puer pauper industria det mihi ad sanandum*. - I recite my prayer, feeling the burning in my right hand, managing to feel my mark of my blessing in the shape of a heart protected by four angelic wings.

* Latin: O lord Uriel, for this poor boy give me the energy to heal.

I look briefly at that sacred symbol on the back of my hand, feeling satisfaction mixed with regret in that little light. With that in mind, I begin treatment. Having managed to project a small, fine golden needle from my fingers, I begin to weave and rejoin the broken threads with the small but powerful sapphire. The sparkling and sharp object does not pierce the skin or cause pain, touching only the spiritual part of Yuki's body. Joining the loose threads with the stone and also making sure to strengthen the threads that were almost loosening, making a small knot with my golden suture. I try to look for any new flaws in that nest of tangled wires, but fortunately I don't notice anything that deserves my immediate care. I relax my body and the light of my brand disappears and mixes again in my skin as if it had never been there.

- I managed to suture everything, but his body is very exhausted with constant use of those healing potions. - I give a slight sigh relieved with the success of that treatment, but at the same time a certain doubt began to grow inside me as an uncomfortable feeling that was present.

I look briefly at Harrold and Marcus, they both seemed calm about the situation, not doubting anything or at least they didn't appear. I think it's best not to say anything, keeping my worries trapped inside my lips. But Lilith was a case in point, she wouldn't let a fact like that go unnoticed. I turn my eyes to the white-haired young man in front of me, totally exhausted and with a few messy strands of hair. I extend my arm and straighten its strands with the smooth movement of the fingers of my hand in a sign of affection and care. I do not avoid smiling and feeling the worries disappear little by little.

- Helena ... - Lilith tries to say but I already know what her words would be.

- I know ... - I look at the starry sky, with bitterness, feeling all my tranquility disappear. With regret rising through my veins, but I cannot succumb to this feeling of extreme negativity and despair. - But not this time. - My eyes are filled with determination and I am able to make up for the bitterness.

The older knight, the red-haired rogue, and even our trusted sniper seemed to understand. Ready for that.

- Is that why the archbishop sent us here? - Harrold was the first, lowering his sheathed sword and enjoying the calm environment. - Of all the teams, he sent us.

- Even though he is a cheeky child, he has his good points. - I say with a smile from the corner of my face, hating to admit it. - He could have warned us at least.

- Hehehe... that would be the sign of the apocalypse. - I hear the joke coming from Marcus, letting his guard down completely.

Even Lilith seemed to have laughed at the background of the communication device, still trying to hide and play the tough soldier. I want to stay right there, waiting for Yuki to wake up to talk more ... but it will be more worrying if we stay here, we cannot take the risk. I try to maintain my confidence and pick up my artifact on the floor. Feeling the cold but strangely hot metal in my fingers, I get up without a doubt. My two male companions seemed to have the same feeling as me, but they still force themselves to get up and try to ignore their tired muscles, even though it was not such a difficult task, we still had to take it seriously.

- Let me carry him. - The older knight gave a small stretch in his arms, preparing to place the young man lying in his muscular arms.

- I don't think it will be necessary. - I say calmly, being watched by Harrold stopped his movement to prepare his muscles and looking at me confused, thinking that I would just leave Yuki there on the floor.

I turn my torso slightly, watching the way we came carefully so as not to touch my artifact to the ground again. Staring at the green and dark path, with some raised stones and overturned bricks. From the darkness I see the first shine of metal. A young man of my height was leaving the shadows, being exposed by the moonlight. Cold eyes of a warrior, hair of deep blue and wearing a uniform of Lust ... looking like someone of high rank. But what worried me the most was the big silver ax he carried in one of his hands. I strive to maintain that peaceful expression on my face, but he doesn't seem to be someone with an easy temper. He approaches at a slow pace, but without stopping, with a few more soldiers following him behind. Harrold seemed prepared to draw his sword again and Marcus held the handle of his daggers discreetly but with a sign of my hand I stopped them from making any move.

When they get close enough to talk, the soldiers stop. I take a last breath, ready to talk or at least try.

- Hello, who would be the soldier in charge in that area? - I ask in a subtle and polite way, but still holding my staff carefully.

