

Title: Episode 54

Chapter 54. Poor Convenience Store Part-Timer, Shin Sarang (20 years old / virgin) *Really a virgin

After a long time, she looks around various smartphone apps.

"This app has a lot of features to buy…."

The biggest reason for moving was this.

[Let's enjoy together!] App upgrade feature.

Besides the very useful [Facial Mosaic] feature that she has been using, there were many additional features available for purchase.

Among them, there is a feature that can be purchased at a high price.

As soon as she saw it, she was tempted, but it was expensive so she held back.

[Private Gold Lion TV]

*This feature is not for public broadcasting, but a secret channel for VIPs.

*When you start broadcasting using the private feature, the app automatically selects VIPs who can consume premium content and sends them invitations.

*All premium videos produced here are stored as NFT files and are strictly copyrighted, allowing them to be traded at high prices.

*(Caution) If you are trying it for the first time, please use it in a spacious area, preferably in front of the bed.

In short, it's like this, operating in a dark corner, VIP channel.

I looked into what the mentioned NFT files were, and they are files that guarantee the copyright of the original.

So, if you replicate and sell these original videos, it's like a quality assurance certificate in the cyber world... Anyway, I don't quite understand it, but it's an internet version of quality assurance.

I could think of it as filming and selling my own luxury AV videos.

The purchase price of the [Private Gold Lion TV] feature is a whopping 50 million won.

So far, she has saved about 100 million won.

But she spent 30 million won on moving and security deposit, and if she buys this, her balance will be empty again.

However, she has never invested money and suffered losses.

There was also the advice of Han Jung-ah, her manager, that it's good to prepare other content, so maybe instead of street hunting, it would be good to dig other tunnels.

And also, since she sells videos as luxury goods, she can't deny the dark thought that steady income might come in like a reliable insurance.

She decisively decides to make the purchase.

Since there's a little money left, she subtly bought other minor features like a hidden trigger during hunting to express the opponent's emotions in colors [Inside Out] (7 million won), and [Watchdogs] (8 million won) which can hack CCTVs and mobile phones near the target area.

They all seem useful, so I should try them out later.

○○○ Bank Balance 7,741,000

After the stormy shopping, her wallet became thin again.

The balance, which was over 100 million won, lost two zeros and finished dieting.

Well, if it's empty, I can just fill it up again.

But she has some leeway.

Since the broadcast is doing so well, even if the balance is empty now, she'll just say "It's okay."

"Ah, I should try the experiment first."

Since she already bought it, she tries out the [Private Gold Lion TV] once.

As soon as she presses it...


Smoke came out of her phone as if a smoke bomb had exploded, thick fog filled the living room.

And as the fog gradually clears, instead of a mountain god coming out... something even more incredible comes out.

Various broadcasting equipment that looks expensive at a glance.

Six state-of-the-art broadcasting equipment that could be used in terrestrial broadcasting stations are displayed.

A solid main camera, three high-definition 4K cameras with wheels attached below, audio equipment for recording more vivid sound, and even a small drone that shoots from top to bottom.

They all pop out as soon as she presses a button.

It seems to only show more and more unrealistic technology....

It tingles all over.

Now, there's no choice but to believe that there's really a benefactor who gave this system. Along with the notification on her smartphone, she reads the explanation.


Thank you for purchasing [Private Gold Lion TV]!

*As a special benefit, state-of-the-art filming equipment has been provided. Please use it effectively.

*Once various equipment is installed in their appropriate positions, the state-of-the-art filming equipment will automatically start filming.

*Dynamic filming beyond just AV filming is possible automatically.

*When filming starts with [Private Gold Lion TV], access is controlled, and no one can enter the filming space.

"Wow, now they even provide filming assistance?"

Just to be sure, she moves in front of the camera, and it follows her. If she moves left, it moves left; if she moves right, it moves right. It seems there's an automatic sensor detecting motion, following her.

Now, many cameras are capturing her from various angles. This is sure to improve the quality when filming.

But why can't anyone come in? That's what the explanation at the bottom says, that access is controlled. I don't know why it's there, but it seems to have been prepared to make filming easier.

"Okay, then, who should be the first guest on this glorious broadcast?"

Humming a tune, she scrolls through her contacts. The first person that comes to mind is Ha Yeon-soo, who already has experience in nighttime broadcasts, followed by Soyou, who maintains an underage idol image. It might be difficult with Soyou, but if she persuades Manager Han Jung-ah well, she might agree.

Lost in the happy dilemma of choosing which cute girl to pick, her phone rings. Just as she thought it might be Ha Yeon-soo, it turns out to be someone unexpected.

Convenience store owner: "Sunwoo, can you help me right now?"

It's the convenience store owner she used to work for.

