

Facing Obito and Deidara, Shou felt a little nervous. But he reminded himself he's quite powerful now and try to remain composed. Obito has almost killed him and it does give him a psychological stress. Fear of death, is something one can't avoid.

Ryushou stretched out his hand, forming a flaming red ball of fire from his palm. You can see in his eyes he wanted to throw it to them so badly.

Watatsumi-san! Not here! This bridge will be damaged and it would burden the people here!

"Grrr. Fine...".

He extinguished the flame and glared at those two.

Grrrr... Ryusho lock his eyes onto its prey, his slit eyes contracted staring right into their souls, his throat vibrated producing a hair-raising low-frequency grunting sound.


Tobi and Deidara has their whole body sweating profusely seeing him, and the sound it made their primal instinct goes into fight or flight mode. Why is this guy turned to be more scary than before?? Tobi didn't hallucinate, he definitely became the dragon's jinchuriki! Just look at those eyes! Or rather, he looks POSSESSED by it! Is he even still there?

"H-Hello!!". Tobi start to act like a some goofy guy.

'We are not here to fight you'. Deidara give a wry smile.

Scales starts to grow on Ryushou hands and necks. A pair of silver horns grows out of his head, making him appear twice more menacing. Ryushou bared his sharp fangs, as if he would bite them at any second.

'Ahaha...'. Obito nervously laughed for real.

'Shou-san wasn't it? Relaxxx... Take a breath inn.... We just wants to talk. Our leader wants us to invite you'.

Nagato is inviting me?

Shou thought about it for a second. Of course he will have to refuse. Nagato idea of peace might actually make sense - having a nuclear weapon equivalent to keep the countries at bay sounds like a good idea honestly. But his method to get that said nuclear weapon is not.

Watatsumi-san, the masked person can run away easily. Maybe we shouldn't fight them if they don't come for that.

Shou do have countermeasure in mind, that is to continuously attack him while leaving no gap so his intangibility rans out or he can use his Azusa Bow to attack at the same time with a lethal attack so he could hit him; basically brute forcing it. He should be able to do that with the extra chakra he had from Watatsumi. But it's not a suitable place for battle.

"Hmph. Fine". The dragon snorted and let Shou take over.

The horns and scales dimished, his eyes turned to normal like a human, his fang retracted.

'Whew! I thought you turned into a monster earlier! So scary~'. Tobi let out a breath of relief seeing Shou has calmed down.

Deidara slapped Tobi's head right after!

'Ouchh! Senpai what was that forr'. "Be serious Tobi!".

Shou look at this Tobi acting so goofy. Where is his Madara voice when he fought him before?

"Our leader wants to ask you what you think about this world. What's your answer".

Shou wondered for a moment.

'This world is a mess'. He said shortly. It's a little too much to explain the specifics.

"Great! Our leader objective is ultimately for peace for this world. Stop all wars. Or if you have anything else you wanted, he is willing to give it to you as long as you join us. What do you say?".

'I refuse'.

"Shou-san, your village doesn't know that you become the jinchuriki of the light dragon don't they~ Our leader ask us to threaten you with it. I wonder how they would react if they know~". Tobi said teasingly.

Shou squinted his eyes. That's so shameless of Nagato. As for what Kiri would do if they know... He already guessed the possibilities. But one thing he's sure is Kiri can never go against him simply because they are too weak at the moment and can't spare manpower to kill him. And he believes in Mei's character, she wouldn't decide on something so stupid as to try to off him just because he has Watatsumi inside him. Rather she would just try to keep him 'in control' and would keep tabs on him. There's also Haku who could be considered as 'hostage' and can already guarantee him to be in check and won't harm Kiri by virtue of Haku being in Kirigakure. So they won't do anything stupid, he believes that. Not to mention his presence would benefit Kiri who's severely weakened and it's more likely they would cater to him for his power instead of being against him.

'The village won't do anything stupid even if you tell them'.

"Hmm? Are you sure~?".

'Even if that happens they would lose out more. Unfortunately Kirigakure is severely weakened after what you did, Bi. To. -san. Or Tobi? I don't quite hear what your senpai call you'.

"Huh? What did you do Tobi?".

Tobi felt his heart shaken. What the fuck was that? Did he know his true identity? Or was it a coincidence and he really misheard Deidara? He had been acting in the shadows, acting as the one pulling the threads from behind and act like the one who hold the chest pieces in secret! And he only ever call himself Madara as he is acting like him! So how could he know his true name?! No. He must have misheard Deidara. It's just a coincidence. It's also his fault for choosing the fake name Tobi which is really close to Obito already. Obito nods to himself.

'Hehe~ I took a dump at their village! And they got mad at me!'.

"Haa? Do you want to die Tobi?!". Deidara choked Tobi and shake him furiously for making a joke at such a serious question

'How did your leader plan to achieve peace?'. Shou asked them.

But before they could think of an answer, Shou added,

'Seeing you try to control the Light Dragon, does his idea of peace has anything to do with the dragon? Let me guess. You want to use it's power to keep the countries in check and therefore keep peace wasn't it'.

