
Big Fox, You are too Mean!

Author note: Gonna be the last time I add fillers on Naruto's feelings. Gonna enter the main arc with shenanigans from Orosuke after this.


Shou-chan. Fukurobu is so annoying! He always calls me annoying and he even read my letters out loud! I might cook that chicken and eat him one day I swear! I summoned another owl to send this letter. Fukurosawa is really gentle and pretty, unlike that stupid chicken.

It's a little tiring to keep travelling with Ero-sennin. We were chased by bunch of angry women just few days ago because he insisted on peeking them! I am so beat.

And, well, I kinda missed ### (scribbled out) your slushie Shou-chan. Haha. How are you doing over there?

Right Shou-chan. I forgot to ask but why can you produce light from your hand? What jutsu is that? It's okay if you can't tell me. I have a jutsus I can't tell anyone about too. Did I write too much? I never write any letters to anyone.


Shou read the letter with a smile. It's Naruto's first letter to him. Shou calculated in his mind and sees the calender... It's only been 3 weeks or so and he already send this. Naruto really needs a friend doesn't he. Shou can imagine how Fukurobu react to Naruto asking him to send a letter. It made him chuckle a little.

Shou wondered how to reply to this. He don't particularly have anything he wants to talk about. But since Naruto asked him a question, he suppose he can trust him with regards to Watatsumi.


Heyy. I see you are doing well. Fukurobu seems to be troubling you. Haha. You should be nicer to him Naruto, and try to offer him fishes or food, he might be nicer to you.

It seems that Jiraiya-sama is lively as usual doesn't he. Be honest with me Naruto, did you join him when he peeks? Hahaha. Jk jk.

I don't know that you like my slushies that much, I appreciate it a lot. If you want them, some restaurant do make them. It's called shaved ice or something. It's similar to what I made. Or you can try make them yourself! It's quite easy to make even without Ice Release. Just shave some ice and make its flavoured sweet syrup. You need a machine to make it easier though. Or you could use your shadow clones to help?

By the way Naruto, you wouldn't believe me unless you sees it.

That light power is a super secret okay? Don't tell anyone about it.

Its actually power from Watatsumi. He's a dragon I happen to be contracted with. Yes dragons do exist.

Watatsumi said he's the last one though. By the way I am somewhat sharing my body with him. I am somewhat like you Naruto.

It's just that Watatsumi at times use my body to move around, and he enjoys food too. I am just afraid I would put on weight if he keeps eating so much with my body.

But his power is really amazing you know? I can even fly! I had to keep it a secret though. Only Haku, and now you knows. Don't tell anyone okay?



Sugē Shou-chan! That dragon seems more amazing than Big Fox! That big fox is so stingy with his chakra and I can't meet him again unless I am so beat up and have no chakra left. And when I do meet him he's so grumpy and angry all the time.

And Shou-chan, I really don't peek with Ero-sennin! I promise! I really don't do it! Believe me!




Hmm~? Really Naruto? You don't peek even once with Jiraiya-sama? Jkjk.




Shou-chan, how are you doing? You know I was in this this weird village...




Glad to hear you are safe. Does it hurt when Big Fox chakra overwhelms you? But no worry Naruto, just keep working hard. I am sure you can control it!




Shou-chan, I keep thinking about you. At times I just wished you are here with me.



With nervous heart, Naruto take the reply letter from Fukurosawa. He had wrote such a risky sentences, even confessing his feelings. How would Shou-chan react? Would he dislike me? Would he stop talking to me?

With anxiety he opened the letter and read his reply.


Aww. Thank you Naruto for thinking that much of me. It must have been a little lonely to have no one else to talk to other than Jiraiya and me. Its okay, you can make more friends for sure! Since you are travelling around it would be difficult to make friends. Maybe once you get back to Konoha you can try to get closer to others. You know, ask them to hang out at times. I am sure some of them would love to do so with you. Oh and if I am taking a vacation or out for a mission near your village we can hang out for a while once you get back... If they allowed me inside your village that is. They don't let me in before haha.