- It would be me. - The soldier with blue hair and carrying that ax takes a step forward, being for sure the last person I wanted to argue with. - What is the church doing here? - He doesn't think twice and goes straight to the point, ignoring the courtesies and looking directly at Yuki unconscious with seriousness.

I feel like he doesn't want to talk. Having his ears attentive to me, but still he didn't take his eyes off Yuki. Gradually, I realize that the attempt at any conversation may end in another fight. Lilith and I can do something but Marcus is finished and Harrold had also used up a lot of energy. I concentrate not to get lost in my words and try to end it in the most peaceful way possible.

- We came here in order of the Archbishop, we received information of an irregularity in that area ... - I do not try to disguise it with beautiful words and I only tell the truth. - That's why we came to investigate.

- I understand ... if it was your Archbishop's orders, there is nothing to do... - He seems calmer and even understanding with the situation, increasing the chances of leaving here without conflict. - But... you still haven't answered the reason why my student is lying and unconscious on the floor, while you are around him. - He says in a cold voice and without fear of moving forward at any moment. Now we're screwed.

"Shit... did he have to be Yuki's teacher...?! Maybe God is punishing me for running away from my prayers all week."

- Wait! - I move my free hand forward and expose my palm to him, trying to ask for that gesture so as not to worry. -We found Yuki and his companions being attacked, we saved them but he wanted to continue hunting with us. He used a lot of mana and collapsed, but I managed to heal his most serious wounds and he is not in danger... but he needs a place to rest properly. - I speak almost begging him to believe me.

Neither he nor his soldiers say anything about it, analyzing me and trying to find any trace of lies in my words. With all those cold eyes towards me, I feel a little shiver in my soul, but I still don't let them shake me... I was already used to this reaction with demons... the church was never someone very understanding with demons or with another species. I almost don't feel the air passing through my lungs, as if they were too nervous for oxygen to circulate in my body, hoping that one of them would say something that would calm my body and allow Yuki to be taken to a safe place. I can feel the nervousness of my group, which did not know very well what to do, if they attacked or if we ran away, hoping that it would not reverberate later. Lilith remained quiet, which made me more nervous, often this silence meant that she was aiming at the head of something or someone.

- Plea- - I try to make one more request, but before I can even finish my sentence I feel a shadow passing over me next to a cold wind that ruffles all the hairs on my body. The young man with the blue hair was gone from my sight.

I think my eyes had failed for a few seconds, but that demon's threatening presence was not gone. I move my torso slowly backwards and I see the cold figure carrying that big blade, standing beside Yuki unconscious. Harrold and Marcus were as paralyzed as I was, unable to move an inch of the place. At the same time that his coldness dominated the place, I see him dropping his sharp, sparkling ax in the air and the same moment his gun came out of his fingers it seemed to change shape. Now its hard, sharp structure seemed to break into thousands of fine, shiny pieces like delicate snowflakes, which completely dissipated on our fronts. Now with his hands free, the soldier calmly crouches down and places Yuki in his big arms as carefully as possible, arranging his head in his lap. Harrold, who was closer, did not dare to say anything in the face of that, just watched carefully. He stood up right away, without seeming to use too much force to carry Yuki and avoiding making any unnecessary movements.

Even relieved that Yuki was in his care, that coldness still haunted me. Do not expect any kindness or thanks from the soldier's side, in fact I don't need it. Only the feeling of security of that young man was enough, I never did this job to be grateful... besides, I am much happier that this ice soldier did not try to take my head off ... I just watch the blue hair moving slowly following his walk, a little sad that I couldn't say goodbye to Yuki properly. I turn my back and walk towards my companions, now standing and Lilith out of sight in her camouflage in the sky... they better not think it would be some kind of attack, besides Lilith hates leaving her room. I am between Marcus and Harrold who wanted to console me, but I do not allow it. They know that I hate to be treated like this, I feel more down than normal.

- Thanks.

It was the first thing I heard. It was a low voice, but at the same time rigid and showed no weakness. Even though it was cold words, I managed to feel his sincerity and little by little I feel the satisfying heat warms me up completely. I smile a little and don't think to look back, taking the first step in the opposite direction of the group of demonic soldiers, with the moon illuminating Yuki's great frozen floral creation.

