
Chapter 375 No one wants to be like this

Shortly after Eric miller returned to Carl family, Assistant Min received a phone call from the front desk.

"Boss Carl, Miss Wen has come and said she must see you, and she doesn't seem to be in the right state of mind."

Assistant Min listened to the description of the front desk staff and was a little concerned.

If someone has an accident in Carl family, the fame and popularity after Wen Ruan's comeback will be detrimental to Carl family's reputation.

Eric miller signed the document and his eyes became more and more heavy. "Let her in."

Soon, Wen Ruan's little face turned white, bowed his head and stood in front of thin cool Chen. She no longer had any brilliance in her bright eyes, sipping her lips and looking embarrassed.

In Min's assistant's memory, Wen Ruan Er never showed people like this.

She cares so much about her appearance and reputation, and now …

Thin cool Chen glanced at the past, eyebrows frowned, "What do you want me to do?"