

Here is the English translation:

### Episode 10: The Boyfriend Showing an Unfamiliar Expression to His Classmate, So Yoomin (2)

What is the biggest difference between someone who likes fish and someone who doesn't?

Various opinions may arise, but I think it's whether they can debone fish well or not. 

What I mean is, Kim Minsu cannot debone fish for you, but I can.

"Spanish mackerel has a lot of bones, so it tastes good but seems hard to eat."

"I'll debone it for you, Yoomin."

"Oh, really? You don't have to..."

"No, since I'm deboning it anyway, it's better if we do it together."

At Victory's cafeteria, orders of two or more portions come on one plate and have larger portions than single orders.

The important thing was that it came on one plate.

Since Kim Minsu disliked fish, he ordered food from a different floor.

While he went to get it, it was just Yoomin and me!

The perfect environment to make a move.

"If you have any questions about the academy since you just awakened, feel free to ask."

I had anticipated this.

So Yoomin was an outgoing, lively girl - the typical popular type.

Would such a girl remain silent while deboning fish for someone? That was impossible.

Since I had asked for the after-school tour, it was too easy to expect this kind of conversation.

"Ah...there is something...but it feels too personal...I was wondering if I could ask."

"What is it?"

Hesitating briefly, Yoomin placed the grilled spanish mackerel on my rice.

Others might find it burdensome, but Baek Taeyang's looks made it all understandable. 

He was handsome and comfortable.

"Do people date at this academy too?"

"Huh? Oh...they...do?"

Visibly surprised, I was the one who became flustered instead.

I expected to handle this easily, but he was more innocent than he looked.

"What do you think?"

"Well...I guess? Taeyang, you seem like you've dated a lot..."

His eyes darted around, clearly flustered.

Glancing to the side, I saw Kim Minsu approaching. The timing wasn't bad.

"Me? I don't care about dating...but honestly, as long as it's not a secret relationship, anything is fine..."

Eight steps before Kim Minsu reached the table. 

Now was the perfect time to plant seeds of doubt.

"Why a secret relationship?!"

Suddenly, Yoomin's voice rose sharply. This was unexpected.

'Why is she suddenly yelling?'

Attention turned towards us, and a startled Kim Minsu quickly sat beside Yoomin.

"What's going on?" 

From Kim Minsu's expression, it seemed like I had done something wrong.

'Your girlfriend yelled, so why me...'

Perhaps Yoomin's outburst gave him an excuse to interject, as Kim Minsu barged into the conversation.

"What were you talking about?"

"Ah, about the reasons for a secret relationship." 

"Oh, really?"

As soon as secret relationships were mentioned, he froze up too.

In that moment, I placed more grilled fish on Yoomin's rice and continued.

"Honestly, there's really only one reason a guy suggests a secret relationship, right Minsu?"

"Huh? What? It's just because I want to cherish her...?"

This topic seemed completely unexpected to him, his eyes darting around. 

They did share similarities for being a couple.

The sharp gaze from just 5 minutes ago was gone, replaced by pitiful goat-like eyes. 

He subtly looked at me, as if seeking my agreement... 

I casually dismissed it.

"It's because you're ashamed, right? Of your lover's face or something...or you want to fool around?"

From the start, being in a secret relationship meant there were major flaws. 

Unless something was lacking, there was no need to hide it. 

If dating wasn't prohibited at the academy, why keep it secret?

"You two are innate awakeners who didn't attend regular schools, so you may not know..."

Yoomin and Kim Minsu listened attentively, as if my words were law. 

More accurately, Yoomin's ears were fixed on me while her eyes were on Minsu. 

This was Minsu, who had emphasized male friendship by saying guys are more comfortable with each other.

The moment I opened my mouth, he was already labeled as 'guys all think that way to some extent...'

"...So you're doing a secret relationship for that kind of reason? Why hide it when you're dating, isn't that strange? Right?"

"No, no!" 

Now it was Kim Minsu raising his voice. 

It wasn't like they were acting from a script - their actions were identical. 

This is why the saying "birds of a feather flock together" exists. 

But why did he suddenly stand up, even if he was just raising his voice? 

Was he getting kicked out while eating?

'This is why virgin protagonists are really...'really'...' 

Realizing he was out of line, Minsu hurriedly sat back down and began making excuses earnestly. 

He started by looking at me, but eventually his gaze was fixed solely on Yoomin.

"It's just...if we suddenly reveal everything...it's because...it's embarrassing?"

"Why be embarrassed between lovers, you're just ashamed...a little...behind?" 

Of course, I've never experienced it myself, so I don't really know, but isn't it really trashy how normal people do it? 

I had to add that last part. 

Strongly appealing that 'others may be like that, but I'm not' would rapidly increase her favor. 

