

<Episode 43> 43. Soyou's Manager, Han Jeong-ah (29 years old/Soon-to-be bride) 5th year of dating♥

It's not a lie that Han Jeong-ah is busy.

"That should do it.

Thank you for your hard work."

"Yes, Manager, you too."

They part ways after shaking hands for the last time in the company meeting room.

An advertisement contract related to adult products has just been signed.

It took a long time to scrutinize it carefully because it involved a considerable amount of money.

Although she achieved a significant accomplishment worth bragging about, it's too early to relieve her worries.

Tomorrow, she needs to visit the company to review the goods for Soyou's merchandise in advance, and the day after tomorrow, there's an idea meeting.

"All these are things I proposed, but..."

There's no manager as passionate and active as Han Jeong-ah.

Whether it's because of her broadcasting failure or her obsession with work, she seizes every opportunity to work as much as possible.

Since popularity can wane at any time, she believes in working hard regardless of the outcome.


She steps out of the company building and stretches while looking at the night view outside.

She takes out her phone from her bag to check her messenger.

A KakaoTalk message arrives while she's in a meeting.

Another forgotten appointment pops up.

Choi Sung-won: "I've reserved a hotel for our 5th anniversary!"

He also sends a picture of the expensive wine he bought.

Since they've been together for a long time, they usually inform each other instead of surprising with events.

Except for not being married, they're almost like family, so there are hardly any secrets.

The promise with him is the most precious thing.

It's also a meeting with little anticipation.

Has it already been that long?

Five years with her lover.

She looks at the ring on her ring finger against the night sky.

It's more of a feeling of awkwardness than pure joy.

"Haah... Haah... Hoo..."

Her boyfriend, who was on top of her, breathes heavily as he comes down.

Sweat beads on his forehead as he exhales heavily.

Choi Sung-won.

He's Han Jeong-ah's boyfriend, who she's been engaged to for five years.

They started dating when they began their careers as managers around the time of their college graduation, and it has continued until today.

Whether it's their personalities or whatever, they've always been compatible, perhaps because they've grown accustomed to this comfort over the years.

After sex, they exchange a few words.

"Sorry, I wanted to go on an overseas trip, but I've been busy lately."

"No, today was great..."

She comforts her boyfriend by hugging him tightly.

They act like affectionate lovers.

The food was indeed delicious, and the wine suited their taste.

The night view from the hotel was beautiful, and they enjoyed the massage service inside the hotel.

The effort put into the intimacy was quite satisfactory as well.

However, while their bodies intertwined, images kept disturbing her concentration.

Even the part of her boyfriend she usually thought was more than adequate, now constantly invites comparison.

Nevertheless, they conclude the day by cuddling in her boyfriend's arms.

"Kuu... Kuu..."


As her boyfriend falls asleep first, Han Jeong-ah checks twice before slipping away quietly.

She tiptoes to the bathroom to avoid making noise and takes out her phone.



She lets out a sigh against the clean bathroom ceiling.

Wearing only red underwear, she sits on the toilet.

"It keeps coming back..."

She can't stand it anymore.

During sex with her boyfriend, Cha Seon-woo kept popping into her mind.

Scenes resembling the animal kingdom where sturdy males mate with females for reproduction.

Comparing that to sex with her boyfriend makes it seem like child's play.

She can't seem to shake off the intense images in her mind.

Wanting to confirm her true feelings once again, she came to the bathroom alone.

"It was Kim Lion TV..."

She quickly types on her phone, opening the PpongTV app.

Pressing the button, she finds a logo-less, ordinary channel.

Despite its normal appearance, it has quite a few followers and a tremendous number of views for replays.

From the first video, it recorded 300,000 views, and it increased even more after going live.

This person must be the only one to achieve such views right after starting a live broadcast.

However, she hesitates at the play button.

Choi Sung-won is still in the same room.

Pressing it feels like betraying her boyfriend who tried so hard today.

But Han Jeong-ah has reached her limit.

She watched it twice already, and that thing keeps popping into her head.

She's curious. She can't resist.

She doesn't want to deceive herself.

