
7 Reasons why I shouldn't be a gangster

That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no, even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

Long_dr3am · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no,

even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

Benjiro is the name which means one who enjoys peace. Also known as Ben for short, he loves to study, he loves math thats why he graduated in a university in highest honors majoring in mathematics and sciences. He is given the title as the first born son to sat on his father's chair instead of his little brother who deserves it much more than him. His baby brother Hideyoshi was the one who is a fanatic of this job, his baby brother who idolized their father's dark side in doing the underworld business. Hideyoshi finished in a university on average grades in business management. This suited him for he clearly wants to get involved in the family business. It's been passed to generations from their grandfather where it all started. Their mother long died before his baby brother could even walk due to birthing complications. Thus making Ben act as if a mother to his baby brother. He became somewhat like a mother figure in the household. Their father loves them both equally, supporting them fully on their goals in life. Benjiro wanted to be the best mathematical professor. His father supported that by paying large sum to get him enrolled in one of the famous universities in the world. Ben has average dreams of an average citizen but then again his family is not normal per se.

Mr. Katashi Sanders his father's full name left his will to their family lawyer. Now that the funeral is done. He and his baby brother is inside their father's study along with Mr. Denki their family lawyer who is reading their father's last will. Their father bpth left them in a half with the properties he owns such as condo units, penthouses, mansions across the globe in different countries except for the company they own. K company owns shopping malls across the world. 80% of the shares are solely given to Ben while the 20% of it is given to Hideyoshi. This shocking revelation only means one thing for the K company is just a disguise their family use for the illegal stuff in the underworld. This only means their father leaves to his first born son, Ben the management for the underground activities of their family instead of the more experienced Hideyoshi.

Hideyoshi couldn't comprehend the lawyers statement and was still on his seat shocked. The lawyer leaves after stating it all and will visit them back again tomorrow to further discuss things.

Benjiro clasped his baby brother's hands in his. "You can have it Oshi, (Older brother in Japanese) Onii-san doesn't want it." Benjiro tells his baby brother for a fact, he couldn't care less about those riches he only wants to live a peaceful life with his only family alive.

Their father died because of murder. He died shot on the head when an unknown motor rider stops besides the car he is ridding on the busy street.

Police already investigated the case and yet no leads are still intact for the killer.

Hideyoshi (knew)/suspected who the killer was, for it was one of the gangsters their father has recently had a conflict with which Hideyoshi wasn't able to return of killing that person for the reason his dearest big brother stopped him saying they need to plan the wake and funeral first.

He cherish and loves his big brother as if he is he's own mother. His big brother who sings him to sleep whenever he cries when he was younger. The one who stands up for him when they reached high school and he experienced bullying. He deeply respects his big brother to set aside his plans of murder.

His brother was always the light of their family. He is the only good fruit from this wicked family tree in Hideyoshi's vocabulary. He makes great tea for their father. He makes great coffee for him at home. He cooks dinner and breakfast for those meals and times they usually gather at home except for lunch we're household helper prepares who is Mrs. Jina an old woman who had worked for them since they we're in diapers that was usually mistaken as their grandmother at times. His brother is so busy finishing his masters degree before applying as a professor in a university, stopped everything for this time. For their father's death. Comforting him, letting him cry on his shoulder. Making sure he eats his meals. His elder brother truly cares about him so, no, it didn't matter to him that their father left the underground business for his elder brother to lead. It worries him instead how can his elder brother handle the dangers that the underground world offers between them two he was the one most exposed in the business.

"No Onii-san should take what father has given." He replies to his elder brother's statement. "I'll be your right hand man for transactions. This way, I know. I can protect you." He added in sincerity. He just can't risk his only family left to die while not knowing anything in handling the business.

Benjiro sighs. He patted his brother's hand softly, giving him a small smile. "Then I'll be in your care."

Days passed titles and shares were changed in their names. Everything is running smoothly, to good to be true that is except that his elder brother dropped out of his masters degree and join the business willingly. Hideyoshi felt luck on his side for how smart his elder brother who has soon adjusted how the company works. Until that faithful night of the 13 families in the mafia world gathering in one of the kids party that was being celebrated by one of it's members child. They had attended the party it was going smooth as he stands beside his brother. People introducing themselves to his elder brother who was now known as head of their family. But when the night comes a gathering at the back of the mansion was held for the mafia organization members. It was a discussion of taking the life of the suspected murderer of their father.

That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no,

even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

The one of the big boss was Benjiro. Everyone looked at him with eyes widening. His relaxed calm demeanor shows before his brown eyes darkens. "No one will lay a finger on that man until I approve his guilty."

This took Hideyoshi's attention. This is new, it's been years since he last saw this side of his elder brother, the last time was when he was bullied back at high-school.

"I don't want innocent lives taken account at my family's name." His elder brother further adds in a firm tone.

They came home late at night Hideyoshi isn't that sleepy yet he decided to take a sit on the couch in the living room watching television current news. His elder brother walks in with his long hair down as a towel around his shoulders in place to prevent the water from cascading down his white shirt. His eyes widen, noticing his elder brother's arms covered in tattoos.

"W-When did you get that, Onii-san?" He stutters.

"I got it by the end of uni." His elder brother replies nonchalant.