Deidara and Tobi was shocked. It's too close to the real plan. It's just that instead of the dragon specifically, they wanted to the bijuus. The dragon is sort of a side quest that can act like a bijuu that's why they bothered with the dragon.

"Haha... Shou-san, you are really smart~". Tobi commented.

'I can't join you. But depends on what he needs, I might agree to co-operate. Of course, the Light Dragon is not on the table. He's my partner. Tell your leader that. In exchange I don't want you to harm Kirigakure, or anyone near me. You must have done your investigation on me. So you understand what I mean, right? Otherwise...'.

Shou's chakra mixed in with Watatsumi's, exploding the aura from their power as he entered Dragon Chakra Mode.

The white chakra coats him, patterns forms on his cloth, his yukata opened up from the power being too much to be contained. The debris and gravel floats from the sheer pressure he exudes.

He cancelled it immediately after showing it once.

"W-We understand. We will tell him that". Deidara felt his scalp tingles. Too strong. Too beautiful! Art! His form is ART! Deidara found admiration seeing that form but try to hide his excitement.

Obito felt a sweat drop his neck again. It wasn't raining. So he definitely is sweating from nervousness. He is definitely a perfect Jinchuriki to even channel such large amount of chakra. And if he adds the fact that he can use those buggy mirrors, that buggy weapon that he can't dodge and can even dispel genjutsu; Obito knows he would lose for certain if they fought again this time. As for Nagato who had rinnegan, he is not confident he would win against him even with those eyes. Even if he could, it would be too much of a hassle and delay their plans. Since Shou give them a room to negotiate he don't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Hai!!! Senpai let's leave now! He might kill us if we stay any longer!".

'Don't mention it Tobi!'. Deidara turned to Shou.

They both climbed the clay bird and fly away quickly.

Hmph! Let me blast them! Why you let them get away?!


Watatsumi take over instantly. Horns and scales grows all over him.

Seeing Deidara and Tobi is quite a distance away in the sky, Shou just lamented and let him do it.

Ryushou opened his mouth, channeling positive and negative energy as it combines to form - the bijuudama?? He can use bijuudama?? Shou didn't know that.

"Senpai!! He's doing something!! I am scared!!!'.

'Damn it Tobi, I know!!!'.

Light Release may travel in a straight line but it's accuracy is bad when hitting target at long range. So Ryushou use bijuudama instead for its better AOE.

Ryushou finished his channeling, blasted the small bijuudama to them while causing cracks and shockwave at the ground he stood. Deidara frantically throw bunch of ugly clay bombs to it, not caring about its aesthetics in a desperate attempt to stop it.

Opon contact the bijuudama exploded tens of meters away from behind them, causing a huge explosion in the sky!

"AAAAA!!!" Tobi screamed out as both of them were sent flying into the sky and turned into a star.


Watatsumi returned the body to Shou after he's quite satisfied.

"Are they dead...?".

Hmph. I hope they are. But that wasn't a direct hit.

Shou scratched his cheek. He sensed the people are coming to check the occasion since the explosion is quite loud. He quietly suppress his chakra and go his way to the harbour.

Shou only said such things to them and to Nagato because he is considering to let them take the 3 tails inside of Kiri. Sure, he could probably defend Kiri and prevent them from taking it.

But Nagato won't stop until he got all bijuus.

If Shou keep repelling them, Shou can see eventually Nagato himself will come to Kiri with his 6 paths of Pain if other members can't get it. Shou may be strong now but Shou is not confident against Nagato because he too is a strong opponent. He don't dare to underestimate him.

And there's also Haku in the village, and the people inside - battling there will cause so much destruction and death. He rather let him take the 3 tails freely and leave Kiri untouched. In the original timeline that's what happened since Kiri does not have any tailed beast kept with them after Yagura died with Sanbi.

And what if Nagato come in with the other Akatsuki members if he keeps preventing them to get 3 tails? Even if Shou himself can stop Nagato, the rest of them are too strong for other ninjas to defeat them. This means others would have to stop them and it would just cause unnecessary loses. And he don't want Haku to be hurt especially.

Shou take a deep breather, not sure what's the right thing to do and is still contemplating them.

Riding the boat to Land of Water, in few days he finally arrived in Kirigakure. Fifth Mizukage immediately called up to hear from him.


"Shou-kun. How is your vacation. Anything interesting you experienced? How about sharing it with me".

Mei give him a sly smile, hiding a blatant poison in it.

'Mizukage-sama, I was just travelling around. It's quite refreshing to see sceneries from other places'.

Mei squinted his eyes. As if she don't know it's blatantly suspicious to take such a vacation. Shou even purposely take unconventional routes to make their ANBU lose track of him when Mei sent few to follow him for monitoring purpose.

"Hm. Fine then. Now that you are back, I hope you can keep working. We have piles of commissions that aren't done with our lacking manpower. You can leave".

'Yes Mizukage-sama'.

Shou nods and left shortly after.


"Ao, anything?", Mei spoke as Shou left the area.

