
Chapter 10: Championship

"Kurt, Maki finally replied to me," I said flatly to Kurt over the phone.

"Really?! What did he say?" Kurt replied, while chewing his food.

"He said sorry for not replying right away. He was asking for permission from dad so we could meet," I told him.

Maki is my little brother who was separated from me when our parents filed an annulment. My mother got me and my sister, and our father brought Maki with him. For some time, my mother tried to get Maki back but the little boy was too close to our father that he chooses dad every time. For several years, I tried communicating with him, and around last year, I found his facebook account. From time to time he would reply to my messages asking how he's doing but he kept it to one-word responses such as "fine" or "good". Recently, I tried asking if we could meet, eat out, or whatever he wants to do. He finally replied a while ago. I could not hold my excitement, or my nervousness, that I called Kurt right away.

"So what's your plan?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know! Do you think it's okay if we just eat dinner? But I don't know what food he likes!"

"When are you meeting him?"

"This Sunday."

"Does he like basketball?"

"I think so. He shares basketball stuff online," I said.

"There's a championship match on Sunday night. You can ask him if he'd like to go. I think it would be less awkward that way. You don't have to force each other to talk," Kurt advised. He has a really good point. Eating would just entail talking in which we're both not comfortable with being away from each other for a long time; whereas watching basketball would give us the feeling of having each other a company. "Wait, you can endure a basketball game for your brother, right?"

"Dude, I grew up watching basketball on TV and sometimes live, until dad moved out," I told him. Watching basketball is not rally an issue for me.

"That's good!" He responded. "Do you need company?"

"Hhhmm, my sister and mom are both not available on Sunday. Andrei's visiting his family on the weekend as well. So I might have to go alone. I'll bring my car anyway."

"I mean, do you need me to accompany you?" He said.

His offer surprised me as we have not dared to go out on public - intentionally - ever since our history of knowing each other.

"As if!" I told him. "Anyway, I have to go. Thanks for your input!"


I'm really nervous to meet my brother again after such a long time. I had to remind myself to move fast after I overslept. I was practically running to the car park as I don't want us to be late for the game.

I clicked my car key and my car sounded with my phone ringing. It's Kurt calling.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm about to start my car. Why?"

"Go down to the lobby, I'm in front of your building," he said.

"I'm kind of in a hurry. I overslept!"

"I can drive faster than you. Let's go."


"I'm going with you. I want to meet your brother. Come on!" Is he serious? He's going to a basketball game with us? Not just a basketball game but a championship game!

"But I only bought two tickets," I said as soon as I realized.

"I bought mine!" He said. So that's why he's been closely following when and which tickets I bought.

I cut the call and hurried down the elevator. When I got out of the lobby, he was really there in his car.

"Surprise!" He said as I hopped in his car. He's wearing a baseball cap and a mask. Like he did in the airport. How is he supposed to go in disguise like this when his fans memorized his looks even when wearing a cap and mask?!

"You're crazy," I replied while shaking my head and wearing my seatbelt.

He started driving and said, "You're welcome."


I lowered my window so Maki could recognize me. "Maki," I called his attention as he was busy with his phone. He's grown tall over the years. He's outfit match that of Kurt's, a striped shirt, shorts that cut a few inches above his knee, and a baseball cap. He doesn't look like the little boy I knew anymore.

Maki looked up to me, and then surveyed the car. I smiled at him and invited him in by gesturing with my head. He opened the back door and hopped in.

I adjusted my sit so I'm kind of facing him. "Is dad there?"

"Yes, he's inside," he answered. His deep voice surprised me. He's definitely hit his puberty.

"Wow, you're a man now, Maki. You look good!" I complemented him and he responded with a shy smile. "By the way, this is Kurt."

Kurt removed his cap and mask and faced Maki. He extended his hand.

"Hi Maki," Kurt greeted him.

Maki slowly raised his hand to shake Kurt's and with a shocked expression, "Kurt de Guzman?!"

"Yup! Is it okay if I join you for tonight's championship?" Kurt answered and asked with a big smile on his face. "I'm a really big fan of GSM."

"I'm rooting for them too!" Maki replied excitedly. And that started the conversation going as Kurt drove to the arena.

I'm kind of relieved Kurt went along as his presence made it less awkward.


"Raya, wear this," Kurt gave me a baseball cap, the same one Kaye made me wear months ago when we went to the airport, and a mask. I almost forgot I had to go in disguise as well if I'm going out with Kurt. This reminded me of the fact that we have to hide in order not to stir some issue. I almost got mad at Kurt for going and making me wear these stuff but I remembered how awkward the situation could be if not for him.

We entered the arena and looked for our seats. We made Maki sit between us. We're just in time for the opening ceremony where they are calling the players one by one.

They both cheered when their favorite team was called. Meanwhile, I had to look around to survey if anybody has noticed Kurt yet. Fortunately, there are more men here than women, who make up the majority of Kurt's fanbase. Also, everybody seems busy cheering for the players. The athletes are the star of the show anyway. But I just can't help but be anxious of my surroundings. Sometimes at time outs, they actually focus the camera on popular guests who are watching live.

