
Chapter 442 Play Big

Cindy scott swept his eyes, frowned lightly, and slowly pressed the answer button.

From the mobile phone, Manxia pretended to care. " Cindy scott, are you all right? I heard that the police are looking for you and Wen Ruan Er everywhere. Are you all right?"

"I don't know, I didn't find her."

Cindy scott said with a straight face, looking out of the window, only feeling that today's sunshine is particularly dazzling.

"How come? Did you not get on that ship?" Yu Manxia also asked.

Cindy scott laughed coldly in his heart, but his voice was still gentle and quiet. "When I got on, the ship almost hit the rocks. Fortunately, I met a noble person, otherwise, I was afraid to die outside."

In a word, Yu Manxia clenched his mobile phone over there.

She knew that there was still a mistake in the plan, otherwise, Cindy scott could not have lived at all.

My eyes suddenly cooled, but I was somewhat proud. "That's great, otherwise, I will feel guilty for a lifetime."