

<Episode 55>

Poor convenience store part-timer Shin Sarang (20 years old, virgin)

When the customer abruptly started acting suspiciously, Sarang was taken aback. But she quickly regained her composure. Politely holding the thrown ten-thousand-won bill in both hands, she dealt with the hesitant customer.

"Oh... You mean cigarettes? What kind are you looking for?"

"You know, that one. That."

"If you could be more specific..."

"That, that one! You empty-headed idiot!"

"I'm sorry, but if you could tell me the exact name—"

"Ugh, you're so frustrating, you blockhead. I mean that one!"

"Are you referring to this?"

She interjected, offering the product.

The customer... he stood in front of Shin Sarang but leaned forward to hand it over. He rudely scoffed at her intervention.

"Are you a blockhead too? Why are you interrupting?"

"Then is this it?"

"That's not it either, you spineless fool! Hey, just bring that thing over here!"

"So, you mean this?"

She persisted, to the point of annoyance, fixating on Shin Sarang.

"Hey, are you braindead?"


"What are you doing? Why aren't you answering when the customer calls? Dammit, that's why you're here, working at a convenience store, you stupid girl."

He launched an absurd personal attack, causing Sarang to shrink back.

He fixated on her strangely, persistently.

Before his odd behavior could escalate further, she took decisive action.


"Ah, just leave me alone!"

"Your hands are very beautiful."

When I suddenly threw in a polite phrase, the suspicious woman looked at me.

"...What nonsense is this all of a sudden?"

"Your fingers look very delicate. Do you get a lot of care for them?"

"I... get some. So what?"

"I see. In that case, wouldn't it be nice to use those delicate fingers to point to the item you want?"


Having heard those words, the customer stood still.

Whether it was because I unexpectedly adopted a gentle attitude, or he didn't want to escalate the situation further, he slowly raised his hand and pointed to the cigarette he wanted like a child.

He pointed with his finger instead of words.

As soon as I handed him one, he muttered "Two," and quickly took them.


As expected, things didn't go as planned. The suspicious woman clicked her tongue and disappeared along with the automatic door, continuing her rude behavior until the end.

Though the suspicious woman was dealt with, Sarang didn't look pleased.

She had been openly targeted and used as a punching bag by the woman.

It seemed that crazy woman from the entertainment industry wanted to relieve stress on a young woman.

I don't know what happened today, but she deliberately targeted Sarang, a young woman, to avoid me.

"Gosh, stepped in crap from the beginning."


"Don't take it to heart. Those kinds of weirdos are always around. Just ignore them; they're just venting their frustrations."


Sarang looked visibly gloomy.

Ideally, I wanted to kick her out from the start, but seeing her trembling beside me, I wanted to resolve it gently. Also, since it's a bakery run by a familiar boss, I didn't want to cause any trouble, even if it's minor.

Given some time to clear her head, Sarang gradually regained her energy.

"Um... Oppa, can I call you that?"

"Uh... yeah, feel free."

"Then I'll call you Sunwoo Oppa... Sunwoo Oppa, what do you think when you see people like that?"

"Uh, what?"

She suddenly asked such a question.

Is this a philosophy class?

Although it was bewildering, I had to answer to cheer up the gloomy Sarang.

"Just think, well, that's just how some people live. It's frustrating when they cause trouble."


After hearing my answer and letting out a sigh, she said,

"I'm angry too. But at the same time... I feel jealous."

"Jealous? ...Of someone like that?"

"Not of their personality, but because of what they're doing."

"Their job? But earlier, that person was clearly..."

"Yes, they're probably involved in something shady."

Although I deliberately turned the conversation around, Sarang already knew everything.

She said it knowing full well.

What's this? Wanting to sell oneself just because I gave them candy?

The conversation momentarily reached a stalemate.

Seeing me pondering my next move, Sarang belatedly caught onto my troubled expression.