- I'm looking forward to our next meeting Yuki... don't let them catch you this time. - I whisper, losing sight of the group of demons in uniform.

Jax On:

The group of Knights disappear from the place without leaving a trace of that irritating sacred energy behind ... just the smell of it makes me sick... I don't waste my time looking back, I just keep carrying my stupid student in my arms and analyze his body to find any apparent injuries. Unable to find anything, I feel less worried about his condition and showing that the woman from before was telling the truth... she must be an idiot who likes to play nice, let her spend a few years working for the church and became a asshole. During my visual analysis of Yuki's body, I feel an uncomfortable silver light reflecting in the corner of my eye. Now knowing that everything was in control of my soldiers, I turn my neck in the direction of the great rosebush of solid ice that reflected the moonlight. I notice that some soldiers could not stop looking at that great frozen and crystallized floral structure and even stopping to do their work in the face of that ice creation.

- If you have time to appreciate, you can all finish your work. - I say indifferently to their reactions, making everyone go back to work under my authoritarian gaze.

Seeing them following my orders slightly frightened but still returning to their search services in any survivor of the band of monsters... not that any of them managed to survive it... castle, being careful not to move Yuki too much, comfortable in my lap. Without stopping, I just look at the peaceful expression of the unconscious young man, making me discredit that that human child can do all that.

"We only had one theory class and only a few minutes of rough explanation about spells... he shouldn't even do half of those things... Alexander-sama... who is this boy? "

Some hours later:

Yuki On:

Total darkness was the only thing I could see, some background murmurs that drew the attention of my tired ears a little, in addition to the comfortable, soft feeling under my head. I try to move, but I feel my muscles fail and even my nerves didn't seem to want to obey me. I just try to open my eyelids and at least find out where I was at that moment.

Recovering my senses little by little, I manage to open my eyes slightly. Seeing that thread of light that illuminated my vision, with some unrecognizable shapes passing by. When I can get a better view but still a little blurred, I see that I was in a kind of gigantic white tent, with some men and women dressed in white uniforms walking from side to side. I move my head slightly and spot several empty medical beds, with white, opaque bedding. Gradually, I notice the sound of footsteps approaching where I was lying, they seemed rushed and nervous for the speed they were at. My sight was still a little tired and I just see a new figure in front of me. He seemed to be babbling something to me, but I still couldn't understand, as if my mind was still asleep... well after that fight, I'm not at all surprised that my body doesn't want to work.

But still, I try to resist the urge to rest now... I need to know what happened... did I manage to kill the monsters? What happened to Helena's group...? I just focus on these questions to boost me up and get my body functions back to normal. Forcing my will, my vision is less blurred and I can distinguish the curves of the face in front of me and now the dark figure takes on a light color and the hair is a subtle blue. Now as clear as day, I see Jax's irritated expression with his dark and slightly dull eyes.

But still, I try to resist the urge to rest now ... I need to know what happened ... did I manage to kill the monsters? What happened to Helena's group ...? I just focus on these questions to boost me up and get my body functions back to normal. Forcing my will, my vision is less blurred and I can distinguish the curves of the face in front of me and now the dark figure takes on a light color and the hair is a subtle blue. Now as clear as day, I see Jax's irritated expression with his dark, slightly dull eyes.

- I would prefer the figure ...

- What did you say? - The captain looked at me confused by my comment.

- Nothing. - I say quickly to cover up my spontaneous comment... but still true. - Where am I? - My voice comes out tired, while I don't even think about lifting my body from that comfortable position on the hospital bed.

- In the main camp, in the medical tent. I brought you here after I met those church people. - He relaxed his spine leaving his posture sloppy in his captain's uniform. - You did a great show there, we still can't melt all the ice.

I feel a slight chill down your spine with your words. I basically did the opposite that Jax had asked me before we parted ... now I really don't want to get up ... maybe if I stand still he'll drop the matter.

- Oh yeah... cof cof... - I try to improve my performance with a well made false cough.

- Stop it, I know you are fine, just tired and with muscle pain, any more serious injury that woman with the staff has already treated. - He says with his sharp and merciless eyes against me, showing that I had no escape. - How stupid can you be?

