
[Chapter—16][Power Stone Bonus]

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So after a little more back and forth as Bellamy drilled me on her sister and threatening to kill me if I so much as hurt her, we grabbed Raven and lay her on the ground and took off the helmet and astronaut clothing.

" Well, well she's a pretty one." I said jokingly causing Bellamy to grumble looking at me.

" What?, you're thinking the same thing plus I'm sure Octavia wouldn't mind another girl joining us." I commented offhandedly and for the most parts I was sure Octavia would agree to extending our relationship to others as I've seen the way she stared at Clarke and even other pretty girls as if waiting just for the right moment to pounce.

" Stop talking about my sister like that, to me out of all people." He grumbled out seeming more relaxed towards me as I felt a bit of friendship forming between us.

" You got it chief, now let's get as much stuff as we can from the ship and then later I'll lead a party of hunters to collect anything we left behind." I told him as I cut the radio off the ship and put it in my bag and grabbed Raven in a princess carry and walked off with Bellamy behind me carrying some of the things I disassembled from the ship that would be of great help into creating a working radio station.


Clarke paced around the dropship getting more and more worried as time went on.

" Clarke, sit down, Ezekiel will be fine." Finn told her sitting on a table looking at the two guards currently guarding them with a glare.

" I know Finn, but I just can't stop worrying okay, the camp and the entire 100 need him to survive this place Finn, heck I need him!" Clarke blurted not seeing how those words struck Finn the wrong way.

And nobody could fault her anyway, she and Finn were still in what people could call first stages of their relationship or so she liked to call it, they kiss and makeout here and there and feel each other up and they could've taken their relationship a bit further if only they had some privacy.

But everytime Finn tried instigating for them to go further in his camp she'd always stop him, she didn't want her first time to be broadcasted across the entire camp, she wasn't like Ezekiel and Octavia after all.

She had noticed though that everytime Ezekiel was near or she talked about him Finn would lock up and pout and she understood where he came from, Ezekiel was everything a girl wanted, charming, brave, smart and incredibly reliable as seen by how he took 90 kids who knew next to nothing and turned them into skilled warriors, craftsman and helpful people for the camp in only 3 days and that said a lot about the man.

And she couldn't lie and say that she didn't feel any sort of attraction for him, it was hard not too with how handsome caring he was, heck she knew that a good chunk of the woman within the 100 were smitten with the boy already and she couldn't blame them.

Had she maybe been a bit faster and maybe just a tiny bit as bold as Octavia she may have been the one besides him right now and not Octavia but she knew that she had lost that battle even before she could fight, so she was left with Finn, the loveable reckless idiot.

She had noticed though that for the short time that she had been with Finn that he just felt wrong, he didn't feel right in the way that she now felt she needed, in the way that Ezekiel felt.

Unlike Finn, Ezekiel felt like a warm fire that would keep her safe through any obstacles, that would burn away anything that sought to harm her and elevate her alongside himself.

He just felt right in ways that she couldn't put into word's.

" Calm your tits princess, Ezekiel knows better than all of us, if he said he'll be fine then he'll probably be fine." Said Octavia playing around with a knife, a beautiful knife that looked a lot like one of Ezekiel's.

" Just because you're sleeping with him doesn't mean you have to be an ass to Clarke." Finn commented missing the sharp glares that were sent his way by the guards feeling protective over not their general and leaders woman.

"oh?" Exclaimed Octavia with a scoff. " Yes I'm fucking him, so what?. Does the fact that you will never be able to give a girl as much pleasure as Ezekiel can itch at you little boy?" She returned looking at Finn up and down.

" You are pathetic you know that?." Octavia said looking at finn." You let your precious male ego stop you from seeing the bigger picture. Ezekiel is the reason why we are able to go to sleep with a full stomach, the reason that we can fall asleep without the worry that a grounder will decide to say hello and murder us all in cold blood, he's the fucking reason we have order right now and what do you do?" Octavia said digging deep into Finn, Clarke for all that she felt about finn couldn't refute or even try to help him so she lay in silence.

" Oh right I remember, as man wake up and man the walls, beaten down as they are trained to be working warriors we desperately need you go around chasing Clarke's skirt like nothing else matters, you dismiss your leaders commands and suggestions as if they were the rash and all for what?"

" You're pathetic finn." Octavia said looking at Finn before looking at Clarke. " And the sooner you realise that Clarke I don't mind sharing my bed with you, I'll surely need the help satisfying a real man and being done the same because I know for sure that this thing here could never."

Clarke paused feeling her cheeks redden for a moment before looking at the seething Finn who looked about ready to jump Octavia, but the threatening looks that the guards gave him luckily made him think otherwise.

And just as Clarke was about to say something to lighten or improve the atmosphere before Finn could go into a blind rage they heard someone shouting at the door of the dropship.

" He's back!" Said one scrawny looking boy.

Immediately Octavia jumped on her feet and ran off being followed by a single guard.

Clarke decided to also welcome and see what Ezekiel had found in the ship that fell, Finn followed behind quietly.

And just as they came out they saw Ezekiel walking besides a beautiful Hispanic looking girl with Bellamy behind them.

And before she could wonder who she was she suddenly saw the girl look towards them and stare at Finn before a huge smile appeared on her face and she ran towards him, the guards were about to stop her but a single raised arm from Ezekiel and they stopped.

The girl shouted as she got near them.

" Finn!" she Squealed in happiness before throwing herself at Finn who looked at the girl with befuddlement before that disappeared when the girl kissed him.

Clarke paused feeling a bit of herself crack and shatter right then and there.

They broke the kiss and hugged and Finn while hugging her looked at her and mouthed an ' I'm sorry.'

But at that point that didn't register and she could see that some of the 100 were confused as they looked between her and the two reuniting lovebirds.

And that moment Clarke felt like digging a hole and burying herself in it.

' I guess Ezekiel was right, Finn really did have a girlfriend....' She thought hating herself just a tiny bit for not heading his words when he told her about there being another girl at the ark.

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