"Should I watch the latest...?"

The full video in the paid section is quite pricey, but she boldly makes the payment.

It starts with the introductory part of hunting.

Since it's about hunting, there are more distance views than explicit scenes in the beginning.

Women getting criticized repeatedly, children mistaking them for mascots and gathering around, and ridiculous incidents of high school students picking fights with them are frequent.

It's amusing, but that's not why she's here, so she skips to the middle.



As she fast forwards to the middle, a blatant flesh-colored scene suddenly pops up.

She hurriedly presses the pause button and lowers the volume.


Holding her breath, she listens carefully and thankfully, it seems like he's sound asleep.

Relieved, Han Jeong-ah presses play again and watches the video with rapt attention.

Although her face is pixelated and not clearly visible, a woman with brown wavy hair appears.

And from behind, a man wearing a lion mask forcefully presses her shoulders and shakes her waist.

... Indeed, it's much larger.

He ravishes the woman greedily, thrusting forcefully.

"It's not right to leave by yourself."

"But... how many times is it now...♥"

"I'm making you feel good as we agreed on the street.

I'm giving you a hefty appearance fee, so give me some back support!"

"I don't need money, so just let me rest for a bit..."

"You've been enjoying it for a while, where's the time for rest! Grr!"


The lion presses his waist more aggressively.

It's definitely him.

Although the voice might be different due to the program, everything from the size of the object to the way of speaking is identical.

On the other hand, the woman they recruited on the street had smaller breasts but a slender waist.

Even though her face is pixelated, the mosaic somehow... seems to be smiling.

Just like Yuna back then.

"Ah... hmm..."

The same impulse as back then.

Instinctively, she squeezes her thighs together.

With the hand not holding the phone, she moistened between her underwear and brought her fingers to the entrance.

"'Come on, I might leave too, so just get through this crisis well!'"

"Hehe... Here it comes, another signal!"

"If you're going to leave, feel free to go! I'll watch and enjoy until my phone battery dies!"

"Here it comes, here it comessss♥"

The video begins to play, and Cha Seon-woo moves more vigorously.

He bites and sucks the exhausted woman's body, leaving his mark as he pleases.

The motel bed shakes, and the lower half of the trembling woman's body drips like rain.

A scene that cannot be manipulated or scripted.

Continuing with a surveillance camera-like angle, the one-take video progresses.

It's still 2 hours and 27 minutes left, as he performs like a monkey.

"Ah... hmm...♥"

Imagining herself as that woman, she stimulates her clitoris with her index and middle fingers.

Thus, on the 5th anniversary with her lover,

Han Jeong-ah spent her time masturbating while watching Kim Lion TV in the hotel bathroom.

A few days later.

She got in touch with Cha Seon-woo again and made an appointment.

She sits across from him first and meets him in person.

Unconsciously, she finds herself staring at his face blankly.

"Umm... Is there something on my face?"

"Huh? ...Um! No, nothing."

Han Jeong-ah couldn't help but blush.

Since that day, she falls asleep every night watching his broadcasts.

They keep coming back to her, and when sleep eludes her, she turns on the hunting videos.

The videos where men and women intertwine roughly.

Naturally, it accompanies the sound of moans.

She struggles with an indescribable desire, inserting three fingers like a horny girl, grabbing her breasts.

She holds the pillow tightly and fights through the long nights.

Perhaps because of that, when they meet again, he seems different.

Just by looking at his face, her heart pounds as if she's in love.

"Well, I appreciate you taking the time, especially since you're so busy."

"Oh, no... What can I do for you this time?"

"Well, it's for the same reason as before.

Since there's no one else knowledgeable in this field, would you mind helping out a bit? Haha..."

Cha Seon-woo chuckles amiably.

He seems more relaxed today for some reason.

Or is it...

She firmly draws the line again, hiding her disappointment.

"I've told you. I'm Yuna's manager."

"Well... If that's the case, let's go meet Yuna."

"I've ordered you not to approach until I give permission."

"Do you really need to follow that? It's just a meeting between consenting adults.

You're not related by blood, nor are you her actual guardian, right?"