Watatsumi spilled his tea inside Shou's subconscious space. He never has seen anyone so dense. Hahaha. It's really funny.


No Shou-chan. Ever since I meet you, I have always like you. You are really cute and-

Naruto crumpled the letter and throw it in the bin.

He really just wants to tell her directly but he's too unprepared to face it. Afraid of rejection mostly. What if Shou stop talking to him? He's afraid of it really.



Naruto turned to see Jiraiya opened the door and come into his room. His face is really serious.

"Ero-sennin? Whats the matter?".

Jiraiya sat on Naruto's bed.

'Naruto. You are growing as a man, and there are some things you need to face as a man. And as your sensei, I will have to guide you on this. I have experienced a lot when it comes to feelings and the heart.


'Ehem... I read some of the letters you thrown away...'.

"What?! Ero-sennin!!! You!!? You are so- you are so-!".

Naruto don't know the right words to say. He's ENRAGED!

'Calm down! What I am about to tell you is important. Give up on your feelings!'.

Naruto felt his face flushed red in embarassment and anger.

"What do you know?! I, I like Shou-chan. You can't just tell me to give up! Shou-chan don't even know how I feel why would I...".

Naruto gets quieter at the end. Because he don't dare to confess and change anything. He's afraid it would turn badly.

Jiraiya look at Naruto who's clearly hesitating because of his inexperience and fear of rejection.

'Naruto. I understand you are very fond of Shou. And you have been secretly sending letters to him through the bird you summoned. I didn't ask about it and pretends I didn't know because I respect your privacy Naruto. And I support you! I want you to find someone who can love you and stay with you. I definitely want you to find the lover of your dreams! But, I need to remind you now that your feelings is starting to make you lose focus. Even while training it's been weighing on your heart doesn't it'.

Naruto look the side. It's true it had been bothering him. His feelings for Shou is growing as time goes on, as more letters exchanged. At times he just wants to confess everything.

"Naruto. You two can never be together".

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding it.

'But why?'.

"You have to realise you are a Shinobi from Konoha, and the jinchuriki at that. While Shou is a shinobi from Kirigakure. Didn't you know you can't be together because of these to begin with?".

'Huh? But.. why does it matter?'.

"For someone from another Shinobi village to be with another person from opposing villages, they had to abandon their village".


"You have to think about the future Naruto. You cannot leave Konoha. While Shou cannot leave Kirigakure. How would you two even stay together in the first place. Or are you planning to just exchange letters forever? You think you can accept that? It's already impossible".

'But... But...'.

Naruto is not sure how to counter argue about it. He is the 9 tails jinchuriki, it's obvious he cannot ever leave Konoha. It's more possible for Shou to come to Konoha instead if they would to be together. But that means asking him to leave his village.

"Shou can't leave his village. Kirigakure is already in a weak state. They would never let Shou go right now. He has powerful kekkei genkai ability and is already a Special Jonin or even Jonin level ninja, it's very unlikely to happen Naruto".


Naruto is silent for awhile. What Ero-sennin said is right. But... He don't want to care. He likes Shou, that's all that matters doesn't it.

Jiraiya sees Naruto is quiet, really thinking about it. He decides to add the little possibility and hope for Naruto.

"But in the future however, if Land of Fire and Land of Water relationship gets better diplomatically, there's a chance they can let him go. But usually those Shinobi will be considered as an outcast by their own village, labelled as deserter. And Konoha must be willing to make him a part of them for his protection. Right now it's simply impossible. You understand, Naruto?".

'I get it...'. Naruto knows. Apart from their distance, they are also from different villages. Of course, once all shinobi villiages united, this problem will lessen. Temari for example even have dual citizenship in the future.

"Good! Naruto-kun. Have you told Shou about how you feel?". Jiraiya had secretly see it from the crumpled letters he scavenged from the bin. It's clear Naruto is hesitating to just tell Shou about it.

'No...'. Naruto feels nervous and embarassed at this.

'I am afraid Shou won't talk to me anymore...'.