Only now that Hideyoshi realized how he has gone to busy not notice certain changes his big brother undergone. He then realized he's brother's odd fashion sense of long sleeves after graduating in the university. Now this clearly explains.

"Why?" He asked next.

"My roommate back in uni was an art major and he started a tattoo shop right after. We hang out after a couple of drinks. By the next day I was covered with these. Good thing even when he was drunk, he managed to draw these things right." Benjiro explains.

Hideyoshi nodded. "Cool."

Benjiro then asks. "Mrs Jina called me earlier, She needs to file a week long leave because her daughter in law died. I told her to take a month. I had given her a large sum anyways she's done so much for us."

"Okay, I'll order food out for lunch by then." Hideyoshi stated.

Benjiro shakes his head and sighs. "Don't worry, I'll make us lunch box in the morning for lunch little brother."

Hideyoshi wanted to refuse to lessen his brother's burden but who is he to say no for free food.

"Um..., Onii-san what are you going to do, if that man is really father's murderer?" Hideyoshi asks in wonder.

A menacing smirk placed on his brother's lips. "He'll rot in hell, I promise you." His entire demeanor changes suddenly as his phone rings. "Excuse me little brother, I need to take this."

Hideyoshi nodded.

"Hello Itsuki."

"Yo bro!, so how's your underground world new life?"

"Itsuki you need to help me here man, everyone's talking about death so easily." He sighs.

"Bro so shit its real!, I gotta join your team bro!, I wanna be cool for once!" Itsuki his friend since his university days was too enthusiastic about the underground world which his friend seems to see it as if in movies yet everything's serious in real life, danger, death threats are constant in this lifestyle. He shakes his head unconsciously, his friend needs help.

"Man it's not that fun. I'm telling you."

"Bro you gotta let me in!, you know, I look cool too! I got tattoos!" Itsuki persuaded.

"A tattoo parlor owner who watches dora the explorer on his free time in replays."

"I need to watch those stuff, you know my niece is addicted to it!" Itsuki argues back, defending himself before adding. "You gotta get me in! and then I'll turn your members to be my regular customers!"

"So it's all about business to you than helping me out."  He sighs again.

Itsuki laughs at the other line. "We're friends but I need money too."

Benjiro narrows his eyes at the end of the hallway. "I'll call you later, I need to go." He ended the conversation. He walked towards the edge to find a man who's back facing him, the familiar figure he knew all too well without seeing the man's face.

"What are you doing here Okemia?" His low tone can be heard menacing for the younger but he didn't really mean to sound that way.

Tense shoulders can be seen as the young man on his twenties turns to face him. "I'm left in charged to guard tonight, sir."

Benjiro nods his head taking in the information. "I thought Zryan's team should be tonight, did my secretary got me the wrong schedule?"

Okemia then explains. "Zryan's wife suddenly got in labor, he asked me to replace him tonight-"

Benjiro's phone rings, cutting Okemia from talking. Benjiro picks it up as his eyes focused on the young man in front of him. "All right, tell him to take a week off instead his wife needs him more than I do...., All right., yes... they are here., Good night secretary Watoshi."

Benjiro presses the call off.

Okemia scratches the back of his neck. "I guess secretary Watoshi told you everything, sir?"

Benjiro nods. "Guard my Otōto (younger brother in Japanese) more, got it?"

Okemia bows in ninety degrees. "I will sir."

Benjiro clicked his tongue. "Don't disappoint me like last time, kid."

Okemia stilled in his position. He felt a hand patting his shoulder softly as he heard a sigh. "A kid like you should be in school. Forget what I said earlier." Benjiro removes his hand on his shoulder and walks away heading to his own bedroom.

Okemia stood up right after Benjiro left. Just as he did he saw Hideyoshi walking towards him lazily. Eyes narrowed at him. "What does Onii-san mean of you disappointing him?"

Okemia gulps down his saliva his heart beating nervously. "I-"

Hideyoshi's phone rings, he took his phone out from his pockets and answered it immediately. "What is it Onii-san?"

Footsteps we're heard as Okemia turns his gaze meets Benjiro's stoic face as his hand holding his phone pressed on his ear. He raised his hand as if to say Hi to Okemia and his younger brother. "It's late." He stated firmly before he pressed the call off and slips the phone back inside his pocket and shifted his eyes at his younger brother. "Let Okemia do his job, Hideyoshi."

Hideyoshi reluctantly nods as he slips his phone also back in his pocket. He bows his head down as he passed by his elder brother to make his way back to his own bedroom. After Hideyoshi left, Benjiro let out a sigh. "His a little uptight, do your job good and he will not pester you." Benjiro beams a small smile at Okemia. "Do me a favor, Mia-kun?"

Okemia knew Benjiro's smile does rarely come by and this shows whenever a difficult tasks are handed.

"Yes sir?" Okemia asks in a calm voice, showing he is capable and ready for whatever it is. He will show his boss! He is not the same kid like before, he is a responsible and capable member now in the organization.

"I have a friend." Benjiro started. "I'll introduce him to you tomorrow, take him in as if a new recruit per se.... but make sure his well guarded from harm. He is a good friend of mine. Show him around and judge if his suitable to join under your group." Benjiro stated, seeing Okemia will probably handle it well, his friend who thinks this underground world is fantastic like in movies.