
3 words to love

Maggie Yurim Song tied between liking someone ideal and the unexpected. Surely love don't grant us what we wanted, but it is more beautiful than the unexpected.

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9 Chs

His name

"Maggie, I like you" Those are the words spoken from the most admired, Nathan Chan.

'Nathan Chan' Maggie as well have thought, sure he is an eligible bachelor a girl can really tell. With those fine looks, incredible brain capacity, twitterpating efforts and flowery gestures, a girl should be crazy if she rejects such perfect human being.

"Uhm..." Maggie stuttered. As she looks by the people surrounding them, her eyes lingered to find someone.

Her best friend, Jinky nudged her by the elbow. "Maggie, aren't you gonna say something, Nathan is making his effort in front of all of us." By what she meant, 'all of us' she thoroughly meant the whole class watching the unfolding of the scene.

"Maggie is so lucky Gaea, don't you agree?" a student chatted. "Bro, if it wasn't for Nathan to make a make a move first, I should've be in that place". "Maggie is not that pretty, but I gotta say they're perfect."

Gossips and compliments everywhere echoed in the whole classroom they're in. If you ever wonder why Nathan picked the moment, well what a wild guess it was Valentines for everyone, February 14th.

There were eyes of envy and hope in each of every other person in the room. He really was everyone's damn favorite. But Maggie wasn't comfortable and nearly edgy to maybe pass out.

Maggie was initially indecisive to describe but only when it comes to spontaneous reach outs like this, she would never knew what to do at this instant.

"Maggie, everyone knows how awesome you are and I must say you are always great. You are unbelievably smart, fine-looking and everything a dream girl possesses. I like you so much Maggie, and I know you like me too" Nathan ended his well thought speech with a sincere smile.

"Can I court you?"

It was true, Maggie did like Nathan.

She was a sapiosexual to precise, drawn to intelligence and it was the attraction she wants.

Who would never dream that from a guy, in fact boy with brains is purely distinguished.

It was a silly part of her to wish Nathan and his brainy thinking will forever stay in to her liking, the exact dose of infatuation.

But all seem lost when she met the opposite of her idealism, what her heart finds more intriguing and was the magical sensation of the ever love we all knew.

Because sometimes love is the opposite, you can't always live to rely on what you want. Love gives us tons of reasons to adapt the opposite and find love within it.

Love is really that aloof of our wants and needs although surprisingly it gives out the diamond than what gold can provide.

It was a mystery unto everyone, but rather magical.

Lost in her reverie, Maggie subconsciously tilted her head on to the door frame.

And saw him. With an inexplicable face he's wearing. And made his way to leave out of the room.

"I'm sorry Nathan, I don't think I can reciprocate your admiration." Maggie barge out of the classroom, not sure if she will end up regretting walking out from the misfortunate admirer of hers.

But it was her heart speaks.

She left Nathan dumbfounded with humiliation. He was extremely adored for his charisma, that no one dares reject a guy like him.

Meanwhile, she came looking for him, and never seemed to saw the path he took.

"Maggie!" Jinky spoke out of frustration.

Maggie was really at lost to respond at her voice demanding a reason out of her. She opt to not look at her and go on.

"Maggie!!" Jinky shouted from a distance, still Maggie tend to ignore her like a ghost clinging to a human.

Jinky walked towards Maggie to grab both of her shoulders to face her. "Maggie! What is going on with you?" She was mad.

A best friend's value is to always watch for a friend's back and wish her to be pushed to the best. And that was Jinky at the moment.

"Jinky I-I don't know, but what I know is he's not the one my heart speaks for. He's not seeing me for being me but rather his illusion of me. Surely I am what he says, but is that really enough for me to love him back?" Maggie blurted all the contents of her mind in one breath.

Jinky was at first shocked in what she battered as defense. Maggie was always careful when in blurting words, that's what everyone knew. But Jinky knew better.

She instead nodded for comprehension, the day was awfully overloaded to have one admirer failed to also have their friendship fail too.

"I can't just give a measly approval of him to court me, when I know its not what I want." Maggie shrugs her shoulder away from Jinky.

Jinky understands, her friend was going through so much and the idea of sudden love isn't her cup of tea.

Jinky was quite manageable as a friend. And would give the space her best friend needs.

"I'll talk to you when I'm ready to talk to you, leave me be, Jink" Maggie continued.

"I'll always be right by your side Maggie." Jinky then leave her feeling unworthy.

She sighed out of confusion and take a heap breath to continue what she was doing. She felt awhile little lost.

Maggie blankly filtered out the overwhelming feeling she's feeling, and proceeded to take a walk on their school grounds.

Red hearts and paper masché everywhere, decorative designs and banners. Definitely a wise guess to think it was really Valentines today.

As she landed both her knees down the freshly trimmed grass, a breeze came to uplift her face. She was fine.

"You walked out?" A boy voiced behind her.

It was the owner's voice she was searching earlier, the boy who officially captivated her young innocent heart.

"Gulf?" She said it like the first time they met. She was undoubtedly happy to see his face.

"The one and only". He smiled and sat beside her.