"Naruto! Do you think Shou is that kind of person? That he would just stop taking to you?".

'Well... No... Shou-chan wasn't like that. He *(neutral pronoun this/that person in Japanese, the setting is supposed to be Japanese culture and Japanese language translated) are nice, and kind...'.

"There you have your answer. But Naruto. If you ever told him your feelings, there would be a change. And you have to prepare your mind and heart for it. You understand?".

'Yes, Ero-sennin!'.

"Good. Naruto-kun, you also should control yourself. It's not good to do it so frequently". Jiraiya teasingly said.

'W-what are you taking about?! Damn you Ero-sennin!!!'.



Close to a year passed by. They often send each other letters.

Watatsumi find it amusing how much hints Shou missed. Fukurochi, and in fact every single Owl in the Basan Range had been reading their letters because it's quite fun. Of course Fukurobu starts to act nice for Naruto to give him the letters. Then he secretly open the letters, read it and share it around because he's pissed off with him.


Hmm. It's been a month. Shou wondered if Naruto sent a letter to him. If only there's a phone, they could just send text messages.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu!

"Just in time. He sent this yesterday".

Fukurochi take a small scroll of paper from his feather flap.

"Thank you Fukurochi-san". 'Hehe. Shou-kun. Have you still not noticed?'.

"Hmm? Notice what?".

'Hahaha. Nevermind. I will take my leave'.

Shou shrugs it off and thought nothing about it.

Poof! He disappears with a smoke.

Shou opened the letter and read it as usual.

But this time... His heart is shaken reading the content of the letter.

Just what's going on... Why Naruto is... Why...



Shou-chan... What do I do?

Today, I meet the Big Fox. He #### told me he knows my parents. And then he said ####... He said he killed them right after I was born.

I don't know what to do. I just #### #### feel so hurt and mad at him. I lost control and hurt ero-sennin after that. He is bedridden now, but thankfully he's alive. But I... I hate that fox. Because of him I was hurt all this time, and then he made me hurt ero-sennin. I don't even know who my parents were. He said they died protecting me and sealed him inside of me. Shou-chan, what do I do?


Of course Naruto didn't manage to confess his feelings because another issue come up.

Reading the letter, Shou felt really troubled. Has the 9 tails ever say such things to Naruto before? Why is he doing that? Is it to feed on Naruto's rage and weaken the seal? Shou thinks this is the purpose but he didn't think Kurama was that mean. Kurama, you are taking things too far!

Shou felt like going inside Naruto's subconscious space and just beat that fox up with Watatsumi's help.

He wondered what to write to console him. And there's also the fact that he needs to reconcile the 9 tails and Naruto for them to work together in the future. It's already bizarre how in the original timeline Naruto just quietly forgives Kurama and he don't think it's even mentioned much, but since Naruto has a big heart he could forgive him for sure. Even this time.

As Shou took a piece of paper and write few things down, he stopped writing and throw the paper away.

This time it's seems to be really troubling him and it's a HUGE problem.

Maybe he should meet him instead, Shou made the decision.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu!


Fukurochi appears while being wet all over. Water dripped to the floor as he rest his wings on his hips, visibly annoyed that Shou summoning him again at this time.

"What is it? I was taking a bath. What happened. Didn't you summoned me before?".

'Umm. Sorry Fukurochi-san. Naruto is troubled you see... He's, hurt. Can I trouble you to reverse summon me and him?'. Shou scratched his cheek. He knows it's possible to use reverse summon but he don't want trouble the owls too much or waste Naruto's time and his own time.

"Haih. I will let you and that boy know".



Half an hour passed. Shou was thinking hard on what to say to Naruto but out of nowhere he felt himself disoriented and is sucked into some sort of tunnel in half a second.


Shou suddenly felt cold all over his body as he lost his feet lose ground and fell.

Thud... His butt is cushioned by the somewhat flaky cold thing below.


He looked around and realised he is reversed summoned to this place.

So this is Basan Peak. Tall mountains can be seen surrounding from where he stood, but of course the place where Shou stood is the tallest of them all. This peak is even higher than the clouds. The greyish rocks around seems barren, only few brownish trees and grasses are found here and there. There's no real greeneries to be found at first sight.

