

In my world, I’m a reader, and you’re the unfortunate fallen hero of a novel. In his world, he's a gamer, and you're a brave hero who’s later shrouded in tragedy. A hero whose role in the world was stolen by him. In the search for a better ending, the world was engulfed in greater ruin. But why must you share the same fate as the rest of the world? In your world, what am I? A third protagonist who will hasten the world to brick? Or someone who will return the solace you lost? Was it the world of a game or a novel? Perhaps a reality hidden behind fallacies. Would the answer for the correct end reveal itself? *** Slow-paced story focused on the third variable's daily life for a while. Litrpg was only applicable for the second protagonist, the MC of the novel, as he's the only one that possessed the system. Also, it will take time before the paths of the three of them cross. It's not a great novel, though I try to improve it whenever possible. Bear with me, and I hope you like it. Updated schedule: Tuesday and Saturday. posted on: SH and RR

J_Carus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
56 Chs

Chapter 13 Old Man

Old Man


"Lhina, I'm going to visit the old guy for a bit."


"Take care."


Bidding farewell to Lhina, I depart for our home, making my way into a certain building within this establishment. It was a well-funded orphanage, so the scale was considerably large, and there were several facilities erected in this place.


It was a well-known orphanage that was under the government's patronage. That welcomes children of any race. They have what it takes to raise them. Possessing equipment for magic and other stuff that will help kids grow in this world.


So they can learn basic combat and magic so they can protect themselves once they leave this place. Before they leave this place, ensure they have what it takes to choose their path. Whether they enter the academy or become soldiers, if not adventurers,


A great place, known as...


'Peace Orphanage'


What a disgustingly unfit name!




Stomp, stomp*


Listening to my unrestrained footsteps in the silent hallway, the realization that I'm alone comes to mind. The completely foreign world from the world I used to know was laid upon my eyes. Just a little turn to my right, and the otherworldly scenery can be found.


The majestic floating island has stupidly large vehicles that seem to be made out of metal flying above the sky. Otherworldly creatures rule over the sky. It's just a few simple proofs that I'm in another world. 'Wait, was that a flying human? Well, it doesn't matter.


"I'm really in another world now, huh?" A mumble escapes my mouth with a hint of disbelief.


To think the day would come when my mere dream would come true. I always believed that another world existed. The space is vast and full of unexplained things. That fills the mind with wonder. I didn't lose faith that another world, my dream Isekai world, was there. I believe this because it was never proven that it didn't exist.


I'm glad and all, but why does it need to be in that abominating novel? Haha, my words from the past have come to bite me.


The pending disaster in this world can't be dealt with alone. If there's one reason I'm glad to be in this world, it's that I'm not alone. In a massive world like this, solitude is not an option. I'm shunned here and isolated, but I manage to have meaningful encounters and gain a friend.


Others initially thought I didn't have any friends, looking at how I'm an outcast here. However, I managed to have one. A quite peculiar one...


Reaching the end of the hallway, a plain wooden door stands before me. Reaching for the doorknob, its cold sensation hits me. Despite the void-like silence coming from it, I'm pretty sure there's someone within it. Incidentally, the door was unlocked, and without minding some manners, I barged inside.


"Sigh, same as always, huh?"


As soon as I laid my eyes within, I indubitably sighed. In front of me was a sight not to behold. A small room was flooded with an unimaginable amount of trash. If this was my first time coming here, I would've thought this was a dumpster. Though there's a major difference, this place doesn't stink.


A magic item that filters the air was set up in this place; who set it up? The owner of this place doesn't give a shit as long as he can live here. I often visit this place; thus, I don't want to lose my nose, so I stole—I mean, brought a magic item—from, let's just say, a valuable source.


It was a modest room, just befitting for a single person to live in. To avoid the mess, I made my way inside. Locking the door behind me, a droopy male voice reaches my ears.


"When are you going to learn how to knock? "The tone was rather tired than condemning.


A distinctive array of light was gleaming where the voice came from. I casually made my way there. It was coming from the corner of the room, where a stupidly large TV sits. Accompanied by a borderline gaming setup.