While I'm grateful for Helena, I'd rather go into a coma than start arguing with Jax... but let's try, I have nowhere to run.

Out of nowhere, Jax reaches out and grabs my head tightly, while I analyze the state of my clothing.

- Of course I didn't warn you, I didn't think you would take that as if it were water! - I feel it squeezes tightly, looking like it would crush my skull, in his cold voice and not bothering to use more force.

- Sorry Sorry!! - I say in a sign of withdrawal against the strength of my teacher, who begins to release his disciplinary grip. - Is that how you treat your students who are hospitalized?

- You are my first student and stop complaining, you pushed me this teacher thing. - Another twinge of reason hits me hard. - Aff... anyway, even though you made mistakes... many mistakes... you managed, by some miracle, to do the job, congratulations. - He says leaving my mistakes more apparent, while the compliments he just says in an indifferent voice.

- It was not sincere at all!

- Quiet, I'm being nice.

Is that what he considers "nice"? I begin to feel a certain pity for Belial and at the same time concerned about the future of their relationship...

- What's it? - Perhaps I have left my uncertainty very much in the face.

- Nothing at all... what happened after I blacked out? - I'm quick to change the subject and at least divert Jax's attention for a while.

- Whatever... nothing to worry about, you've already done all the work. - Without even caring, he seemed to relax and sit on the end of the bed where I was, crossing his arms, probably bored to have come on such a tedious mission. - We just collected the bodies and took them for analysis to the scientific center of Envy.

- I didn't know you had a scientific center. - I am curious about that fact, showing that I had several things to know about the House of Lust.

- We don't have it, are you deaf? -He says that with his usual rudeness, making me more and more irritated by his words. - It is Envy that has one.

- Is not the same thing?

- Seriously, you really don't know anything? - I'm holding back with all my strength not to hit him in the head with lightning. - But as I am a good teacher, I will explain everything to my dear student. - He says in a mean way, even though he complained about his position as a teacher a few seconds ago.

- You're just bored. - In the same second he squeezes my head again with lightning speed. - Sure, I'm looking forward to your explanation, sensei. - I say as false as possible, wanting him to just stop squeezing my skull.

- Among the very army of hell, we have our divisions. - He lets go of my head and doesn't even care to analyze any marks he left on my face. - Lust, Wrath, Greed and Avarice take care of armies and are usually the front lines. Pride and Sloth are part of the economic and political sector. Finally, Envy is the only sector responsible for the scientific development of hell.

I am surprised that the issue coming out of Jax's arrogant mouth was quite explanatory ... obviously I am not going to tell him... But at the same time, something comes into my mind along with his explanatory words.

- If you are going to have it analyzed...

- Yes, they were not normal goblins. - Jax is different from Alex, he doesn't mind revealing things that can make me worried, being something really good... I hate to be left out.

- Arcane mutation... Helena said that they were not normal, but I did not associate. - I say realizing the real danger I went through.

- Those servants of angels or whatever, they must have already figured out what's going on, there's no point in stressing out with people you're not going to meet again. - He only speaks with disdain and disinterest from the group of horsemen. I feel a little sad with his words and mainly because I can't say goodbye to any of them, but still it might be the best option at the moment. - But still, there are some things I want to know.

- Say it.

- Yuki, I want you to tell me exactly what happened ... everything in the smallest details. - Even in a calm tone, I can see the seriousness in his aura, making it clear for me not to hide anything that happened after we parted.

- Yes sir. - The cold passing through my spine comes with the words of acceptance that I would not escape that conversation at all.

Trying to keep my calm and control in my voice during my detailed explanation of my time with Helena and the other church members. Jax just looks at me without any apparent expression, listening to each of my words with extreme attention. Even with that tension in the air, I don't lose my breath and keep going until the end, but still hiding that "dream or memory" I had with the roses... I think Alex would be the best person to talk to about it first. Saying my last sentence, referring to the moment when I blacked out, he just seemed to reflect on that for a few seconds. I just watch the captain thoughtfully, while I didn't know what to expect from him and those moments of thoughtful silence corrode me inside, making my legs go numb until the moment he finally opens his mouth.

