

<Episode 68> 68. Golden Lion TV) - Implementation of Justice - The Carp of the Streaming World, BJ Agang (Jang Jiwoon) Judges

His fists tremble nervously.

It's madness to lose control while the camera is rolling.


Instead of waiting for the broadcast, he suddenly stands up, but perhaps due to dizziness or the chair being loose, he topples over to the side.

"Why did you suddenly start acting funny, bro? 😂"

"Wow, you're so big that even the vibrations reach this far 😂😂😂"

"Do these bastards really think they're funny...?"

He gets irritated for no reason.

Even though it's a crazy show, he can't curse at the viewers, so he clenches his teeth in frustration.

Jang Jiwoon, who has been humiliated, picks up his phone.

"Due to personal reasons, I'll end the broadcast here. This was BJ Agang!"

"What's wrong?"

He quickly ends the broadcast.

Although there's still time left for the scheduled broadcast, he hurriedly puts on his coat and takes a taxi home.

"I'm home!"

BJ Agang lives in a detached house.

Because he lived ostentatiously full of airs as soon as he started broadcasting, he lives in a house much larger than necessary.

Despite paying a huge monthly rent, his bank account doesn't accumulate money, but that's entirely Jang Jiwoon's personal problem.

Anyway, because the house is big, he's currently living with his younger sister.

He willingly let his cute younger sister share the house with him when she moved from their hometown to Seoul for college.

He gave her a room on the second floor, bought expensive furniture for her, fed her, and gave her a place to sleep.

He even gives her pocket money, so his waist is nearly breaking.

But he looks upon her leniently.

Because she's his cute little sister.

But now, his heart can't help but ache seeing his beloved sister being caught in an embarrassing photo.


She rushes into the house, having just finished her shower.

She's drying her wet hair with a towel when she notices Jang Jiwoon.

"Oppa? You're home early today considering you said you'd come in the morning?"

She's wearing a tank top and dolphin shorts, a light home wear combination.

Having just finished bathing, steam is still rising from her body.


Seeing his sister's smooth body, which has just come out of the bath, many thoughts come to his mind, but the most pressing issue that needs to be addressed comes first.

"Uh, Cheonga... where did you go today?"


A clear, guilty reaction as he approaches.

"You came straight home after finishing college, right? Did you?"

"Well... I just hung out with a friend for a bit."

"What friend? And where did you go?"

"Oppa, it's nearby... And your face is scary."

A slightly evasive response.

But the redness in her eyes doesn't disappear.

"Nothing happened...? You really just hung out with a friend?"

"Why are you asking me that? Do I have to report everything to you?"

"Well, I'm worried, you know... If something happens to you, Dad will nag me about it."

"Ugh, seriously... I'm an adult too, I don't have to report every little thing to you. Stop treating me like a kid."

A sudden change in tone.

Even more evasive.

Although the only evidence is a photo from behind, her outfit is clearly familiar.

"Or was it just someone who looked similar...?"

The situation is clear, but Jang Jiwoon considers other possibilities.

He wanted to.

Because if it's true, his heart would collapse.

I hope some believable evidence or a convincing excuse from my sister comes up soon. But as I gaze intently, I inevitably discover evidence that shatters my heart.

"Hey, what's that on your neck?"

Two red spots on her neck.

They're small and partially reddened.

Jang Cheonga hides her neck as if she's forgotten about it.

She steps back a couple of paces from Jang Jiwoon and touches her neck with her hand.

"This, um..."

She's caught off guard and buffers for a long moment.

Stammering like an old robot, she finally responds.

"It's a mosquito bite! I got bitten by a winter mosquito at school..."

"It definitely doesn't look like a mosquito bite! ...Come here for a moment."

"Enough! Do you want to nag like Dad?"

"Hey, you!"

"Don't whine because you're annoyed, and stay back because you smell like alcohol."

"Cheonga! Hey, Jang Cheonga!"

She strides past him with her nose in the air.

Brushing past his shoulder, she grabs the stair railing.

"Don't talk to me today.

I'm really annoyed with you, Oppa."

She leaves those words and thumps her way to the door, slamming it shut.

Left behind, Jang Jiwoon seethes.

