


Kay smiled nervously unsure of how to entertain the new welcome he had recieved. Some many smiling faces, it made him feel embarrassed causing him to blush.

"Um, I, uh..." He clutched tight to the two bags on his back as hot sweat dripped down his forehead. "My name is... Kay. I-- um, I am so happy, no! Thank you for having me!" He rushed the last sentence so fast no one could hear him clearly but the girls all seemed pleased by him.


"So adorable!"

"Wish he was my boyfriend."

"Too bad I'm sitting with this guy that looks like a chimpanzee."

"He has beight eyes and a fine jaw and that hair! Dont get me started with that hair."

The principal further proceeded.

"You will be seating with Miss Sasha over there! Since she is clearly the only one having an extra seat next to her.

Kay bowed his head and walked forward anxiously. Many eyes glared at him with love and admonition it almost made him smile. Then there was the boys, hungry eyes like wolves ready to devour him at any moment.

He finally reached the designated seat and took a close up glance at the figure there.

Then the world went still and silent...

His heart made a sudden break...

Their eyes locked!

"It is you--" Kay said almost breathless. "Um, uh, I, you-- really-- um--"

Sasha turned away and placed her head on the desk.

Kay was left startled by this sudden behavior. "Um, w-- what just happened. Does she not remember me?" He took his seat next to her and kept quiet also.

Sasha bit her lower lip as she let her head lie there, she felt like she was going to die from staring at him. To think she was looking for him but came to her instead, talk about fate? Or was it luck?

Her heat was still racing past it's metronome, her cheeks pulp red, her forehead... sweating.

"Wait a minute, what is with that hairdoo? This is not the dumb ugly nerd from the day before. This guy's is ho-- no!! Don't fall for him babe, set your standards. He may look a bit more appealing and cool but underneath he's still the same pervy no good four eyes--"

"Um-- Sasha was it?" Kay said nervously. "I-- um-- I-- I don't know how to put this but your head is smoking."

She bit her lip so hard that she could feel the skin on the verge of breaking.

--"I am sitting next to the guy who stole my first kiss before I hit the peak of my youth? Talk about bad luck-- oh!! Should probably ask about the paper fan and have it done with."

She raised her head and turned to face him and there he was inches away, his eyes on his notebook- reading. She teied to swallow all the hit air in her body but it just kept coming back out.

Kay raised his head and turned his attention to her causing her to gasp. His dark eyes radiating with a strong will force that froze her.



They both said at the same time...

Cherry who had seen this all the way fr her seat sighed. "So adorable, you really do deserve the best man girlfriend."

"What about me?" Asked the young fine boy seating next to her.

Cherry merely rolled her eyes and said. "You ain't even worth a dime toothpick."

Sasha's cheeks were still partly red, her eyes unsteady. "So your body changed this morning and you can see perfectly with your eyes. If I get you right you want a cure?"

Kay nodded.

Sasha sighed. "That is just the stupidest thing I have ever heard a guy say."--

"You are way more good looking now, the girls love you and you want to throw all of that away?"

Kay avoided all eye contact with her as he spoke. "It's just that I don't want to be someone I'm not, I want to be me again."

Sasha banged her head on the table so hard it reasounded across the classroom. "You want to revert even your perfect vision too? Well I have bigger problem on my plate than that--"


A loud thump shook the table and caused her to raise her head.

"Ugh! What was that for?" She groaned.

"Um-- I brought you your bag." He said in a low tone. "Sorry I forgot it in my care."

Sasha's face beamed wide with excitement at the sight of her bag just inches from her face. She hurriedly opened up the bag in search of the fan.

"Don't worry, I don't think anything's lost there." He confessed.

Sasha spotted her uncle's paper fan packed gently at the corner of her bag. Out for joy she threw her arms around him and pulled him in for a warm hug where she planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Mwah! You are a real lifesaver Kay!"

Kay stammered as his cheeks reddened. "I, um-- uh. You called me by my name?"

The eyer of everyone one in class were on them. "Ooooooooh!" The hummed.

Sasha did not mind them as she let her head fall gently on the table and looked up at him. "Thanks. You just saved a life."

Kay was unsure of how to respond. "Umm-- what?"

Sasha clutched tight to her bag afraid of losing it again. "So how about I take you to my home to see my uncle to cure you."

"Can he also get the spirit out of me--?" He asked.

Sasha puffed up her cheeks. "Dunno about that."

Kay pushed himself back into his seat and took a brief sigh. "Just promise me one thing... We won't go by train."

Sasha responded with a cute smile that made her eyes glow. "Deal!"

Kay could hardly believe it, he was having a normal conversation with a girl and a cute one at that, even if their conversation was far from being normal he regarded it as such.

To think all it took to make a quiet boy and a cocky girl friends was just a bizzare paranormal experience. Luckily the worst had come and gone...

Or had it--?

Next Update On Monday 17th...

FantasyLordcreators' thoughts
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