
7 Path of the Lilies

Ever since she was a child, Ye Jiao was treated as trash in Chen Kingdom. Suffering from countless beatings and endless humiliation, Ye Jiao endured the harsh life without being able to do anything. Only a rare few cared for her and showed her warmth in this cruel world. But the Heavens didn’t give her the chance to live peacefully. It took the little things she had and pushed her over the edge into the bottomless abyss. Filled with despair and sadness, she had to hide and bide her time as a lot of people wished for her death. “I have lost everything; you can’t take anything else from me. But I will gain much from this in my path as Eon Energy Master---I’ll not give up and someday, I’ll reach the peak.” Her small hand plucked the stem of the white lily flower and gripped it tight, with determination flashing across her eyes. Trash? Her small lips curved up, tinged in mockery. Even if everyone around her wished to kill her, she would never give up. She will show them who the real trash was and become the greatest genius in the world! Even if the entire world was against her, she would not cower. She will reach the peak. ---- Story set in fictional world with different cultivation method Word count: 900-1500 words/chapter Special thanks for webnovel reader Cookiejiyen who had created the beautiful cover *sending hearts* Note: no reverse harem Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 1 Year of Beginning [complete] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - 2 Years of Restarting [complete] - Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] - The Quiet Empress [on going] ... Follow me on IG: @sora100518

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In the next few weeks, Ye Jiao spent her time practicing in her house. However, Ye Xiao didn't feel satisfied with her only training Eon Energy, so she had to train her physical body too. Her practice every day would be running, push-up, sit-up, and climbing trees aside from absorbing Eon Energy.

"Won't it slow down my progress, Dad?"

"Not at all," Ye Xiao shook his head. "After forming the core, the next step is to strengthen your body, so having a good foundation is a must."

As her father said, with better physical ability, Ye Jiao found out that it become easier to absorb the warm Eon Energy to her body. Because of that, she didn't hesitate any longer and continued to practice harder as much as her small body allowed it.

"Jiao'er, look at this," Ye Xiao called his daughter.

"What is it, Dad?" Ye Jiao jogged over. She saw that her father had drawn a human on the surface of the tree. As it was based on an adult, her height alone was barely reaching the hips.

Ye Xiao pointed to the drawing he made. "I'll be teaching you about the weakness in human's body using this tonight."

"But the arm looks weird, Dad."

"Ignore that one…" Ye Xiao scratched his head. Drawing was not his forte, so he could only make do with his limited capabilities. At the very least, he wanted to teach his daughter about the important weak point in human's body.

Ye Jiao giggled when she saw her dad looked embarrassed. She scrutinized the picture in front of her as she tried to reach up. "Dad, with my height, I won't be able to hit the higher one."

"Don't worry, you can try to aim at their feet. Fingers are very sensitives, including those in your feet, so if you aim for that, you'll be able to inflict higher damage to them," Ye Xiao explained with a wicked smile. He was recalling his youth as he made use of this knowledge to play around with the elders because he was annoyed.

"I see," Ye Jiao looked at the feet. She should be able to stomp on their feet if she got close enough.

Ye Xiao watched his daughter as he scratched his head. He hoped that this was not too early for him to teach a young girl how to fight. Well, he learned how to fight not long after entering elementary school, so this should be fine. Besides, she would learn this sooner or later.

He turned his head to the gate's direction. "There's a guest. Jiao'er, you should stay behind me."

"Yes, Dad."

Ye Xiao stayed still in his place as his eyes looked straight to the front. Not long after that, two people appeared in his view. His pupil contracted slightly at this sight. A woman and a girl were coming in his direction.

"Senior Su Lian," Ye Xiao called.

The woman has dark yellow hair, fluttering along with the wind. Her sharp eyebrows showed that she had hard disposition. She was wearing dark purple dress adorned with numerous accessories that signified her high position. Her blue iris stared deep at Ye Xiao.

"You're still living here, Ye Xiao," Su Lian snorted. "Truly befitting for a fallen genius."