- Okay, I understand the situation. - Jax gets up from the bed carefully, without moving the sheets too much and approaches me slowly.

I think it was safe, that's why I feel my body become more relaxed with the presence of the blue-haired man... that's what I thought until I felt the punch in my head. The pain in my skull, being caused by Jax's heavy hand, which finally took off that safety mask for me and showed an irritated one. The impact was strong but I was still awake, showing that he had held on to his strength... but even so, it hurt like hell!

- Bastard!! - I give a loud cry in response to my blue-haired professor's disapproving attack, being so strong that it makes me curve my body in reaction to that. - You didn't need to hit so hard!

- I held on, you idiot. - He says harshly and seriously with that, not caring about my position as fiance of the General of Lust. - You're an idiot!

- I did not do so much bullshit... I am whole and with all the members, am I not? - I raise my spine again and put one of my hands behind my head... thinking that it would lessen the pain of that totally unnecessary punch.

Without being able to think of reacting or protecting myself, the second slap came, but this time on my back. I feel my nerves tremble at the impact of his palm, making my bones shake from head to toe. I clench my teeth to try not to scream out in pain.

- Whole maybe... broken, for sure. - He doesn't even think to disguise his indifference to the pain of his poor injured student. - When Alexander-sama finds out about this, I'll lose my head ... or even Liz do that... - One last sigh of tiredness, thinking about his possible death when we return to the mansion. Messing your hair with tension and nervousness.

Even though I feel that pain going through my whole body, I can't argue against Jax saddened by having a funeral at such a young age... I would be more afraid of Liz than of Alex...

- Okay, calm down. - I raise my hands a little in an attempt to calm that windy head. - When we get back to the mansion, let me talk to them first or try to calm them down in the best way possible.

He looks at me again, now with a look of hope that his life would be longer. His hair was messy and a little tangled from his nervous breakdown and in a sign to compose himself he quickly fixed his hairstyle. Trying to look like nothing had happened, he just raises his spine and stands looking at me with some uncertainty.

- It won't be free, right?

- Of course not. - I just give a small smile prepared for the negotiations.

- Spill it brat. - Crossing your arms and preparing for the worst with an irritated face in my direction.

- Just get me a favor when I need it. - I had no idea what to order, it was something I decided in the heat of the moment mixed with the urge to annoy Jax. But in the end, it might be useful in the near future.

The expression of anger seemed to fade gradually but not undo the sulky face. With a tired sigh he just decided to stop caring about it, relaxing his shoulders.

- Better than I expected... but if it's anything weird you'll see...

- Take it easy, I'm still Alex's fiancé. - I say countermeasure to that threat from Jax.

- Exactly why I may have to duplicate our studies when we get back. -His words freeze my spine, leaving me shaking a little... preferring some physical punishment...

I say nothing, but my silence was enough for him to understand that I had received the message.

- Now rest, we'll be leaving in a few hours. - His authoritarian tone comes back while I moved in that small hospital bed and accommodated myself in the middle of the sheet trying to take the worry out of me. - The doctors said you are fine, but I still prefer not to take any chances ... I want to return you to Alexander as whole as possible.

- But...

- Do not even think. Lie down or I'll tie you to the bed. - He just starts walking towards the exit of the tent, slightly opening the cloth opening and looking at me over his shoulder seriously.

Without being able to say anything, I just lose sight of him when crossing the entrance that allowed a small beam of yellow light to enter. As I could already see the sun, I assumed it was morning, but oddly enough I was not tired, quite the contrary. Even though I have those little unconscious pains through my body, I still want to go out and at least walk a little... but I'm sure that idiot would arrest me somewhere... unless I come back before he realizes.

Acting fast but carefully with my muscles, I take the sheets off me and sit on the edge of the bed, making as little noise as possible, I didn't want to be picked up by a doctor or nurse, but I was the only patient on the scene so it was easy. I get up and grab a pair of shoes that was close to the bed where I was lying, they were military in appearance and probably forgotten by some passing soldier. I don't think they'll mind if I borrow it ... I don't even think twice and put it on, being a little bigger I feel a little loose but wearable. Walking carefully to the entrance, opening it carefully and looking out the lit crack if there was any sign of Jax. Just being a few soldiers of lust walking around and chatting normally, some armed and others not, but I still don't see any hostility in the air and I manage to relax a little. Finally being bathed in the light of dawn, I can get a better look at the camp, being somewhat different from the first one in Kyoto, with fewer buildings and being composed of several tents that vary in size.

