
The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

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Follow Ezekiel's story as he finds himself being amongst the 100 as they are dropped Into a world ridden with danger and death looming at every corner. But luckily for Ezekiel he isn't sent with only the clothes on his back in this world but gifted a variant of one of the most powerful abilities or system as others might call it, The Gamer. [—Note: This will be an AU, with new threats, grounders being stronger then their canon counterparts and new elements in the mix without jeopardizing the whole 100 Series to make the world more difficult for the MC and everyone in general and to keep in interesting so the MC doesn't steamroll this entire world and so that I can tell a story.] [—Tags: Kingdom Building, Chaotic Neutral MC, Small amount of darkness, Smut here and there and the occasional bullshittery.] [Side-Note: The MC will not be a perfect individual, he will not be all-knowing and a know it all and will make mistakes and decisions that lack any good judgement at first, he is selfish and does most of what he does for the benefit of himself first and is untrustful at first of everyone due to his past, hopefully throughout the story I will be able to showcase a little complex personality where he grows as a person by understanding his feelings and logical thoughts in a way that his entire persona doesn't break from them mashing and disrupting each other.]

8 tagar
Chapter 1[Chapter—1]

[Congratulations! You have been granted partial access to the Gamer System.]

' Huh?' Was my only response to that, I mean what other reaction could I muster as the last time I remember I was laying in a pool of my own blood before...this.

[You shall be sent to The 100 Show Universe.]

' Oh....it's one of those situations.' I thought understanding quickly what was situation, I was gonna be reincanated...or maybe transmigrated and I was all in for that.

[—Before that you have been granted 1 Ability Gacha Token, 3 Item Gacha Token, 3 Skill Gacha Tokens.]

[—Would you like to use them now?]

' Yeah thank you very much.' I replied already having come to terms with my situation and probable future.

[—Ding! you've obtained the Ability: Plant Control[S+].]

[—Ding! you've obtained the Items: Killers Bow Set[A+], Amaga's Twin Blades[A+], Wind-Breaker Throwing Knives[B+].]

[—Ding! you've obtained the skills: Crafting[Lv-1/10], Martial Arts[Lv-1/10], Weapons Proficiency[Lv-1/10].]

And just like that I felt a torrent of experience and knowledge from my ability pulse into me, I now knew how to use my ability as if I had been using it since I was born, this wasn't the end of it though.

The skills also granted me incredible knowledge and skill just from being level 1, I wondered what I would gain from level 10 skills.

But I didn't dwell on that and immediately clicked on each skill and reviewed their descriptions.

[—Crafting[Lv-1/10]: If it's craftable then you can make it either through trial and error or through sheer skill.

~Increases Crafting Efficiency, Speed and ingenuity by 10%.]

[—Martial Arts[Lv-1/10]: Martial arts, a plethora of martial skills allowing the user to be a walking weopon of pain and destruction.

~Increases Damage dealt using martial arts by 10%]

[—Weapons Proficiency[Lv-1/10]: Any and all things considered weopons you can use them with incredible experience and skill.

~Increases Damage dealt using weopons by 10%]

' Nice....'

[—The user has been granted the following functions.

—Status View.

—Skill View.

—Ability View.


—Use them wisely.


And just like that I blacked out, and found myself in a world of shaking and screams from what I could tell were teenagers.

Groaning I opened my eyes to the sight of the 100 strapped to their chairs as we accelerated through the earth's atmosphere to the ground before suddenly we crashed to the ground and everything went quiet, even the spacecrafts machine noise quieted.

' Oh okay....' I thought with a frown as I shook my head dispelling the ringing in my ears.

After that I immediately focused on my only Weopon in this world.

My system, I know that I just gained it a moment ago and that I probably shouldn't trust it that much but I had no other option.

Opening my status first I raised an eyebrow at the simple setup.

[—Name: Ezekiel Sinclair.

—Race: Human.

—Class: None.


—Body: 11

—Mind: 17

—Energy: 10

—Sense: 5


[—System Note!

—Body: Dictates how fit, how strong, fast and vital you are and how much damage and stress your body can take before breaking down.

—Mind: Dictates how smart, fast thinking and mentally strong you are and how easily things come to you through understanding and learning.

—Energy: Dictates how much energy you have that you can tap to, this energy allows the user to use Arcanic magics or simply power any supernatural ability they may have.

—Sense: Dictates how much perceptive you are of your surroundings granting the 5 senses incredible prowess beyond what they normally can achieve so long as the stat is high enough.

—Also Note The normal human average.

—Body: 5

—Mind: 5

—Energy: 0

—Sense: 3


' Oh shit, I have above average stats.' I thought smiling as I looked at my arms and found them to be more meaty and veiny then I remembered with more muscle too.

Shrugging at that I ignored the cheering coming from down below, the other probably having gotten out and touched grass for the first time in a hundred years.

Unbuckling myself from my chair I stood and stretched feeling the soreness leave my body before I then opened my inventory.

First and foremost was the [Killer Bow set], it was a sleek black recurved compound bow with over a thousand metal tipped arrows, gloves with pants and a jacket. I appreciated the pants extremely as the more clothes I had the better even though I knew that the clothes were Kevlar.

Next was the [Amagas Twin Blades] which were twin Katanas with a dark red metal that seemed to absorb light, the blades were extremely sharp and from the description I got from my inventory they were also enchanted but I had no observe skill to check.

And lastly were a bag of throwing knives, extremely sharp and durable and had a piercing and slashing Enchantment on them.

Nodding to myself I made up my mind and what I would do, I would go out but not follow Clarke and the others and instead try to find that bunker Finn had found and claim it, then come back geared up with my 'found' equipment and go from there.

But first I wanted to look through all my functions, status and inventory were done with, so all that was left was skills and abilities.


—Skill Points: 5




—Martial Arts[Lv-1/10]

—Weapons Proficiency[Lv-1/10].]

Again I clicked on the skills I seemed to have already had.

[—Science[Lv-2/10]: If it is considered a type of study and science then you probably know it extensively depending on the skill level.

~Increases understanding of any scientifical field by 200%

~Increases effectivity, speed and efficiency when undergoing anything that is scientifical in nature by 20%.]

[—Survival[Lv-3/10]: A skill for surviving and navigating in the wilderness.

~30% increase to tracking, foraging and navigation efforts.

~40% increase to movement speed in the wild.]

Grinning at the useful skills which would be of great help to me I then opened my ability screen.


—Ability Points: 3

—Plant Control[S+][Lv-1/10]: Allows user to modify, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers.]

Raising an eyebrow at the incredibly useful ability I immediately put all 3 of my ability points into the skill and found newfound skill and control alongside new variations of ways I could then use the ability.

' Oh....I can instantly grow a farm with this shit, if I had seeds that is.' I thought shaking my head before closing the screen.

' Time to find my own path in this shithole of a world.' I thought as I went down the ladder and out of the spacecraft.

Immediately I frowned as I saw what was happening, instead of thinking of survival the fuckers had instead formed cliques and were running around, making out or doing some other nonsensical stuff.

' Oh yeah....well fuck it.' I thought as I walked out of the spacecraft and into the woods not caring for the others seeing me.

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai
Jilid 1 :The First Step.