
Chapter 296 A narrow escape

His voice is very low, and he wears a hat on his head, so he can't see his facial features clearly.

But just listening to the sound gives people a very difficult feeling to approach.

Cindy scottgang nodded and said yes, and was beaten with a sap from behind, and the whole person fainted.

I don't know how long she was in a coma. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt that she was tied up and tied to firewood with hemp rope.

The surrounding environment is dark, and it can be seen vaguely. It is a utility room of a certain family.

At the door, someone spoke.

"Are you sure it's her? Don't make a mistake, hurt innocent people."

"It can't be wrong. Xiaohuzi called her wife behind the school. She must be Eric miller's fiancee and the daughter of that person." "After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for the opportunity of revenge. I had to burn her with a fire, burn it clean, and avenge Lao Guo!"