
Chapter 572 Hate and Hate

Soon, the news of the overall change of Carl family Group's equity spread all over Asher.

In the afternoon, Eric miller and Cindy scott went to the hospital to visit Bo Huaien with fruit. When they arrived at the door, they saw several reporters and investors stuck there.

"Boss Carl!"

They all turned around and surrounded thin cool Chen and Cindy scott.

"I heard that the police have frozen all the property under Bo Huaien's name, and all the shares belonging to Carl family Group have been forced to sell off. How does your company plan to solve this matter?"

"You, ask me?"

Thin cool Chen lips with a smile, "Now Carl family's largest shareholder is Zhong Zong, everything, she is in charge."

"Zhong Zong, please talk about it!" The reporters pointed the microphone at Cindy scott.