I had to give the impression of being outwardly unruly but actually very kind to women - a wholesome guy.

"I...I've never once thought that way, Yoo...Yoomin, I swear." 

After saying it was a secret relationship first, he was showing his hand more than anyone. 

Even the dumbest guy would know who was dating who at this point.

'Why did he insist on a secret relationship?' 

In fact, I had briefly seen during class that when Kim Minsu looked at Yoomin, honey was practically dripping from his eyes.

'So maybe...he plans to reveal "We're dating!" later, and the others will nod knowingly, thinking "So that's what it was..."' 

Going further, someone might say "So I was the only one who didn't know?" and make a fuss asking "How long have you two been dating?"...it was predictable.

'That will never happen now, Minsu.' 

Yoomin silently stared at Minsu intently, while he desperately claimed the secret relationship wasn't for that reason. 

It was already over here. 

Instead of discussing the pros and cons of secret relationships, it was time to express how much he loved her. 

His lack of dating experience really showed. 

If he couldn't do that, he should have changed the subject by at least kissing her lips, but instead he just kept droning on about the intention behind the secret relationship...

'It's a pity for Yoomin...' 

Her rare pelvic size and thick thighs for an Asian were wasted on a guy like him - it was unacceptable. 

Just looking at his school pants, I was a left-pocketed black mamba while he was a middle-parted parakeet. 

In a fight between a parakeet and a black mamba, the winner was already decided, wasn't it?

"Why are you so desperately explaining yourself, Minsu? Girls don't really understand...there are just some things between guys, right? Let's just eat."

An urgent fire must never be extinguished completely. 

By pretending to brush it off while leaving some embers, it would be easier to reignite later.

Perhaps because a lover's quarrel in the cafeteria was too much for them, they had some conversation before eating.

Actually, calling it a conversation was generous - it was Minsu talking one-sidedly while Yoomin just stared at him intently. 

Honestly, nothing would change from causing such discord. 

It was a common lover's quarrel early in the relationship, and if they reconciled, it would only strengthen their bond. 

If the original story had progressed, Minsu's growth from revealing their secret relationship could have been a turning point. 

But that would never happen now. 

The only path left for Kim Minsu was to go down like a dog.

Here is the English translation:


"Alright, you all worked hard today. Don't slack off just because classes are over, and always strive to train diligently. That's all."

"Thank you."

Finally, all classes were over. 

Victory Academy proceeded like a high school curriculum, except that there were 8 periods as the norm.

'I don't understand a single word, so listening forcibly is really nonsensical.'

It felt like an elementary student suddenly learning Physics 2.

'How could that work?'

During class time, I prioritized sleeping, and during breaks, I prevented Minsu and Yoomin from resolving their misunderstanding.

I stuck closely to Kim Minsu, getting friendly with the group he usually hung out with, and whenever I blinked, I blocked anyone trying to approach Yoomin's side.

Preventing them from quickly reconciling like a dog with an itchy butt whining was extremely difficult.

And the result of my diligent intervention?

"Taeyang, let's go."

It was excellent.

From after lunchtime, Yoomin did not once make eye contact with Kim Minsu. She didn't even smile.

With a cold expression, she clearly looked very angry.

Resolving misunderstandings quickly was important.

But for a boyfriend in the same class who never initiated conversation and only played with friends?

Could a misunderstanding be resolved by seeing that?

'Since everything I said was true, she'll think he can't explain himself.'

Imagination has always been the relationship killer.

I stood up from my seat and stood beside Yoomin.

Kim Minsu, who seemed to have promised to walk home together, was waiting by the back door of the classroom.

'Does he plan to forcibly tag along and have the three of us go together?'

Did he think such a shallow trick would work?

Should I explain the conversation from lunchtime? Just the two of us?

I brought my lips close enough for my breath to reach her ear and whispered.

For Yoomin right now, the most important thing wasn't that she got physically close to another guy.

It was hearing about the 'something' between guys regarding secret relationships.

Her boyfriend waiting there? She could see it as pitiful.

While feeling sorry for him and wanting to reconcile, her heart was already elsewhere.

'Why did he suggest a secret relationship?'

This would drive her insanely curious. 

As expected, Yoomin nodded and said they should go somewhere private.

"Don't think about Minsu following, go ahead first."

At Yoomin's firm words, Kim Minsu, who had been trying to secretly follow, stopped in his tracks.

His frozen appearance like an ice sculpture suited him perfectly.


Seeing Kim Minsu's expression from start to finish truly made it impossible to hold back laughter.

In fact, there was no need to hold back anymore.

Yoomin could no longer see my expression.

Eager to hear the story, she walked straight ahead without looking back.

"See you tomorrow, Minsu."

I gave Minsu a bright smile.