She elaborated on her potentially pitiful opinion, fearing it might sound overly complaining.

"Uh, it's not that I envy such disgraceful things...! ...It's because of the money."


"Yes. I've heard about it, though I'm not sure of the details. People in those jobs supposedly make a lot of money quickly."

"...That's what they say on the internet."

"Yes, that's why it makes me so angry...! I worked so hard to get this part-time job, and yet, those people engage in illegal activities and flaunt it...!"

She clenched her fist in frustration.

"Is it because of university tuition?"


Just the thought of it felt like a heavy burden, and she let out a deep sigh.

"They say the scholarship policy has changed, and it's not possible to keep getting scholarships one after another... Also, there are some living expenses, so I have to keep this part-time job..."

"I see..."

"Getting into university, receiving scholarships—I thought everything would be fine... but it's really tough..."

Her shoulders slumped.

They were already small, but now they seemed even more delicate.

Even I felt a pang in my chest watching her.

It seems like there's a lot of complicated backstory.

How much burden does she carry to reveal it all to someone she just met?

"Ah... Sunwoo Oppa, I'm sorry. It's our first meeting today, and I talked about such heavy stuff."

"No, thanks for being open. You look like you have a headache; want to rest in the break room?"

"No, I haven't even learned everything about the job yet, so I can't rest..."

Her earnestness, untainted by corruption.

That made me want to support her even more.

I haven't done anything wrong, but my heart aches.


At that moment, my phone rang.

But this sound was different.

It was that one.

The mission notification tone that had been rare lately.

I thought it was strange timing, so I took out my phone to check, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Even after reading it two or three times, it seemed excessive.

"Oh... Hanyang-shin, this is a bit...!?"

It's someone I've never seen before.

But they demand something that's hard to even mention.

No matter how much reckless threatening they did in the past, this... this is a bit much.

There's no malice behind it, but if I blurt out something stupid, I could get slapped or reported.

"Oppa, is something wrong?"

"Uh, what?!"

"Your expression looks off. Are you really okay?"

"...It's nothing."

Yeah, this won't do.

Let's just let it slide.


But before long, the agony resurfaces.

Considering the benefits from the missions so far, this might be a new trial.

It's definitely insane to say something like this at first, but depending on the perspective, it might actually help the other person.

It feels manipulative, but the choice is up to Sarang.

"Just until I say it. Since the mission came in, let's just go that far..."

Before speaking, I take a deep breath.

"Uh... Sarang?"

"Yes, Oppa."

"Even if what I'm about to say sounds like nonsense, please don't take it seriously. Even if it ends with a slap, please just listen a bit..."

I warn her seriously yet as emotionally as possible.

She looked puzzled but nodded slightly.

"Where should I start... um..."

Slowly, as if squeezing out each word, I express my thoughts.

Sarang was surprised to hear me, but she listened attentively until the end.

[Mission Start!]

[Sell Sarang's virginity on broadcast to fund her scholarship!]

*Rewards: 5 million won and new hacking skills.

[Sub-Mission Start!]

[For the noble part-timer Sarang, donate all the profits from selling her virginity on broadcast!]

*The title "Sweet Guy Chae Sunwoo" will be given additionally.

*This may raise the reputation and honor of Gold Lion TV. Please consider.


A fresh 20-year-old girl.

Although she's already approaching the final exams of her second semester at university, she still retains the naive appearance of a freshman.

She rarely wears makeup, usually just applying lotion.

She only has two skirts in her closet, one for each season, and mostly wears durable jeans.

It's not that Sarang doesn't know how to dress up; it's just that she doesn't have money in her bank account.

Growing up in a poor foster family, she learned to be thrifty from a young age.

In the summer, instead of seeking air-conditioned comfort, she goes to the library, and in the winter, she wears heat tech rather than turning on the heater.

She has been trapped in the cycle of poverty for 20 years without any hope that it will end.

But she never complained at home.

