
4 steps to heaven

A young guy named Leon Burnhard, lived in a fairly wealthy family of businessmen and every year they went on vacation, but this time an accident happened. It started raining heavily, a taxi was driving through the mountains with this family, but fate was not on their side and an avalanche fell on them. What will happen and what fate is in store for our main character? (author's note: this is my first book and therefore there will be big mistakes! I hope that you will point them out to me. And the cover is not mine, if the artist wants me to take it off, I'll take it off)

Daoistynt · Fantasi
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29 Chs

Angels and the Truth about Magicians

- Shiro, what do you think happened next? Anafel asked. "the demons were driven out with the help of angels... "and then a suggestion came to me.

- I think that the era of the rule of angels has come?

- Exactly! And do you know how people drove out the demons? A contract was concluded in exchange for which a person gives his "heart", and in return receives the knowledge accumulated by angels. After that, magicians of the second rank and even the third appeared, which contributed to the liberation of the human world from the dictatorship of demons. And those who received this knowledge could not pass it on to others and only to those who also signed a contract with them. Those who were not "heartless" simply did not understand them. Of course, the demons still live in this world and just hid from one country, the name of which I have already mentioned.

- And how did the angels perceive the "heart"? I asked.

- These were all human qualities: mercy, compassion, pity, and so on. Right now, most magicians are indistinguishable from ordinary people, but still there are echoes of the past," Anafel explained.

- By the way, Anafel, did you say that there were magicians of the third rank? Then why are there only two in the manual?

- Well, Shiro, it's because of where I got this book. Those who study there do not need it yet, because the strongest graduate was only the second rank of the core of the liquid stage. And therefore, only after graduation from the academy will they learn about the whole force, which I will tell you now:

1 Initial (copper- dark green with iron)

1. Stage 1 (gas)

2. Stage 2 (liquid)

3 stage 3 (solid)

2 Advanced (iron-silver)

1st stage

Stage 2

Stage 3

4. Disaster

3 Pre-divine (gold-diamond)

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3 - made a short pause and Anafel showed a serious face - and divine rank. Almost nothing is known about him since there have not yet been any officially registered cases of achieving such a rank. "Divine rank? Maybe my future self had just such a development? I don't know and I'll never be able to find out," I thought with a little longing and a small lump rose in my throat. "Don't worry, I won't end up like her."

- Anafel, what rank are you at?

- Shiro, remember for the future, never, under any circumstances, ask about the rank of other magicians. This is very confidential information and you can be killed for such a question, but I will answer you because you are my student. I have reached the third rank and now in front of you is one of the strongest creatures on this continent - Anafel proudly declared and slightly stuck out her already noticeable chest and I could not help but turn my gaze to my runway. "How annoying is it, why is she so small? Although, this is even a plus, since these bags of fat will not interfere with me, " I reassured myself and one suggestion came to me.

- Anafel, did people get mental energy from angels?

My extremely ordinary voice was like a bucket of cold water that was poured on my titted teacher. She raised her eyebrow with surprise on her face and said.

- Shiro, don't tell me you're jealous of my breasts? - she cleared her throat and answered - Yes, the angels gave people mental energy and with the help of this power we were able to gain temporary independence until the angels came to power.

- So wait, what have dragons been doing for almost 1500 years?

- Shiro, I'm not a dragon and I don't know the whole history of the world, and even more so it doesn't seem true to me - Anafel made a short pause - dragons don't care about such "bugs" like people, they will act in two cases when the whole world is a complete disaster and when the dragons are a complete disaster - Anafel explained briefly and clearly. "Since the dragons did not participate in these conflicts, what did they do anyway? I don't know, but I suspect that demons gave people mana, and angels mental energy? How do people differ from these two in general? I thought.

- Anafel, do people in general have something different from those two conquerors? I asked, and she smiled.

- Of course, dear Broad, look - after that, 2 identical ice blades formed in her hand. "It's so excellent that my spear is slowly sucking on the sidelines. Although I am not a specialist in magic , but I can immediately say that this is a work of art," I thought, shocked. A one-handed sword 50 centimeters long from the hilt to the tip of the blade, sharpened on one side with a kind of s-shaped guard, carved drawings decorated the handle and it gave off an abnormal cold that sent goosebumps down my back.

"Well?" It seems to be the same blades, but take a closer look - she pointed to these blades lying on the table. From this, the table was covered with frost, which did not surprise me. I bent down and touched the edge of the blades of both blades and at first I didn't feel anything, but then I looked at my right hand. "The right blade is much sharper than the left," I analyzed and turned on the blood magic. The wound that was made by the blade began to slowly heal and the blood that was on the blade began to return back to my body.

- The right blade is sharper, but why? I asked, puzzled, and decided to look at the thickness of the blades of these swords. And it turned out that the thickness, though a little, but differs, although it is not visible externally.

- Yes, Shiro, this intention affects the characteristics of the spell - Anafel replied and I frowned, again, it was difficult for me to do this.

- What is this intention? The manual didn't say anything about him, I said confidently, but Anafel just shook her head and smiled slightly.

- Well, I'm not surprised, since they need to somehow lure new magicians, but come on. Okay, I'll tell you what the intention is and we'll finally finish this tedious "true" legend of our world. I would also like to explain something else to you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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