
Chapter 125 The Lu family will not pity you

She didn't break her promise. For the next ten hours, she knelt in front of Lubei Ward except going to the toilet. She didn't eat anything, just drank a few mouthfuls of water.

"Miss Chung, it doesn't make any sense for you to do so. Our wife won't forgive you because of you." Secretary Zhang came over. "You'd better go."

Cindy scott lowered his head and did not respond.

"Forget it, suit yourself."

When Cindy scott heard the sound of opening the door, he suddenly reacted and looked at the doctor and nurse.

But the attending doctor shook his head regretfully. "If the patient can't wake up tomorrow morning, we plan to have amputation."

Cindy scott's heart is like falling into a cliff.

"He can't amputate his leg. How can he drive without legs?" She murmured that she knew better than anyone that Noman Jones's biggest dream was to become the top racing driver in the world.