Kurt leaned forward and tapped my thigh. He lowered his mask and told me "Relax." His assurance soothed me. I let out a breath and smiled at him, although I'm pretty sure he did not see that smile behind my mask.

The game started and the audience went wild.

"Dad would have loved to watch this one live," Maki told me. I'm quite surprised that he talked to me first.

"Did you invite him?" I asked him.

"I did. But.."


"He told me it's a sibling date. He didn't want to ruin it for us," he said.

"It would have been fine for me though. I miss him too, you know." Actually, it's really okay if he joined us. It's a family thing, anyway. "Maybe next time?" I asked Maki.

He smiled at me while nodding. Maki must be craving for a complete family as well. He looked excited about the idea of us together with dad.

The first half of the game was exciting as the teams took turns in making points. Both were very aggressive for the championship title. Kurt and Maki, just like the other fans, were cheering and talking about the plays excitedly.

The first half of the game went by fast. I decided to go to the restroom as I've been holding my pee, while Maki volunteered to buy sandwiches and drinks for us.

I lowered my head as I wait in line for my turn. It took a few minutes before I finally got my chance so I hurried to the cubicle. As I was finishing up my business, I heard some girls talking.

"Girl, I'm pretty sure it's Kurt de Guzman!"

"I won't believe you until I see for myself," the other girl said.

"God, he's so good looking even with a mask!"

I closed up my pants fast, flushed the toilet and went out with my head down. I went back to my seat, praying Maki would come back soon to occupy the seat between Kurt and me. When I sat, I did not say a word to Kurt and instead texted him 'I overheard some girls talking. They recognized you.'

Finally, Maki came back with our food and drinks. We ate while the two of them talked about what adjustments their favorite team must do to widen their lead. I finished my food in no time as I was too anxious about the situation and also because I haven't eaten anything for the day since I overslept.

A few minutes before the game resumes, you know they're back on air when they start showing faces on the big screen. Just as I thought it's over, Kurt's face is on the screen. He did not know at first as he was busy with his phone, but then the arena started roaring. He looked up at the big screen and realized it's his face being shown. He handled the situation gracefully and removed his mask. He looked for the camera, smiled and waved at it. He looked good on screen even without make up on. His skin was glowing. The people seated in front of us realized Kurt was just behind them and started looking to our direction. Meanwhile, I slowly lowered my face and pretended to check something on my phone. Kurt got the longest screen time among the faces they showed on screen. Right after, the cameras shifted to the players entering the court. The second half started.

I'm afraid for Kurt as his fans will surely flock around him and ask for photos and/or autographs. I was absentmindedly watching the game, when I noticed men in black lining up at the aisle close to Kurt. I realized they're blocking people trying to get to Kurt and explaining to them to focus on the game instead. I don't know if he requested it or what but they're doing good with their job. Kurt continued watching and talking to Maki in between plays, like nothing is happening beside him. In fairness to him, this is his private time and people should respect it. He gives his all to his works so he could give them quality performances and he interacts with them during fan events. They should give him the space he deserves when he asks for it.

I refocused my attention on the basketball game instead of letting my anxiety eat me all up. This is my date with my brother anyway. Also, I don't want to make Kurt feel like he's ruined it for me. I watched the game while taking selfies with Maki in between. I wanted to relive this memory with him.


The game ended with GSM being the champion. Kurt and Maki were both ecstatic about the game. It helped that majority of the audience are also GSM fans. It was a good game, even I got thrilled at the last three minutes.

As soon as the game ended, Kurt exited with the men in black to a private passageway out the arena. This way, he could avoid the crowd. But of course, he has to wait for us at the carpark since we don't have our own car. Maki and I went with the crowd.

We got in the car as soon as we found it. Kurt drove out the car once we're settled. I removed my cap and mask as they are quite suffocating. I wonder how Kurt can last wearing these stuff.

"It was a good game!" I told them.

"Did you enjoy?" Kurt asked me.

"I did! I was so nervous during the last three minutes," I exclaimed.

Kurt smiled as he drove. "What do you guys want to eat?"

"But we ate already during the half time," I told him. Eating out is not safe at all for us.

"Are you not hungry?"

I just don't think we should eat out tonight.

"Are you not hungry, Maki?" Kurt threw the question to Maki. "We should not send him home hungry, Raya." Kurt said in a gentle tone but implying finality.

I suddenly remembered a new drive through fastfood chain that's popular these days. I got my phone and asked Rex for the name of the restaurant. Fortunately, he replied right away.

"Kurt, there's this popular drive through fastfood restaurant at Walls avenue. Have you heard about it?" I opened the topic.

"What kind of food do they have?"

I started searching for the menu online.

"Mainly seafood - from finger food to rice meals," I said while browsing through the page. I turned to Maki. "You're not allergic to seafood, are you?"