"Knock? Maybe when you learn how to clean your house," I mused, reaching for the sofa.


Sitting there was an ill-looking man with black, messy hair and dead black eyes, with a big shadow below it. He wore an old jersey covering his slim physique. The perfect appearance of a neet, I might say. In his hand was a controller solely focusing his eyes on the monitor? Not minding the current intruder in his house.


Though his frown was clearly visible, there's no doubt that my snide remark hit him on the nerve. Thus, I give him another job.


"Old man, if you're as messy as this, how are you going to find a wife? "I continue. "At worst, you might just get NTR'd."


As soon as I said that his hand came to a halt, soon a message floated on the screen: you died. His previous concentration broke, and he turned toward me hastily.


"You crazy brat!!!!!!" Don't say terrifying things!!!!! "His voice raised, flustered. "And where did you learn such a word?!!! "


As you can see, this man in front of me was frightened by NTR, and I am, so I can sympathize with him as someone who also hates NTR. I often treated him without respect, though he didn't pay it any mind. Where more like a homie despite the age gap. So such bickering like this was technically normal for us.


"Well, I learned it from you," I state, but in fact, I already know it from my fast life.


"Don't lie!!!!!" He exclaims in panic. "Also, don't say that to the vice head; she might decapitate me!"


He and others in the orphanage were scared of Lhina, and knowing that Lhina has such a scary side, I understand why they're terrified of Lhina.


Second, he notices the message on the screen. "Gah, I die!" grieving for a moment, he looks at me as if I'm the one to blame.


"This is because you suddenly say absurd things."


"It's not like what I said is not true; you're already old, and sooner or later you will be swayed by time," I said dispassionately, ignoring his fierce gaze.


His face contoured as if in pain. "Don't call me an old man; I'm still young."


What young? Maybe in your head. Such a thought crosses my head, although a better retort comes to mind. I raised my hand, imitating a gesture as if I were counting.


In no time, Oscar bites it. "What are you doing?"


The corner of my lip curled up. I feign ignorance, making an innocent expression and tilting my head. "But 100 years old was older, right?"


His eyes twitch as he realizes he has been hit by his age. "That's still young in this world."


"Well, that's not true in other worlds; that's definitely a geezer age."


"That's the standard there, not here!!!"


"Then, by our standard, people of your age were mostly married and had children around my age.


His face was cramped, slumping his shoulder. "At the very least, don't call me the old man I've named."


"That's fine by me, Oscar." Saying his name, I grin obnoxiously.


"That's not even my name, which sounds like an old man!" he said, visibly displeased. "Oscarlaim."


What is his problem? It's technically the same. Irritated, I made a pun out of his name.




His eyes were visibly twitching. "Urghh, Oscar is fine."


He turns back into his game in defeat, restarting his game. Seeing that, I take a seat on the floor, laying my back on the sofa. In certain circumstances, we refrain from sitting beside each other. Comfortable sitting on the floor.


Casting my eyes in my vicinity, I noticed that it was unusually clean. Despite the horde of trash in this house, this place is strangely clean. This is the only place I take whatever I visit here.


I guess this dude was thoughtful sometimes.


Oscar was a worker in this place of unknown origin. His job was to clear the monsters that roamed around the orphanage. However, since there are barely any monsters near the orphanage, he basically doesn't have anything else to do other than play games.


It was also true that his age was around 100. In this world—well, not just this world—the aging was low compared to my past life. People around 100 can be mistaken for being only in their twenties. So is true for Oscar; despite his ill-like appearance, he still has a young countenance.


To be honest, what I said earlier was just to spite him. Hundreds were young if compared to some existents that have a lifespan of a thousand or higher. I died young in my past life, and I'd make full use of this long lifespan. If this world can survive...


"Speaking of which, why are you here this time? Do you want to play?" Oscar asks, holding out his controller, breaking my chain of thought.


I'd love to, but I have a different agenda this time. Shaking my head, I utter my main motive for coming here. "I heard you already have what I'm asking for."


Oscar widens his eyes in realization. "Aahh, that's right, I put it around here."


Finally, I can make that 'thing'...