
Chapter 330 Unwilling to give up

In the afternoon, Wen Ruaner was about to go to the hospital to visit Eric miller when he received a phone call from the hospital.

"What! You are not mistaken, he has already woken up, how can there be any brain damage!"

On the other side of the phone is the voice of the nurse's patient explanation.

"We didn't make a mistake. The patient's brain is seriously damaged and needs to be operated again. You should come to the hospital to sign it immediately. Later, the patient is likely to become a vegetable."

When the nurse finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Wen Ruaner was pale and speechless in shock.

Kathy just came to work today, and heard Wen Ruan's voice calling her father in the restaurant.

"Dad, cool Chen to do surgery again, how to do? He won't..."

Kathy was scared and almost fell ill. She immediately took out her mobile phone and called Cindy scott. "Miss Zhong, something happened."

Cindy scott listened to Kathy and paused.