
Chapter 597 Counterattack

"I told you, don't mention the past." Li Hua anxious, she just don't want Cindy scott hurt, so has not told her, about the Simmons family, is this also her fault?

"Excessive protection is also a kind of harm to her." Zeng Yuxian did not make unilateral concessions this time.

The two men argued endlessly and quarreled at home.

At the same time, Cindy scott's studio received several prosecution letters, all of which determined that her design had plagiarism traces, and hoped that she would cooperate with the negotiation.

"These people, what they say is really hype, that is, to discredit us!" Su Yuan carefully checked the letters, and after screening, there were six left.

Moreover, the other party's position is not small, even the top company in the industry, Sford is among them, and the company's situation is worrying under these pressures.