
7 Deadly Sins : Goat Sin

"Loving yourself is the only way to be loved by the others" Hazel Everyone knows Garvi as a Goat Sins. One of 7 Deadly Sins. In His previous life, Garvi fallin love with the girl who has a beautifull smile and pretty eyesl. No. I mean. They fallin love to each other. But the univers doesnt like that fact. The fact thay Garvi and Hazel happy as a couple. God, the King, and everyoun around them try to make them apart. And in His life now. As a punishment for what Garvi did to find his lover. Garvi must find her again. With the face, smell and everything about her are different. Not just Hazel, but all his friend who has a tittle 7 Deadly Sins. They waiting for each other in this tangled desteny. The lost each other and endleslly without even realizing that they are desteny has reapets. "The God and Devil in my mind, are because of you" Garvi Thalasa

Rennol_Dwi_Renjani · Fantasi
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5 Chs

5. Back to Garvi

Hazel entered the cafe Loretto had previously told her about. His lips smiled as he found someone who matched the characteristics of Loretto's description.

Sitting near the far end of the window, wearing a gray hoodie and a black mask. Hazel's hand waved a code to Loretto to which she nodded.

Even Daniel, who had been following Hazel for a long time, also waved his hand. He followed Hazel who was already walking ahead of him to Loretto.

"Hi. I'm sorry for being late. And sorry for interrupting your time" Hazel sat down right in front of Loreto.

Loretto took off his mask then shook his head and smiled sweetly. "No problem. I should be the one apologizing for causing your team to panic," said Loretto a little uneasy.

"No. No. No." Daniel shook his head. "We are happy, it's a good opportunity to work with a model that is on the rise"

Loretto chuckled. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment"

"So" Hazel took out her iPad and gave the Ipad to Loretto "This, our final look. I hope you like it. If something is missing or maybe you have an opinion. Tell me, we can immediately revise it"

Loretto took the Ipad. His eyes widened when he saw the three photos that were already in one file.

His lips formed a curve, but that didn't diminish his serious face.

Hazel and Daniel waited a while and gave as much time as possible for Loretto to see the designs they had made.

"Looks in a fox? It was pastel, right?" Loretto asked without shifting his focus.

Daniel had a worried look on his face. Although he had expected beforehand that this kind of reaction would come out of Loretto's mouth. But still Daniel was worried.

"Yep. After we thought about it again, black is more suitable for the badboys look. And the red one, to give affirmation and give a strong impression," explained Hazel professionally.

Daniel inwardly praised Hazel's flexibility and the way her division leader handled clients.

"But if you think, pastel is better. We can change it, for you"

Loretto shook his head. He looked at Hazel and handed her the iPad. "No, you don't have to" answered Loretto with a faint smile.

Hazel nodded and handed the iPad to Daniel. "So, what do you think?"

Loretto nodded "I like it"

Hazel's eyebrow rose. "You like?" Hazel asked again.

"Yep. Overall, I really like the red one. Like, mafia look. I don't mind changing the color either, I have nothing to comment on"

"You guys, doing great. Thank you," continued Loretto, making Daniel's smile widen.

"Seriously, Loretto? You really don't want to revise? Or maybe add something?"

Loretto shook his head. "Crazy. You guys did this one day with perfect results. Why should I spoil my taste?"

The rumors circulating about Loretto turned out to be true. Hazel could see and witness all of that herself.

Kind, professional and not fussy. Hazel's favorite types of clients. And most importantly, Loretto didn't underestimate Divis Hazel's work.

"Thank you, Loretto," Hazel said sincerely.

"So what do you want to order? Bills on me"

Daniel cheered with pleasure hearing Loretto would treat them. "I can order anything I want, right?" Ask Daniel just in case

"Of course"

Hazel looked at Daniel who was excited to choose the menu he would eat. His lips smiled when he saw the smile on Daniel's face.

Daniel is like a younger brother. Especially at a time like this, Daniel was very adorable in Hazel's eyes.

"It doesn't take much. It won't run out later." Hazel stroked Daniel's hair which was a little messy because he had been working all day with him.

A thumbs up from Daniel and a smile on his lips, all of which was contagious so that it made Loretto smile too.

"If I hire Daniel to be on my staff, is that okay, Hazel?" The question from Loretto got an annoyed snort from Hazel.

"It's okay, he's the moodboster on my team. Even though he's modeled like this, Daniel is very useful, especially for negotiations." Hazel showed Daniel who was given a nod of agreement.

Loretto laughed at that. For some reason Loretto felt very comfortable throwing jokes with Hazel. This feeling of comfort and pleasure feels very familiar.

"Anyways, I hope our cooperation won't end here. In the future, hopefully we can get another new project, and maybe even bigger than this" Hazel said with a nod by Loretto.


Garvi's gray mane was still disheveled, his waking face clearly visible. His eyes were still not fully opened. His lips opened wide when he realized that today he was late again.

One of his friends last night took Garvi out for drinks on the pretext of celebrating his broken heart day.

Unlucky. Garvi winced as his head throbbed in pain. Even though he knew the end would always be like this, but Garvi was still the same.

Drink too much, then get drunk. Then I woke up with aches and pains all over my head.

But this pain is what makes him addicted.

To relieve the discomfort in his heart. Garvi did many ways, one of them by getting drunk.

Not only that, Garvi also pushed himself to work. As much as possible Garvi filled his schedule with lots of work.

At least, Garvi can divert his focus from the crazy dreams that haunt Garvi every night.

Garvi's cell phone rings. Lucas' name was on the screen. A sigh escaped from his mouth.

Surely Lucas will revile Garvi with various religious-smelling sentences. Garvi already memorized it by heart.

Still in life-gathering mode, Garvi picked up the call.

"Good Morning, Lucas" said Garvi excitedly.

"No need to be cute. Where are you now?"

Garvi took the phone away from his ear. He winced as his eardrums nearly burst.

"At home?" Garvi replied a little doubtfully

"Scheduled photo shoot at 12. I don't want to know, don't be late. Our current client is fussy. I'm lazy to find excuses"

"Fine. After this I immediately take a shower"

"And one more thing, stop getting drunk, Garvi"

Garvi rolled his eyes. "Okay," he answered simply.

"Garvi. I just don't want you to get into trouble. Not only your career or your physical health. But your mental health too"

"Okay. I got it. Already? I want to get ready, we'll meet at the photoshoot location"