I look around curious and excited to be my first time alone in a place like this. Beginning to walk at a slow pace, I am careful not to attract attention, moving through groups of soldiers who do not appreciate knowing who I am. Looking to the sides and seeing only the same scene repeating itself, several tents but now with a few tables and campfires close by, making it clear that it was just a camp site improvised by the circumstances. I see some houses around us and from a distance I could see a little of the structure of Kōriyama Castle, making me even more excited about making a tour.

- Yuki!

My heart trembles and I breathe again when I hear an animated voice call my name. Unnoticed, I turn around and see Leo ahead, with his red hair standing out in the crowd of soldiers who looked at the boy as if that were something normal for him. His lively expression manages to warm my body, letting that happy feeling spread and becoming relief. The last memories I have of him were being covered in blood and trying to fight those monsters, so that view makes me more comfortable.

- Leo. - I say calm on the outside but jumping with joy on the inside, seeing the redhead with some bands on his face approaching. - How are you?

- Much better! - Excited throwing small punches in the air, looking ready to use his spear again. - But I didn't know that even you were coming for this, I thought you were already gone.

His last sentence leaves me confused and lost on the subject, trying to think of something that might relate to the boy's speech.

- What are you talking about? - Nothing came to my mind.

- Didn't you know? We have a ghost !! - I don't know how he can get excited about something like that, increasing my doubt and even the desire not to get involved.

- A ghost? - I hear that and I can't be more surprised by absolutely none of it. - I'm going back to sleep. - I turn around without thinking twice, but I am prevented by a strong hand grabbing my arm.

- Wait, wait! - I can only imagine the scene of a child pulling his parents' arm to see something. I look at that doggy eyes and just give up running back to the doctor's office. - It is something interesting, you will not regret it.

I hear his words still a little discredited... but still I don't miss a single line of what he was talking about, but still I really don't want to get involved with ghosts, I remember the horror films that my mother forced me to see with her...

feeling the chills of those memories again...

- Okay, it's a ghost, but what is the reason for so much commotion, is it something so dangerous? - I move a little and I can easily get out of Leo's hands and look back at him, who seemed more excited to have my attention.

- On the contrary, this is great! - Almost instantly he answers me. - It is rare to find a ghost in the world of the living, it is a great opportunity to make a contract!

- Aff... ok, more contracts, why am I not surprised... ok and? - I can't help but hide my indifference about that, making it clear that I had no idea what was going on.

- With that, we can transform them into our personal familiar! - Now he had my full attention.

- Serious? It is the first time that I hear of ghosts becoming a familiar. - I start to interrogate Leo, while I was really interested.

- Basically, ghosts are perfect and more moldable to create strong and versatile familiars. - I start to feel myself in an improvised classroom with that energetic teacher of mine.

- "Moldable"? - That word piqued my interest even more, not knowing how it would fit into the description of a ghost.

- Ah... how can I explain... - He finally shows a confused expression and I must say even a little adorable, having to restrain myself not to laugh at his confusion in explaining that.

- It is basically because they do not have a physical body, which are perfect for familiars. - A voice stands out from the small crowd, out of the corner of my eye I see that dark-haired soldier approaching us, with his calm expression and looking like he doesn't want to stand out too much among the people.

- Ren! - Leo leaves his confusion for a moment and looks at his companion with joy and his usual spirit.

- Hi Leo. - He first exchanges words with his red-haired friend and then turns to me with affection. - Hello Yuki-san, how are you?

- I still have all my limbs, but please stop the "-san", I'm still uncomfortable with that. - I say a little embarrassed by such a formal treatment of the young man, but still I try not to stray from the subject of the conversation. - Still, why the lack of physical body influences so much, shouldn't it be the opposite?

- What do you think about the issue of familiars? - He says starting to take small steps away from the soldiers, looking uncomfortable with the amount of people around him. Neither me nor Leo cared and we just followed in his footsteps away from the crowd... even I was preferring to go to a quieter place.

