
The Seductive Siren of the Sea: Exploring the Alluring Seal-Folk

When it came back into focus, I was in a tropical forest in a clearing, still staring at Lexi. I was about to say something, but then we started to move very fast, or the scene did, and I was standing on a beach with Lexi.

"I don't think that place will be the same, so this is what the beach looks like," Lexi explained as I looked around and then gestured for a portal to this exact spot, and then the illusion broke, and I was back on my balcony, but my portal to the location was still there.

"That was extremely helpful," I said, stepping through the portal and offering my hand to Lexi, who accepted it gracefully as she slithered through the portal and onto the same with me.

The beach was the same as Lexi had shown me, and I could see a small village in the distance, with a few people walking around, but they didn't look human or any of the other man races. We were too far to see normally, but I flipped on my Sight Runes and zoomed in to look at the people.