


"Is this really true?"


"They said it was a rhino that did it!"

"No way was that true."

"LoL, I heard it from the principal myself. Apparently our class is trashed so bad that we can't have classes there anymore."

"Then what do we do in school now?"

"Don't ask me dude, I don't even like coming to school."

"Hey, I heard the school dance is coming at the end of the month. So stoked."

"Heard the president's daughter is gonna be there."

"As if dude, that's like saying you want to raise Micheal Jackson from the dead. Your lied are getting tiring, you know that?"

"Hey guys, the principal is coming this way."

"That's our principal?"

"Just what do you mean by that statement?!"

The group of clustered students comported themselves as the principal approached them.

Sasha bit at her nails, she could not concentrate in class knowing that her uncle's paper fan was still missing. Earlier she had tried to find the class she had first let him in, in hopes of finding him but she could hardly recall the exact direction.

She could not even remember what the class looked like or what the boy looked like, only that he was ugly and tiny. Ah, I'm hopeless", she said with a depressing sigh.

A tall skinny girl with short blond hair approached her seat and accompanied by three other girls. "Did you hear girlfriend? That old train they should have tossed out for scrap instead of remodelling it went haywire and sort of got pretty banged up, luckily no one got hurt. The news was all up about it and I was afraid I would have to hold your funeral dearie, belive me it was a really emotional ordeal."

Sasha pulled herself back into her school life in the twinkle of an eye. "And since when do you wach the news Cherry?"

Cherry smiled, revealing her perfect rows of white teeth for a few seconds. "Good point, girlfriend. You look like a goat without make-up, what's wrong dearie?" She placed one hand on her hip and the other caressing her face.

Sasha scowled at her. "Since when do goats use make-up. Besides comparing me to a goat is so not cool."

Cherry giggled. "LoL doll. Hot news, the firsties class got done in by a big fight or something. That's what the commotion was all about. I heard the principal is going to merge our two classes or something, no more single seats anymore. FYI I hope a cute boy gets to seat next to me."

Sasha did not even bother pretending to care. "Goodie you then."

A while later the principal came in and explained the situation.

"Because of the still being reworked class the first and second year will have to share the same class for the time being..."

Luckily Sasha occupied the last single seat at the far end of the class so she did not get paired up with anyone and soon the class settled down.

"Phew", she exhaled while whipping of an imaginary sweat from her forehead. "Alone, just the way I lik--"

"Ehem." The principal cleared his throat as he addressed a figure standing by the door. "There you are, I never once thought I would see you late, and what's with that thing on your head? It's against school dress code, take it off!"

Sasha gulped down. "Oh no! I can feel my You - Should - Not - Have - Said - That Syndrome kicking in."

The principal pressed forward.

"Well come on in boy, I don't have much time!"

"Uh, who...?" Sasha raised her head to see the figure that entered the class.

The boy walked timidly to the front of the class and reached for the cap on his head, gently pulling it down. His dark eyes trying to avoid all the eyes on him as he awkwardly came to a halt and mustered up all the courage to face them.

But the reaction of the girls excluding Sasha took him by surprise.

"SOOO KEEEE-UUUUTTTT!!" They all screamed in unity.

The principal had to raise his voice above theirs so he could be heard. "Well, meet Kay!"

Sasha's face boiled from a mixture of different emotions from shock to worry. She could swear he looked familiar but this boy with his curly hair was... Handsome!

Next Chapter Comes Up On Friday 14th...

FantasyLordcreators' thoughts
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