
Chapter 258 Complaint

Cindy scott also ignored the presence of lawyer Liu, and called Eric miller directly, but when the phone was directly impassable, she had to call Min's assistant.

"Boss Carl is still on the plane and has a temporary business trip."

"Well, please tell him that I have something very important to ask him." Cindy scott angrily hung up the phone.

Lawyer Liu looked at her face and couldn't figure it out. "Zhong Zong, we won the lawsuit against Carl family, and you also got the compensation you deserve, but why are you not happy at all?"

Cindy scottgan smiled. "Yes, I should be happy."

Take the money that Eric miller compensated her in various names...

Cindy scott suddenly hit the table, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was.

Lawyer Liu immediately smeared oil on the soles of his feet, found a reason and slipped away.

In the afternoon, Cindy scott got the money, and she immediately made a decision to recruit.