"You are here", Fukurochi spoke. Shou look at up to the tree next to him and sees him perching on a branch. There's also another owl next to him.

"Fukurochi-san! And this is...?". Shou sees an owl twice as big as Fukurochi next to him. His colour is brown with white polka dots.

"This is my brother, Fukurouki. He reverse summoned you and Naruto over there".

"H-Hey-y S-Shou-chan...".

Shou turned around hearing the familiar voice.

"Naruto-kun. You are here aswell". He didn't realise Naruto is meters behind him.

"I-its.. s-soo... C-cold...".

Shou chuckled a little seeing him shivering while hugging himself.

"You two can stay in my burrow for awhile. Come with me", Fukurouki invited them.

They two followed him while observing their surroundings. Quite an interesting place and there's other owls here as well. They soon reach some bunker structure made from digging the ground. It's somewhat like an igloo with the snow covering the roof.

"I will leave you two here". Fukurouki left shortly.

There's some simple furniture made of stones here it seems. They both sat on a sofa covered with weaved grass.

Naruto is quiet for awhile, not sure what how to start a conversation after not meeting Shou for quite some time.

"Hey. Naruto, how are you?".

'Heyy. I am just fine, as usual, you know. Didn't know they could reverse summon us to this place. It's just that it's soo cold!'.

"Yeah, it is cold here".



Seeing Naruto is quiet, Shou move closer and sit right next to him. He sees Naruto is quite distraught and is holding back his feelings and words. After all, it's easier to say things in letters and text. But it's more difficult to say it with your mouth.

'Are you okay, Naruto?'.

"Shou-chan, I am fine! Thank you for coming here Shou-chan. It does feel a little difficult but, really, since you are here I already feel better!". Naruto gives the smile has always had. But it seems, fake.


'Naruto, I have read your letter...'.


He remained silent, not sure what to say or respond.

'Come here...'.

Shou give him a warm hug. Naruto is really bad at hiding his feelings doesn't he. Watatsumi rolled his eyes at what Shou said in his heart.

"Shou-chan...". The tears that had already pooled inside his eyes fell feeling the warm hug.

"You just need a hug don't you. It's okay, just cry if you want to...". Shou moved a little away after patting his back for some times. He sees Naruto is all embarassed and had wipe his eyes quickly.

"I am not a kid anymore Shou-chan. It's embarassing...".

Shou chuckled a little hearing that. It's true that Naruto has grown taller a little since he last saw him. He changed his jumpsuit to a new one too.

"I see. You have grown taller. More handsome too". Shou jokingly said.

'Ah... You too...'. Naruto responded in a reflex respond.

Naruto blushed a little and take a glance at Shou. He sees Shou too has grown taller as well and look a little more refined and mature. He looks a little cooler, but still carries the cute innocent looks he always had. Naruto felt his chest filled with the fuzzy feelings again. He's really glad and happy to see Shou again. Shou-chan is really kind to him. Just being with him already makes him feel better. He don't need anything else now really.



"Naruto, want to take a walk around?".


They both went out to see the sceneries. There's not much, only mountain peaks seen through the clouds.

Shou make some camp fire at a clear ground to warm them up as they sit near the edge of a cliff to watch the surrounding mountains.

"Naruto, you still feel cold?".

'Y-yeah... Huuuu....'. Naruto rubbed his hands together while blowing his breath out to warm his hands. Vapor visibly forms as he breath out from the condensation.

Shou take off his yukata and slide it onto Naruto's back. He might get sick if he keeps shivering like this.

'Eh...? Shou-chan?'.

"You don't seem to handle cold well. They should have said something about the temperature here".

'I am fine Shou-chan. You don't have to... And... You only have a shirt on. What if you get sick. Here, take it back'.

Naruto quickly take it off and tried to give it back.

"It's fine Naruto. My body is more resistant to the cold you see. Also Watatsumi-san is warming me up from the inside as well".

