

"Yo i'll tell you what i want, what i really really want" i sing, using a hairbrush as microphone.

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want" Maddy continues, placing the speaker with the music on the ground.

"I'll tell you what i want, what i really really want" the boys are all looking at us, amused expressions on their faces.

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want" Maddy flips her hair, also a hairbrush in her hand.

"I wanna, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna really really really wanna zigazag ha!" I finish and we both giggle.

They all clap "what a performance, girls, good job" Brent says and gives us both a hug "yea your both really good at singing! Great voice!" Cody says and gives me a hug and gives Maddy a kiss on her cheek, making her blush.

"You could join our band" Axel winks and now my cheeks also turn pink. Dylan rolls his eyes "idiot" he murmers "What did you say?" Axel walks towards him.

"That your a idiot! That's what i said" Ugh, just how fast topic changes, just like the mood we had.

I roll my eyes "your both toddlers, ehm boys can me and the toddlers have a moment?" They all nod and go to their rooms, Maddelyn whispering a 'good luck' to me before following Cody to his room. "Use protection!" I yell although im not happy with the situation. "Well both of you sit, we needa have a nice chat." They listen and sit down, me taking a seat across them. "Your both so childish to begin with. I know you both like me but you both need to know your also best friends!

Dylan, Axel told me you are a big priority to him, so saying idiot wasn't too nice. Axel, i told you to let me think, which i did and my plan is clear. You both have a chance to take me on a date, get to know me, i get to know you more and then we see how it goes. I am in charge here, but that doesn't mean that you will continue acting like you are now. Stop with that childish behavior and act like the adults you are, you are best friends for gods sake! So you better quit the act or none of you will 'get' me. Understood?" They both nod, looking everywhere but me.

Then Axel speaks up "im sorry for being yea, obvious? I just couldn't control it" I smile "thank you for apologizing"

"I also need to apologize, what i said to you wasn't right, Axel. Forgive me?" He smiles and shows his dimples "of course bro, come here" they hug "Groupshug!" I yell and jump onto them, making them groan. Soon enough i feel bodies onto mine, and look up to see the others joining our hug.

"We heard what you said, good luck" Zack says, scratching the back of his neck. "You were eavesdropping" i state, crossing my arms. "Look we just wanted ya all to be alright, since we obviously could tell that there was something going on" Cody says, having his arm wrapped around maddy's waist.

I give each of them a hug "its all good, your lucky i love you all, friendship way of course"

Except for you, Dylan and Axel...

We talk some more and then its soon 9PM.

"Hey Liv, so Ehm is that 'date' still on?" Dylan nervously asks me, fiddling with his hands. I pat his shoulder "your time to shine starts now, boy" i wink and grab his hand "see you tommorow lads!" I call out and drag him out of the flat, let the date begin...

Time skip

"So this wasn't really what i imagined our date to be" I mutter.

We are somewhere in the middle of nowhere. the car Dylan borrowed from the boy next door broke down and now we are standing here in the rain. We are literally at least an hour away from home and the arcade so walking makes no sense.

Dylan dropped his cell phone in a ditch for the record in panic and mine is dead. I still have my camera which i always take with me everywhere but that thing won't bring us anywhere now. "i know, im sorry" tears appear in his eyes and i wished I had conveyed the words differently, or simply kept my mouth shut.

I give him a hug "don't worry, lets sit in the car first, im freezing" we step into the car "what do you think is the matter with it?" I ask to change the subject.

He shrugs "no idea, I don't understand cars, that turned out to be the case when I finally got my driver's license after 6 times" he laughs. I giggle "6 times? jeez" his mood suddenly goes down again "again sorry, liv. I imagined this date very differently, but I think that is clear."

I lean against him, feeling a little tired, it's almost midnight after all. "It's okay, really. A date for me is all about being together, not doing things. Of course I wish you had won me such a cliché pluche bear, but it's okay." he smiles "you will still get that bear from me" he winks.

We sit in silence for a while, both fighting our own thoughts. "what now?" I ask after a while "well i had planned to sleep in a hotel and have a day at the arcade tomorrow but that won't work. Shall we sleep in the car? maybe there are some blankets in the back" he gets out and goes to the trunk "got it! " he cheers and brings a puddle of blankets and a pillow "here, you can take the pillow. We'll have to sleep in the backseat, the seats can't be pulled back" I shake my head "let's share the pillow"

I grabbed everything in the back and make myself comfortable, as far as possible. He soon joins me and locks the car. "this is so bad" he laughs and looks up.

I look at him. his green eyes are illuminated by the moonlight and his red lips show a beautiful smile. He lies with his hands behind his head and looks my way. "what are you thinking of?" I get out of my trance and look at the ceiling where a skylight can be seen. I also notice that the rain has stopped "dyl? shall we go star gazing on the roof? it stopped raining and it's a clear night" he nods and smiles "come" he takes my hand and helps me on the roof. He puts his arm around my waist and I put my head on his chest

"I don't want you to fall off" he says and I just know that's not the only reason he's holding me.

After some talking and stargazing, we both fall asleep, dreaming about each other...