He clenches his fists, lips tightly pressed together, blood dribbling down.

"That damn Golden Lion!"

He takes out his phone.

He searches and opens the Golden Lion TV channel.

"...Damn it."

Blinded by anger, he was about to vent his frustration immediately, but he couldn't think of a way to handle the Golden Lion.

His usual dirty tricks involve threats, extortion, and hiring comment armies, which are used when pressuring female BJs.

He would punch them in the face if they were in front of him, but there's too little information.

He starts typing out his rage, fueled by his emotions.

Morning has dawned.

There wasn't much progress last night.

The broadcast went well, and he was satisfied with tearing into that bratty sister of his, but there was no substantial information.

Throughout the teasing banter, there was nothing significant except for thinking of himself as a good brother.

The only thing he learned was that they were living together and that she enjoyed being dominated as a Level 4 Submissive.

Jang Cheonga: "Oppa, it was fun."

Jang Cheonga: "Let's meet privately next time ♥"

She was so into it that she even sent a message like this on her own accord.

"Indeed, the more provocative, the easier the conquest."

But just having her in bed won't solve the mission.

He needs to drag the target into the depths of hell.

He needs to use the fact that they live together to his advantage and launch an attack to move on to the next step.

Since he hasn't found any weaknesses, he'll have to get closer to his sister.

"Huh? I got an email."

As part of his morning routine, he checks various things, and there's an email.

He created a separate email account for broadcasting.

He set up a commercial address for the channel in case other dirty tricks like ads come in, but a long email has arrived.

As he clicks on it, a smirk forms.

He usually quickly scans through prank emails, but this one is truly intriguing.


Title: "This Bastard"

Content: "I'm BJ Agang, where are you, you bastard? Are you enjoying fooling around with innocent girls on your broadcasts? Once I find your address, I'll come to touch your backside, so wait for it. Where is this crazy bastard going... (The rest omitted)

It's an email full of curses, not worth reading.

It's BJ Agang's love letter.

Seeing the frantic writing, it doesn't seem like impersonation.

It seems like they've heard about me having my way with my sister.

"How did they find out?"

Although I openly broadcasted it, the recorded video cannot be distributed recklessly and is protected with a mosaic filter, as explained in the [Let's Enjoy Together!] app.

Well, whatever.

I was going to anonymously send the photo of my sister being taken advantage of, but I guess that's unnecessary.

Having confirmed this caring side of my sister, there must be a solution.

I tried hacking BJ Agang's email address just in case, but there was no additional information in the email address.

So there's only one way to use this email address.

"I put effort into writing it, they should reply."

Title: "ㅋ"

Content: "ㅋ"

The awaited reply was like this.

I poured out my anger in a long message, but Golden Lion just laughed it off.

They sent a reply with only initials, infuriatingly lacking in sincerity.

"Since when did they become so dismissive...!"


I threw my state-of-the-art smartphone onto the living room sofa.

But due to a control issue, it bounced off the sofa slightly above, hitting the wall and falling backward.

Chances are the screen cracked.

"Damn it!"

Nothing goes right.

"...What are you doing?"

As I fumbled around in the living room, Jang Cheonga came down from the second floor staircase.

Today, she's ready for college in daringly revealing fashion.

"...She's so noticeable dressed like that!"

It irritates me even more amidst my sensitivity.

It's always an issue.

"Cheonga... it's winter now, isn't your clothes too short?"

After our argument last night, we haven't exchanged a word since.

Even when she occasionally comes downstairs to drink water, I pretended to be absorbed in something.

But before the mood for reconciliation could set in, I pointed out her fashion outright, and Jang Cheonga's expression twisted with contempt.

"It's my choice what I wear."

"Listen to me, Oppa. If you dress like that, men will look at you─"

"Oh, your mindset is so backward. You strip women down on your broadcasts, too."

"That, that's different...."

"How is it different? If you keep coming out like this, I'll kick you out of the house."

She threatens me after enduring it.

Actually, it's a threat that doesn't make sense.

For Jang Cheonga to leave the house when Jang Jiwoon is the one burdened with rent and living expenses is foolish self-destruction.

It's a display of stubbornness knowing how much her brother cherishes her.

