

An odd little corner or a world who knows what you may find. There is lore in this story have fun peiceing it together.

Zora_Chan1 · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Moon light shines down over the still waters of the lake. Like a mirror the lakes surface reflects the stars. thousands of them light up the sky. Like a city made completely of lights. A nearby sign reads Thesshaw County. The letters are faded from the rain. It appears as though the letters were once painted in bright color. Paint peels off the wooden sign in long thin strips making small spirals. A pile of smooth stones sits at the bottom of the rotting post. Looking across the water there are wooden buildings. Most of the buildings have dim flickering lights from dying fires. Thin threads of smoke flow out of shafts in the ceiling. All that can be heard is the soft sounds of the lake hitting the shore. In the distance an owl can be heard calling out into the night. Rows of thick pine trees leave the lake and small down hidden from the world. A dirt path leads down the middle of the town with wooden shops on each side. One shop is completely over grown. Tree roots pull apart the floor boards and moss has covered most of the building. The support beams having rotted away making the roof sag under it's own weight. All that's left of the sign is a "Z". Whatever was sold there has long been left. Inside the shop the floor rots and shattered glass is everywhere. The thin moonlight that makes it threw the door shows the shards of glass. Sevral dark stains cover the floor. A few fragments of bone can be seen. A picture lays on the floor faded and with new bright red "X" over each person's head. Inside smells of rotten wood but something else can be smelt beneath it. Something more sinister. Outside a wolf can be heard howling. A long eerie howl. Sevral more wolves far in the distance respond to the call. Outside all of the fires have finally died. The smoke from dying fires can still be seen. Thin like a wisp barely visible in the moon light. Though the smell of smoke still sits in the air. The smell of the lake water envelops the town like a fog. Settling over the top of it. The world is still and silent seemingly afraid to move. The lake makes soft sound as the tide goes out. A small dock three boats are tied up. Inside are nets and buckets. The water smells like fish. The dock is made of a hard reddish wood. Several boards are lose. The whole dark is heavily weathered from sitting out in the rain and wind. Light fluffy clouds float by obscuring the full moon and bright stars. Looking at the water you can see broken bits of old boats broken from the waves in storms. Nails and old nets litter the lake floor. hidden under sevral boards are odd twisted little white things. The white though seems to be a faded yellow. The nights air chills.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.