

## Episode 2: I Entered the Academy Romance Novel

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So, I finally held Yumin's hand. It felt like a dream. To think we evolved from childhood friends to lovers; our relationship would last forever...

"Is this guy completely insane?"

The romance approach of the novel's protagonist was incredibly frustrating. After confessing their feelings, they should have progressed within a month. But all they did in a month was hold hands. It was exasperating.

If they went through such a difficult process to start dating, shouldn't the progress be quicker?

"Seriously! No... Is this even realistic? If you've been dating for about a month, you should have already gone through all the physical steps, right?"

"You don't know anything, do you? Put down the phone and focus, you idiot."

I almost threw the phone, only to realize it wasn't mine. How could I focus on such a tiresome plot? Why was the prologue written so grandly if the story would unfold like this? I couldn't understand it.

"What's the title of this novel?"

"It's 'Academy Pure Love Diary.' Now stop asking about the title and focus. Let's quit this."

In a hurry, I looked down. I saw a thin, bony figure. Each deep breath exposed a provocative chest line. Her sharp eyes looked like they could tear someone apart, and her nails, already raised, were digging into my back.

"Seriously, it hurts. Stop raising your nails. Last time you used your teeth, now it's your nails. It's unfair; you were the one who turned on the phone first."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a laugh of disbelief. Minjeong stretched out her hands and grabbed my neck, fixing my head in place. Even as I gasped for breath, my hips moved diligently. The sound of slick movements filled the room, and the bed sheets were soaked with semen.

"Was it because of that? You just took my phone and tried calling anyone, didn't you? Do you know how embarrassed I was when you called my crush last time?"

My romantic pursuits were being ruined because of you. She continued to curse me. The only way to handle Minjeong in such situations was to keep going diligently. As she groaned and cursed, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist, squeezing out every bit of air. While rubbing against me, she continued to hurl insults.

As I lowered my hand and gently rubbed her clit with my thumb, a piercing scream echoed. 

"Minjeong, I've told you many times, it wasn't intentional. The missed call was really from him. Besides, I'll be enlisting in the military soon, so why are you obsessing over your crush?"

She couldn't respond, only trembling and curling her toes. Her eyelids fluttered, signaling her climax, so I sped up. Her hips jerked, and she let out weak sounds like a pig being slaughtered, which I found cute. In the end, she couldn't even scream, her body trembling like a jellyfish. As I patted her hair, I grabbed it tightly, remembering her strangling me earlier.

"Why are you so selfish? I've told you three times to clean up after we're done. You only think about yourself."

Her scream soon turned into a gagging sound, and a refreshing feeling enveloped my body. After thrusting a few more times, I poured the remaining semen into her mouth and got up. Checking my phone, I saw missed calls and text messages piling up.

'Did it yesterday, so on hold... Big breasts, might call for a drink tonight? Oh... and I remember planning a threesome today...'

With one hand, I quickly typed a message while putting on clothes with the other. It was quite a busy day. On days with double bookings, thorough self-care was necessary. Eating eel for dinner would help me keep up with the schedule.

"Minjeong, since it's an all-nighter today, you don't have to rush. I'll go ahead, and I'll contact you later."

I ignored the insults thrown at my back, like "crazy bastard" and "mannersless jerk." It wasn't the first time, and it was part of Minjeong's charm. That sharp edge from her thin body had a certain appeal. As I stepped out of the motel, I searched the novel title on my phone, and it came up immediately. It was very popular, with glowing reviews. Though it was currently on hiatus, the latest chapter had been uploaded yesterday. Curious, I paid to read it and found it was the same content I'd read at the motel.

So, by chapter 172, all they had done was hold hands? 

'Building trust and affection step by step? Is this really appealing?'

I couldn't understand this sentiment. I wondered what would happen if the protagonist got stolen by another guy. Even a seemingly one-way path could have a side road. Emotions were often similar. The protagonist, who was over 20, should be interested in sex, but he was just holding hands and being happy about it. It felt artificial. It seemed like the author was dragging the story out unnecessarily.