On his side, the young girl has brown hair with similar features with Su Lian. Her pink dress was moving along as she moved gracefully. This place might be forest, but the little girl didn't forget her manner.

"What do you want?" Ye Xiao's eyes were watching the little girl, Wei Mi, carefully. This woman, Su Lian was his senior back in school and also Wei Shang's legal wife. In this world, it was normal for men to have numerous wives, especially for people who have higher position such as Wei Shang.

"I'm just walking around with my daughter," Su Lian replied while waving her hand. "It's just a coincidence that I come here."

Even Ye Jiao knew that this woman was lying. Their residence was located in the place that people normally didn't pass. There was nothing around this place aside from thick forest, so it was not really a popular spot to visit. This woman must have come here purposely.

Ye Xiao's expression remained icy. "I see."

Su Lian sneered. "I have consolidated my power as a rank 3. In the hunt next week, I'll defeat you, Ye Xiao!"

A few weeks after New Year, there would be a hunting session to determine their talent and resources in this kingdom. Usually, Ye Xiao would participate and gained a rather good position, which allowed him to receive some resources every year to practice Eon Energy.

"I won't participate this year," Ye Xiao said in flat tone.

"What?" Su Lian was stunned. All these years, Ye Xiao still participated in the hunt because this man wanted to gain more experience, but this time, he refused?

Ye Xiao shrugged. "Just flaunt all you want, Su Lian. Forever and ever, you're just a yellow grade and you will never be able to reach rank 4."

Yellow grade.

Su Lian's face turned ashen. She always hated Ye Xiao because this man always taunted her for her low constitution. The reason she could marry Wei Shang was only because of her family background.

"I might not be able to reach rank 4, but my son and daughter will surely surpass you, Ye Xiao. You're just a trash after being unable to breakthrough!"

Ye Xiao's gaze landed on Wei Mi. It was only nearing one year since he first saw the young girl in the test, but there was already some trace of Eon Energy in her body. The Wei Family seemed to be adamant on nurturing another young genius as Wei Shang have three children that reached blue color, including Wei Mi.

However, the amount of Eon Energy in Wei Mi's body was far lacking compared with Ye Jiao.

He sneered internally. If it was one year ago, he would feel hurt because of her remark, but now, it was nothing but a wind that passed through.

"Relying on other people, you're the trash one, Senior Su Lian. You're 7 years older, but your progress is slower than the so-called 'trash,'" Ye Xiao didn't hold back as he retorted back. In front of Wei Shang, he might not be able to do much, but if it was only Su Lian, he didn't mind cursing her for an entire day.


"What? I'm just saying the truth, leech," Ye Xiao replied.

Su Lian's face turned red in anger. She pulled her daughter's hand. Originally, she wanted to provoke Ye Xiao using her daughter, but it turned out that she was the one being provoked instead.

"Just you wait until I report to Wei Shang!"

"Whatever you say."

Wei Mi watched her mother expression as she pulled her hand and tried to soothe her mother. Whenever it was the matter concerning Ye Xiao and his family, her mother always looked so distraught.

"Wei Mi, you have to work harder," Su Lian said in a grave tone. "You have to make me proud."

"Yes, Mother," Wei Mi replied solemnly. Everything her mother said, she would abide completely.

Ye Xiao watched the two of them departed without worry. He knew that Wei Shang wouldn't listen to Su Lian. That man was a general with prestige. If he tried to battle him, it would only reflect bad on him. After all, there was no one that saw him cursed Su Lian. If this was in the market with numerous people, he might not be this outrageous.

"Dad, you're awesome!" Ye Jiao's eyes sparkled.

Seeing his daughter's reaction, Ye Xiao smiled wryly. "Don't copy me."

It would be a problem if she decided to copy his action rashly. There should be some calculation before deciding to do something like this.

"Ok, Dad."

Ye Xiao rubbed his nose. Well, that did feel rather satisfying. Venting his anger to that woman did feel really good.