Her mother, who worked tirelessly for her sake, worried her more than anything.

She promised that she wouldn't need an allowance once she got into university, saying she would handle everything herself, just to alleviate her mother's heavy burden even a little.

But she's tired.

After a previous part-time job ended with sexual harassment, she found a new one at a place with a good boss.

Meanwhile, she couldn't afford to give up her high grades, so she studied hard into the night.

She thought high school was hell, but campus life feels exhausting every day.

That's why lately, she's been feeling jealous more often.

Jealousy toward women who sell themselves.

For a moment, I even closed my eyes and entertained the thought of working for a month or two, but that would be a betrayal to my mother.


It's a betrayal to my mother, who has worked hard to raise me all my life. But the need for money is so desperate.

When I felt like I had to endure this hell by taking out student loans, which I never wanted to do, I received an incredible offer from a part-time worker I had just met.

"... So, roughly speaking, do you get it?"


"Okay, would you like me to slap the pervert who harassed you?"

"Oh, no! Um, I need to think about it."

"Uh, um, um. Think about it a lot. If you still think it's not right, just tell the crazy guy that he was talking nonsense. Hahaha... Oh, just in case, I'll leave you my contact information. If you're really, really uncomfortable, you don't have to do it. Just think it over and send me a message on Kakao."

That's how I got Seonwoo Oppa's contact information.

The offer was clear and straightforward.

It was to publicly sell my virginity.

When you think about it, it's not much different from selling your body.

It's still a betrayal to my mother.

But he said it was just once, and there would be nothing after that.

And somehow, I trust this Oppa.

Even though I just met him today, his earnest explanation while sweating profusely as he tried to persuade me to decline made me trust him even more.

Despite wanting me to stay away from the wrong path, his intention to listen to my story and help was evident.

After finishing my part-time job and doing some assignments at a café, I returned home late.

"I'm back..."

There was no response, so I peeked into the living room and saw my mother lying on the bed, still wearing her suit, as if she had collapsed.

Turning her body around, I saw that she was tired again today, with dark circles under her eyes.

"Even after I told her to take it easy..."

Seeing my hardworking mother always brings many thoughts to my mind.

I spend five minutes stroking her face and get lost in deep thought.

In the end, I send a one-line message to the person I met today.

"Hiiiiiiit ♥ My head is spinning!!! Melt away like this♥"

"You dirty whore-like piece of shit!"

"Stop ittttt♥ I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry♥"

I mistreated the woman, treating her like a rag.

With a kick as if to relieve stress, I straddled her body on the couch and pounded her as if I were crazy.

My [Female Fall Lv.4], which I tried again, was still powerful.

After doing what I had to do, I pull the woman's hair taut like a seaweed stem and warn her.

"You're so full of yourself, but you couldn't even last half an hour. Hey, if you do this again, I'll make you a total loser."

"Hehe... Hehehehe♥"

The woman froths at the mouth.

She's a hostess during the day.

I tracked her down using the "WatchDogs" app.

After a brief talk, I went to her dirty house and committed the act.

It was an experiment with a new app, a way to pay back during the day, and Sarang's revenge.

After confirming its effectiveness, I put on my clothes.

The dark house is filled with empty bottles and snacks eaten as appetizers.

It smells moldy, and I lift my toes in fear of stepping on cockroaches as I quickly pick up my clothes.

'But how am I going to do this?'

I deliberately tried to induce rejection earlier, but I'm worried about Sarang.

Selling her virginity on broadcast, if it's really her first time, isn't it crazy?


While lost in thought, my phone rings from the pocket of my jeans.

I have a feeling it's a message from Sarang.

Curious, I hold my breath and check the messenger.

Then I sigh.

"Haah... So this is how it's going to be..."

I was right to have that feeling.

There was a short message on my phone.

"Sarang: "I've decided to accept your offer, Oppa... Can we meet at the café tomorrow morning?"