
3 days before death

------------summary--------------- Can i be horny to death or just horny to live?.... i cant believe my first love was a yeini demon, me and my best friend YEIN always dreamed of having as much se**x as we can while we are still in the youth stage. But who knew you cant wish and dream at the same time..so its best we wait to find our soul mate and fu** them in peace.or rather rape them while feeling high and blame it on been  drunk.we all have short time left to live.like the minute hand of a clock ready to hit 12.. LIFE US LIKE A CLOCK "DO YOU HEAR ITS TICKING"everyone  has heard of demons, Angels and Gods..... but no one can say for sure that they can survive in the presence of these beings  due to there immense power .... hence the reason for there seperate realm..   On earth Every being has its followers and every follower has it level of grace leading to the difference in there kind such as PRAISE PEACERS, ARC ANGEL, DELIVERES, SEALERS, AND BAPTHISTS  .   But few years ago the ancestors of the motal realm maked a big mistake in the pursue of power accidentaly opening a misterious magic star ring that collided the three realm together causeing caous and imbalance in all realms.    Special teams were assigned the task of solving the problem but no solution was been administed now the faith of all three realms lies in the hands of an 18 year old boy Kazuya Toshiba (a normal human with 0 grace ) and his 3 friend to seal the star  .But unknown to him As he moves unwards he tends to discover that his grace is different from that of others as he unlocks more skills and as they learn the truth about the apperance of these creatures..

Daoisti3aEZz · Seni bela diri
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4 Chs

R.O.T.O chapter 2 ( deid to awaking part 2)

"I've passed through tough situation's in my life, but this is the point i may never pass". I froze there with only one thought in my mind,which was "MUM"...how will mum feel when she figure out im dead, first dad now me. The tought of dad's death nealy made my mum fustrated,what will the tought of me do to her, immediatly i ran without hesitation,i ran with every breath i took in,and with every pinch of strength i had left , but, i could still feel the weight of fear slowing me down like the anchor on the titanic. I ran, until i had no more space to run to, the first thought i had was to run through the path in which i came in from, but of course that would be the most obvious thing to do and as the victim that would be the very prediction of its preditor. But i could'nt say for sure if i was wrong for not passing that opened path, for i had already lost sight of this creature  during my  attempt to excape. I arrived at a dead end at which i lost all hope, in an attempt of freedom i made the situation worst by cornering my self. I looked left and right but couldnt have a trace of the whereabout of this demon,but what made its presence known was the stinch of death that followed it around. Immediatly i broke down in tears why falling on my knees, i never ever predicted in my life time that love would put a tooth in my heart. I searched for love but found a demon. Why ,why, why does life treat me this way. With all the regret i felt, i sundely noticed my bag behind a stick. So i immediatly took my cell phone from my bag and said to my self  ""at least some one should know were my body layed and someone should be aware what my last words were".

  So immediaty i called all the contacts i had on my phone. But to the shock of my life they all said the same thing which were"i do not want to be involed with you nor a demon"". What a shame at my path, people i called friends could'nt leave what they were doing to help save me, these werent friends they were pests just sapping me from the little i had. Then i realised that i had 1 contact left i hadnt called which was Yein, ow but Yein would'nt pick it , after all i've said,he would just ignore it. But i called him enyway. to my greatest supprise he picked the call,i was so shocked that i became dumbfounded for 2 whole minute. Then he said in a cool tone like we never had an argument

"Whats up bro".

 I was runing out of time and space as the demon came closer towards me.then i replied saying

" yein im sorry for all i said, im sorry for all i've done to you please forgive me

 Wow wow Kazuya calm down whats the issue? he replied.

 Ow Yein im about to be devoured by a might beast,(Kazuya said in tears)

 " what!!!!  kazuya you cant die, you have a life aheard of you and a loving mum, you cant die now, look for some thing to defend yourself im on my way where are you?.

 Im at the old abadoned resturant, but please dont come i dont want you to die too i just needed to inform someone where my body would be when im dead Kazuya replied.

 " ow dont be silly kazuya what are bestfriend for, we are in this together, from the begining to the end...

No Yein dont.....(Yein hanged the call before i could finish).I stood up with cofidence to fight for my life, so i picked up the stick beside my bag, and headed out.i made my first attempt, by striking with everything i had, but to my greatest suprise, my attack neither move nor shook it, it just stood there like nothing happened.then it talked saying" how useless, out of all usefull attempt to fight me, you used the direct approach by hitting me'".