Ao who had hide himself in the room and used his Byakugan replied;

'No. But... He has a little more chakra and it's more dense compared to before he left. His growth is outstanding. Was he training hard during his vacation?'.

"Is it growth or there's something else?". Mei taps his finger on the desk. But since she can't figure it out she just change his focus on other matter.

Shou himself does not notice that the leaking chakra from Watatsumi that's been mixing with his is slowly increasing his own basal chakra reserve. His body structure is slightly altered on the inside from the effect of Watatsumi's presence, especially when he took over and is making his body adapt to him.

Shou returned quickly to his home and sees Haku is already waiting for him. He had send letters through Fukurochi so Haku more or less know about the situation.

"Shou. Welcome home". Haku just smile. But he sighed later.

"Nii-san. I am back. You read my letters right?".

"Of course I did... But...".

Haku is worried. To think he shares a body with that thing... And that that thing is allowed to take over whenever he wanted? He felt like Shou had done something only a lunatic would do. He already went through 5 stages of grief and accepts his little brother has a loose screw somewhere and don't bother to tell him off.

"Can I meet the being inside you?".

"Let me ask...". "Watatsumi-san, he's my brother. I don't want him to worry so can he meets you? Pleaseee?".

Hmph. Fine. Let me take him into this subconcious space to see my majesty.

Shou released a little white bubbly chakra from within.

"Nii-san. Held out your hand and let your chakra to be pulled".

Shou stretched his hand towards Haku. Haku hesitantly hold his and felt his consciousness pulled.

He opened his eyes and noticed he is a dark space all of a sudden. And there it is, a huge being with lizard-like head, pair of wings, white-silvery scales, golden eyes with black slit pupil, it's menacingly staring down at Haku while resting casually on a stone platform, much like a throne.

'Kneel, human'. Watatsumi said with authority.

Haku did so out of fear. His scalp is tingling from its aura alone. Shou... What the f*** have you welcomed inside of you?

"Watatsumi-san! He's my brother. Can't you be a little more lenient?".

Haku raised his head, to see Shou is standing on the platform that the dragon rested on and is talking to him.

Hmph. Fine. You, stand up.

Haku hesitantly stood up. Shou walked down the platform and introduce Watatsumi to Haku.

"This is Watatsumi. He calls himself the dragon king and his power definitely fit the title. He can use all 5 basic nature of chakra and even Light Release!".

The dragon raised his head slightly and some light starts to shine from him, making him appear more ethreal and majestic. He did like to be praised.

"Well... You could say the dragon that our clan worshipped is most likely a being that existed before and is the same kind of being as Watatsumi here. He is not bad at all".

Hmph! The dragon snorted and kept his pose and the FX on.

"Ah. I see. It's a pleasure to meet you, Watatsumi". Haku have no further comment, afraid of any miswords. He also bowed his head a little to not offend it much.

Since you are his brother, I can let you serves me as a servant. It's an honor only few humans can get. Hmph!

Haku stood in a daze. What do he say to this? He can only nods and say yes.


"Watatsumi-san! He's my brother! ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ.

Hmph. I share my power with servants that I am fond of. Take it as a reward. Feel it in your vein and praise my name.

Watatsumi glowed a little and a bubbly white chakra seeps into Haku's body, startling him.

"This power...?".

Haku felt his body stronger and his chakra slightly increased from the addition of the foreign power. Two little horns grow out of his head as well.

"Eh? This...". Haku touches it, feeling the thing suddenly growing. Haku physical body outside also changed a little and have horns now.

"Watatsumi-san! Take it back! People would see it and would be suspicious. They would investigate him and then you".

Hmph. So unappreciative.

White chakra was pulled out from Haku back into Watatsumi, his body returned to normal aswell.

"Ahaha... Nii-san, he only asks for food mostly when it comes to being a 'servant'. It's not that bad..." Shou whispered to Haku to make it seems it's not that bad.

Your first task is to prepare offerings to me. Go ahead. Also don't forget to make 'ice cream'. I prefer chocolate.

Haku was kicked out back into his real body. He sees Shou scratching his cheek, quite embarassed honestly.

"Haku, let's prepare dinner. And the 'offering' for him".

"Okay...". Haku just comply. It's just making some food so maybe it wasn't all that bad. Haku copes with it.


Sitting on the dinner table, Haku watch as Ryushou comes out.

His eyes turned gold with black slit on.

With his hands, he casually grab the food and eat it with energy.

"Hmph. You too are good cook like your little brother".

"... Thank you for the praise...". Haku watch as his heart slowly gave up seeing how uncivilized Shou looks while eating so heartily. Where is that majesty from before? Shou lets him be since it's only them in the house so he don't have to keep his image.


After they are done Watatsumi gives the body back.

"Haku, let's take some high ranked missions later. I am out of money... Hihi... Oh and I will show you his power then! You will be surprised how strong I become!".

"Haih... Yes, Shou...".

Their life continued as usual, with occasional presence of Ryushou who would appear here and there even during mission as the dragon is bored and wanted to 'exercise' as well. He suppose Watatsumi did add a little spice in their life; Haku slowly gets used to him over time as their life go on as usual.


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