

watch your back, no one will look out for you. don't trust, don't believe, the black king is coming your way. be careful “my king……” he said kneeling on the ground. A fist touching the ground and other his heart “raise.” He stood up from his kneeling position “the red king has come to meet you.” “what is the time.” “4:00 p.m. my king. Just like you said.” “send him.” “yes. My king.” He had to come. What choice did he have. I was sitting on my leather chair turned opposite to the desk. The view outside was beautiful, no wonder I got a full length glass window. The city . Power is what I felt when I stood there, above all… I stood up and went closer to the window, looking at the view, red, blue, white, yellow, green all beneath me. “black king.” A man said from behind

ShreyaI · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs




Not that I liked it before. But eventually had to start liking it. What other option did I have? Situations change a person to a whole new level. All the lights were switched off. My office had dim lights. Away from my side of the desk. I could see the person but they could not see me properly . I didn't like anyone looking at me anyway. It was better to stay in the dark. There was a bright lamp on my desk which I only switched on while doing work.

"my king..." he said kneeling on the ground. A fist touching the ground and other his heart

"raise." He stood up from his kneeling position

"the red king has come to meet you."

"what is the time black knight."

"4:00p.m. my king. Just like you said."

"send him."

"yes. My king."

He had to come. What choice did he have.

I was sitting on my leather chair turned opposite to the desk. The view outside was beautiful, no wonder I got a full length glass window. The city . Power is what I felt when I stood there, above all… I stood up and went closer to the window, looking at the view, red, blue, white, yellow, green all beneath me.

"black king." A man said from behind

"have a seat red king." I replied

"do you know why purple kingdom fell?"

" trusted friends turn against you, he plotted for power, . Everyone knows the story." He said. For a 76 year old, he sure is firm…. He has to be like that anyway. He is the red king.

"sometimes stories can be wrong you know. not everything heard is true... anyway.. what is the reason for you to come here?" I sat on my chair and turned towards him. I love revolving chairs..

"we need your help…"

"go on.."

"the yellow king. He has been attacking a lot, although we have held them back they cant do anything but many of our knights were killed. I want to destroy him."

"hmm…. I like the idea. He has been irritating me anyway. So, what do you offer."

"I want to know what you will do"

" i asked what do you offer in return?"

"….. anything you want."

" nice offer, first I will tell you how we will bring him down, and then I will tell you the condition."


"the yellow kingdom gets all his ammunitions from me. He has ordered a large amount this time. The meeting of the kings is in five days. For five days we stay low. No attacks by your side. In the meeting I will announce my decisions. We give a two day trial, but as soon as he does something which he would do and I am sure about that, our knights will attack. Train your ten best teams and I will send ten of mine. My knights will train your knights for coming three days. Plan about attacking positions will be decided tomorrow at 7:00a.m. sharp. Ammunitions for our teams will arrive to the respective bases at the time of the meeting. Passcodes will be given to make sure about the receiver, be ready for that. also my knights are to be treated good, if I give you my best, I hope to receive your best."

"do you think this will be enough?"

"if they fall, they fall like purple….. any questions?"

"only about your condition."

" you have two sons… both capable leaders I suppose."

"yes, they are… but what are you meaning to say."

"if I am not mistaken, the elder one is 30."

"yes my king..."

"I need a heir, and a leader born from the leaders…. Perfect to be the next black king."

"you are a... girl.." he looked at me with wide eyes. Exactly the reason I don't show my identity. He couldn't see my face properly but my request made it pretty clear to him that I was not a guy.

"any questions?."


"I suggest you keep this from everyone even your family That will be the best for you."

"but what were you saying about my son."

" I expected better dearest red king….. I am asking for your son's hand in marriage." His eyes showed sheer joy.

" my king I am more than glad! i agree to the condition."

"and red king, make sure your son keeps his record straight. I don't need a down image"

"my king…. Everything agreed and be assured he does not have any vices."

" tomorrow at 7:00 a.m."

"I will take my leave black king, it was an honour meeting you."

And he went out.

I stood up and again walked towards the window. I need to make sure the red king does not spill my secret

"my king."

"raise. Black knight."

" veronica, why?"

"what why? Seb"

"arranged marriage? You always wanted to find love."

"seb…. When you are the black king. you cannot find love, because there is no love for killers like me. And its better to realize it now than never."

"you wont change the decision…"


"be careful."

"yes brother."

He sighed.

"black knight… is the work done?"

"yes my king….. and 45 minutes from now to go."

"very well. Get everything ready. Only 10"

I was left standing looking at the city lights, it was past 8:00 p.m. already. Such little talk and such long time? I wore my cape and hat picked up my walking stick and headed out.