
Chapter 633 Rumors depend on one mouth

People around you are knowledgeable, and they are not optimistic about this move by Eric miller and Cindy scott.

"You can't spend money like this."

"I really don't know what background this thin is always, just one hundred million yuan, and use it to spoil his wife?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, the host came up with a business card. "Boss Carl, Mrs. Bo, do you want to open your lot on the spot?"

Their organizers are not optimistic about this Stone either.

Other people's Stone are opened on the spot, and they will estimate the approximate price. If they lose too much money, they will lose face.

That's why they came to ask.

Thin cool Chen side head, look at her, "thin Mrs.?"

Cindy scott looked up and his eyes narrowed. "You..."

All he wanted to do was play, so he threw the problem at her!