
Chapter 10 Go do something

At 8:00 p.m., in the Michelin restaurant, Linda cut her steak and said seemingly unintentionally, " Eric, I met Cindy and her boyfriend."

Eric put down his knife and fork and raised his eyes coldly, "Boyfriend?"

Linda was also not frightened by his sudden grimness, just softly continued, "Well, I checked, his name is Noman, is a rich second son in the family business. It would have been nothing really, but I just can't stand to see it, the Scott family once put you in such a bad way, and what makes Cindy able to live a happy life?"

She pretended not to see Eric's eyes, and very exaggeratedly said, "That Noman is really good to her, he is afraid that Cindy is cold, and also gives her to wear his own clothes."

The more she says, the more Eric's face is gloomy, especially when Linda said, "And it is said that the two of them also live together."

"Clang", cutlery was thrown on the table by Eric, the whole person exudes a coldness.