
Chapter 321 Marriage in Name Only

After Nancy cox asked, he quietly pressed the recording button.

In order to protect herself, she must make sure that every step is foolproof.

There was a clear response from Cindy scott on the phone, "Something that will make him feel refreshed."

Say that finish, Cindy scott hung up directly.

Nancy cox pinched his mobile phone and snorted disdainfully. "lamb film, still playing with me."

Both of them know very well that this seemingly peaceful cooperative relationship is very short-lived, but it is based on mutual utilization, and it may collapse instantly at any time.

On the other side of the phone, Cindy scott sat on the sofa and watched the latest news today.

On the screen, Eric miller walked side by side with Wen Ruan Er. He went to the police station to meet Wen Ruan Er, and announced in public that he would have a banquet in Shengshi Restaurant three days later.

Cindy scott bit the lip angle, and there was no superfluous expression on his face.