"I'm fine with seafood," he answered with a smile.

"Alright, let's try that," Kurt said. I just love it when Kurt and I meet half way.


Kurt parked the car and then we lowered the backrest of our seats so we could face Maki while we're eating. Kurt played some upbeat music as I passed their food and drinks to them. There's quite a lot since Kurt forced us to to order a full course meal each. That includes an appetizer, a rice meal, and dessert.

"Sorry Maki, we had to eat like this tonight. I promise next time, we'll eat at a nice restaurant. Do you like buffets? Or maybe samgyupsal?" Kurt said while eating his onion rings. Then he offered it to us. I offered him my fries back.

"This is fine! I've never tried this before so it's totally okay with me," Maki reassured us.

"Raya, did you know Maki's a varsity player at his high school?" Kurt told me. I was surprised that he already knew something about my brother.

"Really?! Wow, you must be your team's star player," I said and then I took a bite from my fish fillet burger. "You should tell when your next game is so I can watch you live."

"He already invited me," Kurt said teasing me, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"How come he's invited while I'm not," I pretended to be mad at Maki.

"Is your father tall?" Kurt asked us.

"Yup," Maki answered.

"That's a good thing you inherited your father's height," Kurt told Maki while looking at me. I kicked his waist, and they both laughed at me.

Kurt is almost a foot taller than me, and Maki is a few centimeters short of Kurt's height. He's only 17 - I mean, he still got time to grow taller. They're teasing me because I was not gifted with height.

The conversation went about Maki's life with dad, his friends and his school. It was serious at first when we were talking about the first few months we were separated. But I instantly turned the conversation around as I did not want to cry in front of them.

"Hey, do you have a girlfriend already?" I transformed to the big sister he should be afraid of.


"Are you courting someone?"


"Do you like someone?"

This time he did not answer right away, and instead took a few spoonfuls of his ice cream.

"Yyyiiieeee. You like someone, huh?" Kurt and I teased him.

"No!" Maki answered defensively.

"Maki, it's fine. Just make sure to introduce her to me so I can assess her," I told him.

We kept on teasing him until he finally showed us the profile of the girl she likes. I was so happy because this date brought us closer and more comfortable with each other that he can even share this stuff with me now. I also realized how big-eaters of men these two are. Our stomachs were filled with food and the car was filled with our laughters. We also took a few photos to remember the night.

We dropped Maki off and he thanked us for the night. I was really so happy and my heart is so full to have reunited with my little brother. I was busy looking at our pictures when Kurt suddenly yawned.

I punched his arm and said, "Hey, are you sleepy? I can drive if you want."

He pretended be hurt as he soothed his arm with his opposite hand. "It's alright. We're almost at your building anyway," he said. Then, he laid out his hand on the surface between us. "Can you massage my hand for me?"

I turned my head to his side, then massaged his hand with both my hands.

"Wow, that feels good," he said smiling.

"Does this not make you feel more sleepy?" I asked him.

"Your hands are warm," his remark did not really answer my question.

"People often tell me that."

"How many people do you hold hands with, huh?" He jokingly asked.

"I mean, when I touch them due to certain situations where I have to touch them okay?" I tried to explain. "There's this time when I attended a seminar before I had my medical school interview - I had to attend one to boost my confidence, you know. So the instructor was teaching us on how to make an impressive hand shake. She shook mine, and then she said, 'your hands are warm. You have the hands of a healer. Please do your best to become a doctor.' " I imitated the instructor after re-enacting the handshake with Kurt's hand. "And then after a few years in med school, I realized she must have said that to an aspiring doctor in each seminar she holds. I mean, it's part of her script," I said laughing at myself for believing such silly remark. Kurt was laughing with me.

"But you do have warm hands," Kurt said again.

"It may just mean I have good blood circulation," I told him while massaging his hand.

I was so busy experimenting with different massages on Kurt's hand that I did not notice we're already parked in front my building.

He held one of my hands close to his body before I could let go of his. "Just a few more seconds," he said with eyes closed.

I let him hold my hand. "Thank you for tonight Kurt. I really did not expect."

"I hope your date with Maki was not ruined."

"It's not! You're a big part of the reason why we've become comfortable with each other," I told him.

He smiled at me but still with closed eyes.

"Hey, you're going to fall asleep for real if you stay like that longer," I said pulling out my hand from his.

He let it go, still smiling.

I opened my purse and got some candies. "Have some candies while you drive." I put the candies on his hand.

"Thank you."

"Drive safely," I said while removing the seatbelt.

"I will."

I got out of the car and immediately went into my building's lobby. While waiting for the elevator, my phone sent an alert for a text message. A new unknown number texted me 'A date with Kurt and your brother this time? What are you trying to prove, Raya? Have you forgotten my words? Stay away from Kurt. Also, I'm gathering information about your brother now. I'll leave him alone if Kurt accepts the new movie with Lexi Buencamino.'

The elevator arrived just in time when I finished reading the message.