Usually, I wouldn't read such a novel or leave a comment, but today, I couldn't resist. I thought my comment could be helpful feedback for the author, so I started writing a long comment. I postponed my meeting with Sujeong to focus on it. If I didn't write it now, I might get distracted while driving.

[Hello, author. I'm a reader of the latest chapter. I don't know what kind of bond has been built between Minsu and Yumin so far, but at this point, they should be having a more intimate physical relationship. Just holding hands and ending it seems too inexperienced...]

I intended to stop there, but my frustration made my fingers move on their own.

[...Holding hands and blushing should have ended after elementary school. Honestly, at their age, knowing everything, this behavior doesn't make sense. Minsu and Yumin seem too inexperienced. It's not pure; it just seems naive...]

The comment grew longer, and I eventually hit the character limit, so I copied and pasted it into a message to the author. The author's email was openly displayed, which I found unusual.

[...Therefore, I hope you consider this. From a passionate reader of the latest chapter]

Though I'd read only one chapter, I considered myself a passionate reader. Who else would send a 1,500-character message based on just the latest chapter? It was a genuinely well-intentioned message, though it contained some harsh truths.

"This makes me a good reader, honestly."

No one else was as considerate, I thought, as I got into my car. Other comments were harsher, telling the author to quit writing. In comparison, mine was like a cute joke.

I glanced back at the motel window. The light in Minjeong's room was on. Normally, she would be asleep, but she seemed to be finally getting up after saying she'd wash up.

"She's really cute."

As I drove out of the motel parking lot, a white space appeared instead of the road. For a moment, I wondered if such a place existed, but it didn't seem familiar. It was a completely white space, and I felt dizzy, experiencing cognitive dissonance. What was going on?

Even after a strenuous session, I wasn't exhausted enough to hallucinate. I'd never experienced this before. So, it wasn't a dream, which made it even stranger. I got out of the car as I drove at 200 km/h, with no end in sight.

"Finally, you're quiet."

I looked up at the sudden voice. The first thing I noticed was the checkered shirt, almost bursting at the buttons. It was a double chin and horn-rimmed glasses, which didn't suit him at all. His body shape was like a drum, and the shirt-jeans combo made his waist indistinguishable.

'Who is this?'

He spoke like he knew this place well, but before I could say anything, he started talking again.

"I read your message. At first, I was happy; it was the longest feedback I'd ever received, and the beginning was full of praise. But as I read on... you were mocking me..."

His clenched fists trembled. His face turned red, looking like a steamed bun. His shaking resembled a rice cooker about to explode.

"...So I watched you... and I couldn't hold back my anger... Just because you're tall, handsome, and rich, does that give you the right to mock me? No... Some people don't lack experience by choice! I didn't become a human condom voluntarily... you... popular jerk!"

His double chin wobbled with each word. Despite the heavy atmosphere, I couldn't help but think about how funny his double chin looked. His voice fluctuated, getting louder when he cursed. Despite the serious situation, I couldn't stop laughing.

"What are you talking about? Pfft, hahahaha! Ah, sorry, but it's really funny... Let's stop with the nonsense and think about how to get out of here. Aren't you stuck here too?"

I thought it was a reasonable suggestion. Instead of wasting time with nonsense, we needed to focus on getting out. But it seemed the fat nerd had different priorities.

"Are you still mocking me? I'll make you regret this, you damn jerk!"

His angry voice and clenched hands looked cute, like steamed buns. I laughed again, but the fat nerd clapped his hands, and a giant book appeared behind me. The cover had the title, and it made a fluttering sound as it opened and quickly approached me.

I turned to run, but it was too late. Just then, I heard the fat nerd's voice, clear and precise this time.

"Let's see how you manage!!! Live inside forever!!!"

I regretted not pulling his shaking double chin once before it happened


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