As we took that short walk to a more deserted place, I started to think about what Ren was telling me.

- A family member is basically a magical companion. - I say the first thing that comes to my mind, when I remember some books that touched on the subject. - Like black cats or crows, who make contracts with witches.

- It's not wrong, just incomplete. - He speaks in a low and thoughtful tone with words. - There are three types of familiars: The Elementals, which are manufactured based on the elements and creating a being composed only of elemental energy; the Animal types are magical creatures that make a contract with you in exchange for something and finally we have the Ghosts, who are the remnants of spirits that were unable to cross the other side.

Those words entered my mind with strength and anxiety for more, having my heart pounding excited about it, attenting my hearing even more in that conversation.

- Since they don't have a body, contractors can create one for them. - He keeps looking at me as excited as I am on the subject. - And with that add the attributes they want to this fabricated body, making ghosts resources incredibly important and rare even for generals.

"That's why all that uproar from before."

- Captain Jax was talking to our chief because of this, it seems that the soldiers here are dying to go after this ghost. - Leo joins the conversation anxious and seeming to want to go after this ghostly being too.

I start to find that interesting ... basically a servant who can do whatever he wants according to his master's will, a very useful and dangerous weapon at the same time. Even though it was a bad point of view on my part, it was still an inevitable truth. I can't resist and I smile at the opportunity... something like that doesn't happen twice ... Besides the fact that I'm inexperienced, the last fight also showed me that I lack strength, but... what if I compensate with a familiar... wouldn't it make things easier? My neurons are trembling with anxiety, making my head think of thousands of ways and means to use such an interesting familiar.

- Can anyone participate? - I put one of my hands on my chin, already waiting for a positive response, looking directly at Ren a little nervous by my look.

- Y-Yes, anyone has the right. - He answers me stammering because of my unexpected question.

I just lift my spine confidently and with my mind thinking about the next step. I feel more ready than ever and ignoring those little pains in my body, as if they were not present. I look at my former colleagues expecting the same anxiety, but their faces change to a little frightened and looking as if they had gone paler. I think I had done something strange that would make them react like this by forcing me to lower my spirits and try to analyze the reason, but even before any thought crossed my head, a hand falls on my shoulder. A cold touch passing my clothes, freezing my nerves to the point that it seems to be freezing my skin, next to a sinister and threatening aura that comes after me. Out of the corner of my eye I notice small fragments of ice coming out of that hand, making it clear who it would be ...

- Jax ... Captain Jax is behind me, isn't he? - I say even more respectfully while Leo and Ren nodded and made the position of respect for that military man of much higher rank.

Even though I don't want to turn my face back, I try to force myself feeling that fear worse than when I fought yesterday's hobgolins.

- Jax, what a coincidence. - I make visual contact with that empty and irritated eyes. - I wanted to get some fresh air and I ended up meeting Leo and Ren, but as I'm done here, I'm going back. - I try to run but something pulls on my collar, almost hanging me.

- I heard the whole conversation. - Hope is finally over ... - Aff ... you really are going to try to tame a ghost, I should have chained you in bed.

I have nothing to say. The plan was to do all this while Jax would know absolutely nothing ... maybe I was a little bit of an idiot to not think about that possibility ....

- Captain, please calm down... - A lower voice, a little hoarse, comes from behind the uniformed captain.

Coming off Jax's back, an older looking man with brown hair. Unlike the other soldiers, he wore a purple uniform with several medals attached to his chest, showing that he was someone of high rank. As it was a new face I try to keep my guard high with his words. When the man approaches, Jax drops my clothes and starts breathing again. He tries to take satisfaction from the man, but he just returns with a cold look.

- He's having a sensible idea, being able to tame a ghost would bring great honor to our great general. - He turns to me showing a friendly smile, but at the same time strange, with brown eyes dull and hissing those kind words.

"Good performance, but he doesn't even think about hiding his emotions."

Even though I'm innocent, I'm not an idiot. I lift my spine and follow the rhythm.