Shou take his Yukata and place it on Naruto again.


'Thank you, Shou-chan...'.

Naruto feels how warm it is. And it smells like Shou-chan too. It's a little sweet...



"How is Jiraiya-sama?".

'Oh... He is conscious already. But he's still weak'.



"Can I see the 9 tails inside you? I want to talk to him for a bit".

'Eh? But...'.

"You two have your own issues, and your own reasons. There are things that neither of you ask for and yet you are forced to endure".


"It's a little difficult to understand wasn't it... Naruto, are you willing to talk to him?".

'I... I tried. And he just...'. Kurama is really mean for telling him directly he killed his parents just for the sake of feeding on his hatred.

"Naruto. I know its difficult, but, he has his own reasons. Have you asked him why he did what he did?".

'I... Haven't...'.

"Let me talk to him first okay?".


'But I don't know how to let you see him'.

"It's fine. I have a way. I discussed with Watatsumi just now. Umm... I need to lift your shirt a little".

Shou held the end of Naruto's track top and lift it up.


Badump. Badump. Badump.

He held the end of his thin chain mail and lift it too.

"Naruto, you have nice muscles I see". Shou teasingly said.

'...'. Naruto is losing his mind and can't respond.

"Let my chakra flow inside your seal okay?".

Shou placed his palm onto his skin and closes his eyes.

"Watatsumi-san, let's enter".

Hm. I am interested to see this being too.

Watatsumi unsealed the Dragon Blade that he kept. With it, he pried the seal open and let themselves enters the space where Kyubi is in. Bubbly white chakra along with Shou's own chakra is exudes from his palm and enters the seal from those openings Watatsumi made.

The 8 triagram seal symbols becomes visible on Naruto's abdomen due to the prying.

S-shou-chan... Your hand... I can't...

Naruto on the other hand felt something else entirely. Having Shou touching his stomach with his bare palm is too much for him. Naruto squirmed in desperation and had to use his free hands to stop the tent from going up otherwise Shou might notice. Thankfully Shou is closing his eyes and is concentrating on entering the seal otherwise he don't know how to explain it to Shou.


Shou opened his eyes and sees the huge red bars in front of him. It does look like a cage or a prison of sort. The floor is filled with shallow water, and this place is even gloomier than Shou's subconcious space.

Watatsumi is resting right behind Shou, also observing Kurama curiously.

"How dare you come in here!".

Kurama lashed out as he bares his fang and shakes the whole cage. He already noticed that it's not Juubi, despite their similarities but Watatsumi has lower energy and does not feel like he would be consumed by it.

"So angry? As a being with slightly more energy than I have, he acts too uncomposed". Watatsumi teased Kurama a little. Shou also knows now that Watatsumi is slightly weaker than half of Kurama in terms of energy amount. So I am weaker than Naruto with full Kurama power? Shou set that aside first.

"Haa?! You! To think you obey that weak human, you are a disgrace to yourself!".

"Obey? We are partners. Don't you see I am free to move around?". Watatsumi flapped his wings and wiggled a little to prove.

Hmph. He snorted and it's as if he's smirking to show off to Kurama who's in a prison.

"No seal? ... You... Why don't you consume him? You can do that easily and be truly free!". Kurama is quite confused.

"Hmph! I am an honorable being. I wouldn't break my promise with him as long as he doesn't break his. And I am free to use his body anytime I like and receive offerings anytime I want already. Haha. I see your condition is so much worse. I am sealed for hundreds or even thousands of years so I understand your feelings, junior. Hahaha!".

Shou raised his eyebrow while looking at Watatsumi. Watatsumi-san, why are you pissing off Kurama ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ.

Watatsumi somehow finds joy seeing another being sealed and imprisoned like he was done to before. You could say he finds solace knowing someone else was also sealed and is imprisoned, making him feel he's not alone in this world after what he had went through.

'J-junior?! You dare! Who do you think you are?!'. Kurama smack his face and claws into the prison bars, making the whole space shakes.