"...So you're threatening me now."

If you want to put it that way.

I have no grounds to stop their relationship.

Threatening to call the police would only make things worse, and Cha Seon-woo wouldn't face any consequences.

Unless he's caught lying next time.

But there are many ways to counterattack.

There are plenty of ways to drive him away with our intimate relationship with Yuna.

But I came up with something different, a bold imagination.

"Um... Then,"

Considering how much adult content she's watched, it's an unthinkable proposal in this scene.

A proposal that a sane me would never make under normal circumstances.

Even though reason screams not to, she can't control her fluttering heart.

She bites her lips forcibly, as if holding back a sneeze, then looks at the ring on her ring finger... and boldly speaks.

"Um, would you like to meet with me?"

"Huh? Meet with you, the manager?"

"Well, since Yuna is busy, I could handle things over there instead..."

She leaves the rest to the imagination.

Han Jeong-ah bites her lips even harder.

She messed up.

She feels embarrassment rising to her ears.

She feels like banging her head against the cafe's wooden pillar.

How will he react?

She looks at him, her shoulders tense like a girl.

Cha Seon-woo laughs.

As if he was waiting for such an answer, he laughs leisurely.

"So you're offering to take over for the manager? Why?"

"Well... if I don't handle things, you'll keep bothering Yuna..."

"Even so, why would you go that far?"

"For Yuna's sake... she's busy.

She has another advertising broadcast today..."


Cha Seon-woo raises his voice as if pondering.

He enjoys Han Jeong-ah's reaction, who is at the peak of embarrassment.

While readjusting the straw in her untouched americano or pretending to look at her phone, she pauses with unnecessary gestures.

She is restless, while he is calm.

Eventually, from his relaxed lips, the words come out.

"I want to do it with Yuna?"

A cold rejection.

As soon as she retorts without hesitation, her heart sinks.

She flashes back to the past.

The shock of meeting So Yuna when she knew nothing about broadcasting.

She realized the insurmountable wall through visual impact.

It was the height of arrogance to try to replace So Yuna even though she had already made such a mistake.

She bows her head deeply.

She receives the price of arrogance in the form of frustration.

But Cha Seon-woo refreshes the atmosphere and comforts Han Jeong-ah.

"Why so serious? It's just a light joke."

"...A joke?"

"Yes, I was attracted, honestly.

The intellectual glasses suit you well, and your face and butt are pretty."

"Oh no, that's not it, so don't flatter me..."

"Oh~ It's not flattery.

You're really pretty. I struggled so much between the light-colored stockings before and the skirt you're wearing now."

As he says that, Han Jeong-ah lowers her head and glances at her skirt.

Her well-shaped figure and pot-shaped body achieved through diet control are indeed pretty.

"I kept staring at you from behind when you passed by... I almost ran up and touched you impulsively."

"Uh... is that so? ♥"

It was almost harassment.

But as soon as she hears those words, her heart melts like snow.

She's thrilled that he found her sexually attractive, and her heart trembles with joy.

However, the proposal is still up in the air.

Although it turned into a joke just now, Cha Seon-woo hasn't said whether he likes it or not.

That's why Han Jeong-ah approaches him again and whispers, wanting to clearly define the situation.

"But, I'm the type who wants to be sure about relationships.

Do you want to do it with me?"

"No, I..."

"If you don't like it, you can leave, so please answer clearly. Do you want to do it with me?"

She asks again, setting a boundary.

Fidgeting with her hands, Han Jeong-ah's determined gaze melts.

"...Yes ♥"

It was a straightforward and vulgar answer.

But she felt relieved.

Rejecting this man would be difficult.

Now she understands why that scene stuck in her mind so deeply.

She saw such an object and such boldness, so it was her female instinct that wanted him.

That's all it was.

After hearing his answer, Cha Seon-woo, with a grin, stands up and approaches her.

They walk side by side like lovers.

Without a word, he wraps his waist like a male lion leading a female lion.

They walk down the street together, and when they arrive at the motel lobby as if it were natural, he checks in while stroking her butt.

A gleaming engagement ring adorns Han Jeong-ah's hand.