
Chapter 124 The situation is not optimistic

Across a door, Cindy scott just came to Allen Su in the ward.

The doctor holds a flashlight. "Look to the left, look above... What is this? I am your attending physician. My surname is Fang. Can you hear my voice?"

Cindy scott looked at him and waved his hand in front of himself.

But she could only see the doctor's lips moving, and there was no sound at all.

She looked blankly at the nurse who was recording her test data, the medical instruments and the shaking trees outside the window.

Cindy scott clutched the quilt and shook his head slowly, but he couldn't hear it.

She can't hear anything.

The doctor looked at the nurse. "Try to inform her family that further examination is needed."

"OK, Director Fang."

Cindy scott saw a lot of people outside through the door.

But she was too tired, and with the medication, she quickly fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, it was dark, and as during the day, she still couldn't hear any sound.