"Hmph. I am older than you, shouldn't you call me senior? And I am completely native to this world. But you are only half-born from this world's energy. Clearly I am more higher in status and seniority than you. Hmph".

'What nonsense!'.

"Ehem. Watatsumi-san, don't rile him up too much...".

"Hmph. He is too bitter I see. Shou, give him some ice cream to cool him down. Hahaha!".

"Grrrr!!! I will tear you apart!". Kurama smack his claws to the prison bars again.

Shou shook his head. Maybe he shouldn't have let Watatsumi come in here.

"Kurama. Calm down".

Kurama stopped his movements and stared right down into Shou's eyes.

"You! Who are you! How did you know my name!".


Shou only causally says that and forgot no one is supposed to know. But well, now that he already said it let's just go along.

"I know about Hagoromo, the one who created you and others from the Juubi".

'You know him?'.

Kurama finally gain his composure. When it comes to Sage of Six Paths, Kurama has a fondness for him.

"Only his story. I just want to talk to you".

'Grrr... What do you want from me?'.

"Can you be nicer to Naruto?".

'Haa?! There's no reason I should be!'.

"Kurama, Naruto is different than most people. You should have seen him, and how he is personally. He's a kind person".

'Hah! I am still trapped here no matter what!'.

Shou have no comeback on that honestly.

"Kurama. You never have talked to Naruto properly haven't you. He will understand you if you just talk to him properly".

'That won't change anything!'.

"No, it will. Naruto, he, if you two understands each other, I am sure he too would want you to be free. I guarantee it. I know him and how kind he is inside".

'Hah! I killed his parents, and you think he can empathize with me? Hah. He told you he hates me doesn't he, just as I hate you humans'.

"That's because you purposely such things to him to make him mad at you".

"You never even try to make him understand you. How do you expect to be treated better if you yourself don't want to share your own feelings with him?".

'It won't change anything!'.

Kurama is adamant.

"Haih... You two should really talk it out".

"Watatsumi-san, can you pull Naruto's conscious here so they can talk?".

Watatsumi just snorts and held the Dragon Blade that's floating above his palm.

Naruto consciousness was pulled in as he find himself in this cold gloomy space.

"Eh? This place...Shou-chan? WHAT IS THAT!?"

Naruto was shocked seeing Watatsumi resting right behind Shou with an arrogant majestic pose.

"Naruto, he's Watatsumi. He's the one I told you about in my letters. He's kinda like Kyubi".

"Hmph. Brat. Since you are friends with Shou you can be my servant".

'W-what...?'. Naruto was in a daze hearing such thing out of nowhere.

"Ahaha... Naruto-kun, don't mind him. It's his way of greetings others. If he offers you to be his servant it means he don't hate you and like you".

'Hmph!'. Watatsumi neither admit nor deny Shou's interpretation of his words.

'Brat! You are here again. I wish I can tear you apart like how I did to your parents!'.

Naruto felt his heart tighten hearing Kurama say such evil thing. He don't even want to see Kurama.

Shou take a deep breath in. Kurama is acting so mean because Naruto had thought of him as a nice fox and therefore it's very difficult to make him give into hatred and weaken the seal. So Kurama act very mean just to weaken the seal.

"Naruto... You should talk with him".

Naruto turned to see Kurama. But he just can't shake off the fact that Kurama has admitted to killing his own parents after his birth.

"Naruto... I know it's difficult to open yourself to talk to him. But he too has hatred inside of him after what he has been through. He has his own reasons, his own feelings. You two should try to understand each other better".

'Hah. I know deep down he hates me for being inside of him!'.

Shou ignored Kurama words.

"Naruto, do you know why he had to do what he did, or why he cause massive destruction in Konoha back then?".

Naruto is quiet. Shou felt it's very difficult to ask this heavy rhetorical question - but Naruto need to understand the circumstances.

'Heh. He never cared. Isn't it clear?'.


Shou sees Naruto really does not want to talk to him. He guess, it's a waste of effort now. In the original timeline, Kurama comes to trust Naruto from seeing how he is all over the years he had been in him. But now he screw that up by telling Naruto what he did to his parents.