In broadcasts, he's the brother who plays with girls, but at his words, she can't move.

Because she's the cute and lovely youngest in the house.

"Then maybe I should leave first? I'll take the bus, so you don't need to give me a ride today."

She tried to assert herself and leave.

 "...Have you ever heard of Golden Lion TV?"


But Zhang Jiyun's question stops him in his tracks at the doorknob.

Zhang Jiyun blushes red and rattles off a list of things.

"I heard that he's a rumor, but beware of him, he's a hunting broadcaster, and he's filmed himself doing dirty things with young girls. He's a very evil bastard who will use it to blackmail you later, so you should trust him and remember that."

Zhang Cheng's heart was beating hotly.

Just like yesterday, this was a nuance she knew something about.

It didn't come in a straight line, but it took a curve and skimmed over the sensitive topic.

It stood still.

I wait calmly for my heart rate to settle.

Choose your next words carefully.

The best answer here is "I don't know anyone like that.

But as you calm down, you realize that you're cringing.

You've been insulted, and you're cringing.

"I've heard of ..., he doesn't seem like a bad guy."

A completely unexpected comment.

It pierces Zhang Jiyun's ears like a bullet.

"What... what, what, what?!"

"I just saw him in passing, he's a funny and jovial person. He doesn't seem to be evil...."

Zhang Qing'er's words made Zhang Jiyun's mouth half open in disbelief.

In reality, from Zhang Qing'er's point of view, the encounter was actually not bad.

He was very good to sleep with, and he was polite to the end.

He didn't take any money as promised, and he listened to all of her crazy stories.

But according to her brother, she'd slept with a vicious asshole.

It's like I'm paying a bastard to fuck me.

I can't stand it.

"Are you out of your mind!"

"It's just a personal opinion."

"Are you crazy ... or did you actually meet him and do it on air with him?!"

"Are you crazy? I told you I saw him in passing!"

I snapped,

"And I know you do that kind of shit on the air, right?"

"Zhang Cheng!"


The pent-up anger explodes.

He lunges at her and pins her against the wall of the front door, squeezing her shoulders.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng'er was wearing a loose-fitting long-sleeved shirt, so the neck was open, revealing her bra straps.

The white underbelly of her shirt.


Zhang Jiyun saw it and swallowed his saliva.

He gulped when he saw it.

Being a bit shorter in height, he stared at the thing in front of him.

I've felt it since I started high school, but my sister, who is a year older than me, has grown so much.

She had grown into a young woman, like a flower bud opening up.

My eyes are drawn to the magnificent flower in full bloom.


When her brother doesn't come home for a long time, she steals his clothes.

Her disdain has gone beyond contempt and into hatred.

"Hey... this is..."

"Don't touch my body in the future... If you do this again, I'll tell my dad."


Hiss... bang!

She storms out of the house.

Zhang Jiyun's emotional outburst left me helpless to stop him.


It's been three days since it happened.

He didn't run away because he had nowhere else to go, but now he comes home late every evening, doesn't talk to her, and ignores her.

They're completely at odds with each other, like a brother and sister in a turbulent adolescence.

But she couldn't let her guard down.

The more distance she put between herself and the golden lion, the more likely it was that she would have another contact.

I couldn't let him get away with it.

So I put a location tracker on his cell phone.

I checked my sister's location in real time because it's a family notification.

I was nervous because she had a broadcast with another new BJ on the weekend, but this reassured me.

"Wow, she's really home today.

I'm relieved to see that he's home.

I could have left my phone behind, but the little arrow that moves every now and then makes me think otherwise.

"Brother, what are you doing? Pick a song."

"Uh, uh, uh..."

The lanky new BJ hands me the microphone and I take it.

Normally, I would've groped and fondled the new BJ, but I'm not feeling it.

Once the cameras are rolling, we eat and enjoy ourselves.

I wonder how much time has passed,


Just when you're about to put the bad stuff behind you and start having fun.

An hour and a half ago, I got a text on my cell phone with a shattered screen.

An unnumbered, anonymous message.

I checked it out... and the blood drained from my veins.

There was just a picture, no text.

It was Zhang Cheong-ah,

his little sister,

lying naked on the bed he bought for her.

Five used condoms resting on her thighs.