- It is a pleasure to meet the bride of Alexander-sama, I am one of the political emissaries of the House of Pride, I hope your night hunt has not been so difficult. - Now I understand the reason for the different uniform, with your kind but still false words. He knew my name, but he chose to leave it alone, as if my name was not worth saying... at least Jax didn't hide that he hated me.

But that was different from hatred, a sense of superiority maybe ... or even ignorance ... it doesn't matter, I just didn't like him.

- I would like to say that it is a pleasure but... unfortunately I do not know your name, could you introduce yourself? - I think I can have fun with that.

His smile falls apart for a second but it comes back. I just keep playing dumb ... I'm not someone who's so kind to assholes. I narrow my eyes and leave my shoulders relaxed, even that man understood his situation and my position even though he didn't want to.

- I beg your pardon for my late presentation, my name is ... - He bowed slightly but interrupted before he reached halfway through.

- It is not necessary, after all you are just the "political emissary of the House of Pride". - My voice is calm, while I don't mind venting my negative feeling against that well-dressed gorilla. - Now that we've met, you could excuse me. I have business with Captain Jax.

The man had been silent trying his poisonous words, hidden by a beautiful and delicate smile. Now he was looking grim at me, realizing that I am not just anybody and that I am not afraid to use my authority. The emissary only retires in shame and leaves the scene when he realizes his bullshit ... he doesn't even say goodbye, what a pity... and Jax doesn't move a muscle or say anything about it ignoring the presence of the politician in the purple uniform.

- Aff ... if you wanted, you could just order ... technically you are the person with the highest rank in that place. - Jax says looking unconcerned with the situation, looking like he wouldn't help me in that situation.

- It's more fun like that, besides... you brought him here on purpose, didn't you? - My words don't seem to bother Jax, who seemed even happy that I noticed that.

- Who knows? - He approaches me calmly. - You better know that the world is not as kind as inside Alexander-sama's mansion.

Your phrase causes my calmness to gradually begin to end. With those cold, raw words coming out of your lips and crossing my mind with force that at the same time refers to the bloody scene that changed my life and at the same time threw me into this world. I try not to lose control, just restricting my emotions to the maximum.

- Don't worry, I know how things work in the real world. - I say coldly and quickly, not wanting to extend that subject any longer, waiting for the first opportunity to change it.

- If you say... I just wanted to show that not all demons are happy with a human being engaged to one of the generals. - He looks at me indifferently, analyzing me from head to toe. - Looks like your injuries are better... the doctors here really know how to do their job.

I smile at what he said, his strange way of worrying about someone other than Belial can calm me down and make the conversation flow again.

- I feel like there's a target in my head right now, who should I care about? - I cross my arms with a confident and attentive smile.

- With Sloth and Pride. - He speaks without doubt in his statement. - The Sloth leader doesn't like to change customs and the Pride General... how can I say...

-Is he an asshole?

- Yeah.

- But I can't guarantee that the other factions will be as kind as the others, but it's not something I need to worry about now... but back to the subject, are you really going after this ghost? - Placing one of his hands on his waist, he looks at me from head to toe with disdain. - Serious? You just got out of a hospital bed.

- But I'm fine... if I don't do anything so stressful. - With my muscles a little tired and with some pain, I still managed to move well, even though it was better that I didn't use any kind of magic for a while.

He is silent for a while tired from that discussion. But he takes a last breath before opening his mouth again.

- You two. - Calling Leo and Ren who jumped before his serious voice. - Follow that idiot and make sure he doesn't get hurt... or my neck is gone.

The faces of the two tremble with their threatening authoritarian pressure.

- Yes sir!! - Saluting with his muscles tense and stiffened by Jax's words.

- Don't do anything crazy! - He extends his finger in front of my face with extreme seriousness, without letting any lies pass by.

- Yes sir.

Seeming not to want to look at me anymore, he just moves away, looking as tired as I ... I can probably be to blame for that... I turn to my new "security guards" still paralyzed in that position.

- Dismissing cadets, he's gone.

My words entered Leo and Ren's ears and seemed to relax their tense bodies. Returning to themselves, the two look at me calmer but with their hearts racing. I do not avoid giving a light laugh with their expressions, managing to leave the atmosphere more peaceful. I turn towards the dark-haired boy.

- Ren, how do you hunt a ghost?