Messages waiting for her acknowledgment appear one after another.

Convenience store owner: "I have another urgent matter."

Convenience store owner: "There's a new part-timer at the store, but another part-timer unexpectedly went AWOL, so there's no one to train them."

But I don't have time for that....

While I'm planning a broadcast shoot that could be a big money-maker, it's about a convenience store part-time job.

"I'll find someone else for that job."

"I'm sorry... Boss."

Though she hinted at refusal, the boss persisted.

Convenience store owner: "Can't you just do it for today?"

Convenience store owner: "Even if I try to do it alone, the new part-timer feels uneasy, and there's no one else I trust among my contacts... "

Convenience store owner: "Today, I'll pay you double the usual hourly wage. How about it?"

The boss persists tenaciously.

Ugh... The face of the pleading boss comes to mind.

Although I don't have time for odd jobs anymore, especially not at a convenience store...

Between broadcasts and women, I've been too busy to even have time to exercise lately.

But I've maintained a good relationship with the convenience store owner for a long time.

During tough times, they provided packed lunches and pocket money.

They've always been an angelic boss who looked out for me from the perspective of a part-timer.

Double the hourly wage isn't appealing at all, but there's something called loyalty in this world.

"Okay, I'll go now."

"And because it's burdensome, just pay me the regular hourly wage."

Convenience store owner: "Got it!"

They were really in a hurry, as they even sent the typo as it was.

"How about it, have you roughly learned how to use the cash register?"


"Honestly, you just need to scan the barcode, and you don't need to mess with detailed settings unless absolutely necessary."


"I'll demonstrate the card payment when customers come in, and during the remaining free time, you can restock items or do a quick floor cleaning."


"As for leftover food from lunch, if there's any, you can take it... Ah, and feel free to use your phone as much as you want during off-peak hours. The boss here is lenient and usually overlooks it."

"Ah... I'll keep that in mind. Haha...."

She doesn't want to appear like she's fallen head over heels on the first day, so she smiles cutely. And she's actually cute.

Shin Sarang. They say she's still a freshman in college. She's slightly shorter than average and has a cute style. Her hair is cut into a bob. The bangs cover her eyebrows, and the rest covers down to her chin. Plus, she's got some volume in her chest, adding to her innocent and cute appearance. Not as much as Soyou, but it's estimated to be one or two steps below her. Her tidy teeth and dimpled smile melt the hearts of men like honey.

The boss clearly chose a part-timer who would attract customers from their appearance alone. She's sharp enough to learn quickly once taught and diligent enough to answer energetically.

Cute, smart, and kind. She lacks nothing.

I understand why the boss laughed subtly when handing over the shift, saying, "If love is in the name, you two shouldn't fall in love, right? Hahaha." ... I wish they'd refrain from dad jokes.

Well, maybe if it were me in the past, I might have really fallen in love. While working together part-time, who knows how many kids we would have had, what we would have named our first child.

But these days, I've met countless women, and thanks to having a girlfriend, I've been able to maintain a dignified senior position.



After teaching her everything, when it's time to welcome customers together, the conversation falls silent.

There's no point in standing awkwardly, so the supervisor steps in and changes the topic.

"But where do you go to university? Oh, is it rude to ask?"

"It's okay! Well, I go to K University."

"Wow, a prestigious university?! But isn't it a bit far from this area? Why work here?"

"I have to transfer a few times on the subway... but my house is nearby, so it's more convenient on weekends. Oh, where do you go to school?"

"It's too embarrassing to say in front of a prestigious university... I go to □□ University."

"Oh, that's famous too! Let me see... you went to the military and then returned to school, so you're in your third year now, right?"

"No, I'm currently on leave for personal reasons, but I'm doing something other than school—"



With the automatic door alarm, a customer enters, interrupting the small talk.

Out of habit, she reflexively greets the customer.

Shin Sarang... As a newcomer, she quickly corrects her posture to start working.


The customer curses as soon as they enter.

Firstly, she's a woman.

In the middle of the day, she wears a flashy dress with a deep neckline, indicating she's in her 20s... 30s? The straps of her bra are clearly visible on her shoulders, and her fashion seems light-hearted.

While Sarang, eager as a newcomer, wide-eyed, I squirmed with anxiety sensing danger. My intuition, having dealt with many truths while working here, sends a signal that she's a dangerous woman.

In this area, there are many bars, and there are some women who work in the entertainment industry. I've seen enough of those who cast disdainful glances at the part-timer.

"Oh, what can I help you w—"

The heavily made-up woman heads straight to the checkout counter and tosses a ten-thousand-won bill to Sarang.

Sarang's face lights up with a smile as the bill flutters down.

Eventually, the woman in the entertainment industry said with an attitude, "Hey, bring me a cigarette."