 It grabbed my neck with its lower left arm and threw me into the air.like a flash of light i found my self heading towards a brick wall."what" how was that possible first i was beening suspended on air now within seconds im heading towards a brick wall. I thought these words as i crushed the brick wall with my back which ended up dislocating my left rib , how fast can a demon be,immediatly the demon smiled  and went striaght towards me to finish its job when sundely ""wham""a metal pipe struck the head of this demon, sending it flying few meters making it land on top of the abadon resturant. What just happened, then came a familia smile of which is owned by one man in the whole of savanti vill, *Yein*.

Kazuya are you  ok?

What! Yein you came for me?.

Of course i came kazuya im your best friend and best friend dont leave each other hanging,listing i know you said those insult in anger, and you felt like i was depriving you of your of joy, i understood how you felt and let it slide and besides thats what anger does to a person.

 Now to the main issue at hand, if we are getting beating up at least will get beating up together as friends ok (he said with a big smile on his face). Immediatly we prepared to battle this abominable creature. Of course that would be the most stupid thing to do, 2 teenagers with 0 grace going up against a beast,but we were already in the mess,there was no turning back now. With cofidence we gripped our weapons with all our strength ready to give the demon every thing we had when sundely,.... everything became blury, my eyes became filled with water as blood gush out from my mouth.

 What is going on i thought, when sundenly i lost control over my body and fell down on the ground feeling lifeless, gaspsing for breath, what just happend i thought, then i decided to look at Yein to ask for his help. when sundely i saw the shock i have never felt before. He stood there ready to give a befitting blow to the demon, when the demon instantly vanished into thin air like a gush of wind, Yein seemed suprised when sundly Yein started moving in circles like a puppet being controlled by a puppertier then smashed on the floor like a bullet  shot at a brick wall. I could hear the sound of bones breaking within Yein body during that impact. I froze as i saw the amount of blood gushing out of Yeins body. I couldn't believe my very eyes how fast can a demon be, well they are faster than a human comprehension thats one thing. How on earth can eny one beat a creature that you cant even predict its very moment due to its impressive speed.sundenly Yein yelled out to me saying ""stand up kazuya stand up"".

 I cant Yein im too injured to stand up.

Kazuya that's no excuse, remember our oath to each other as best friends, do you remeber its says " we shall always rise when we fall to become stronger" ,

Kazuya that oath is what keeps me going every day, even when i know im ganna get beat up or when  i may not have enything to eat for that day, that saying is what keeps me going. that saying is what makes me stronger and with that saying and  with all the broken bones in my body i shall..."RIIIISSSSEEEEE!!!!!".

 It sounded like a fairy tale when the shit became real. Yein stood up with all the broken bones in his body, like a movie trick but in real life then i yelled out to Yein saying... i cant be like you, you have courage and hope, why me im too scared to even try. Then we heard a loud roar from the monster. You little rat go on your knees, then i may not kill you but turn you to one of my slaves.

Never you beast, i may not have gold nor may i have  silver or  money, infact i may be the poorest person in this village, but i shall never loose my dignity and honor, for a true worrior dies with he's pride, dignity and honor.

 Then the demon said.. Ok child i'll see how long you can be a worrior..

  We all know the saying "time waits for no man" but it seemed like time waited for the demon.. within 2 seconds the demon gave a hard punch to Yeins stomach, so strong that it affected the other things behind him..

 I could have sworn that i saw the demons hand come out though Yeins back.

 Yein stagged backwards and vomited a huge amount of blood from his body, but he still would'nt go on he's knees. What a strong man Yein is. The demon inflicted several powerful attacks on Yein but still Yein didnt go on his Knees.

 Yein is dying i can feel it, as he grew thiner and as he's skin turned pale. ow Yein, he decided to help me, now he's the one about to die. Immediatly, i tried to get up then Yein shouted "no Kazuya dont save me run i'll keep it busy". What!! we both know i cant leave you here.i managed to get up picked up a stick and was about to head out to attack, when Yein shouted again"dont you listen kazuya, you ignored my warning once, please dont do it again". I refused to listen then i ran to stab the beast with an iron pole i saw lying around. I held the pole tightly as i gitted my teeth about to inflict an impressive damage, when sundenly.

i could fell the penetration of what appeared to be something like a pipe passing though my belly. As blood splutted in the air... i could feel the demon throughing something as big as the size of an human arm, that stabbed me in the belly.

I started feeling dizzy and breathless when i realize, i wasnt stabbed. Did my mind play a trick on me, I  thought. I looked  forward to see the bigest shock in my entire existence. The death meant for me and me alone was taken in by the person i insulted on phone few hours ago YEIN. I stood there feeling life less as i saw a huge pipe pass though the stomach of my best friend."YEIN".

 . No, No, No why why did it have to be me why did you jump in the way Yein whyyyyyyy.  ..