How do I...

Before Shou can think of what to do, Naruto had walked towards Kurama's cage. Shou observed in anticipation at what Naruto would want to say.

'Hah. You are so daring to come this close!'. Kurama smacked the bars, trying to scare him off.

"Big Fox..".

"I know you are trapped inside me, I already know, long time ago...".

Kurama is a little stunned hearing him talk without fear or hatred this time.

"I never wanted you to be inside me to be honest. And I did hate you at first... Because of you I was lonely. I was very, very lonely. Everyone hates me, and they called and a monster... and I really missed my parents that I don't even know their names of".

"But, I realised you too, never wanted to be inside me".

'Hah. You can only pretend to understand. And what difference does it make?! I am still- ... ??!!!!".

Naruto reached out his hand, his finger now holding the end of the sealing tag that's keeping the prison together.

Naruto?!!! Shou is beyond shocked at what Naruto is doing at this moment. Watatsumi is surprised seeing how Naruto is making this suicidal and yet selfless decision.

"I will set you free now. Sorry, Big Fox. I forgive you for what you did. I know you didn't mean it".

"Thank you Big Fox, for all the time you have been helping me. You saved me a lot of times...".

Naruto was half-way to pull off the sealing tag from the prison, but a hand quickly stop him from further prying the seal off.

"Naruto... You... You will die if he gets out of your body. You are kind Naruto, but... You can't let him free for now...".

Shou quickly stopped him before he could unseal Kurama completely. Shou take a deep breather after having a panic attack for a moment. He didn't expect Naruto to surprise him like this. Don't you care about your own life Naruto?

"Eh... I..... I COULD DIE??!! Why no one tells me?!!". Naruto screamed in panic as he quickly stick the sealing tag back.

Everyone was left dumbfounded. He didn't know?!

Kurama is quiet seeing it. He is stunned and is baffled at how stupid Naruto is. If Shou didn't stop him he would have been free already - of course Naruto too would have been dead.

Shou sees Kurama is completely quiet, not giving any comment after what Naruto almost did.

But seeing Kurama seemingly contemplating and is looking at Naruto quietly, Shou smiled a little. It seems that, Kurama finally sees what kind of person Naruto is.

"Watatsumi-san, let's get out of here. They need some space to talk things out".

'Hmph'. Watatsumi snorted. They left Naruto's subconscious space and returned to their own body, leaving Naruto with Kurama.

Shou opened his eyes in reality and pulled his hand away from Naruto's abdomen.


Shou felt a little awkward seeing the tent, although covered with hands trying to hide or hold it in, its clearly standing there.

Ahaha (nervous laugh)... Naruto is a little cold maybe...

He shook that image off his mind. It's a normal thing when it's a little cold. Naruto probably don't realise it when he entered the subconcious space and so his body is a little out of control. Shou nods at himself at this conjecture and don't put any thoughts on it anymore.

Watatsumi laughed out seeing what Shou is seeing and how he thought about it. To think Shou still not realise the obvious in front of him, he don't know what else could make him realise how Naruto felt.

He can imagine Naruto confessing his feelings,

'I like you, Shou-chan', and Shou was like,

'Aww. Thank you. I like you too Naruto-kun', but Shou definitely does not mean it romantically at all.

If Naruto said 'I want to be with you, Shou-chan...', Shou would reply 'I like hanging out with you too Naruto!'.



"Thank you, Shou-chan".

'Its nothing. I am glad I could help you. So, you have talked to him?'.


'I am glad it's settled then'.

Naruto felt awkward with Shou more than ever because when he wakes up, he realise the tent is still there and Shou definitely have seen it! Shou was sitting meters away from him when he returned to his body, clearly Shou is giving him space because of it. Naruto felt like jumping down the cliff and die really.

"Shou-chan... Sorry...". Naruto squirmed, feeling really awkward about it.

'Hey. It's no problem. I want to be there for you. There's no need to apologise'.

"N-no. Not that... I mean... Nevermind...". Naruto felt like he had exposed his little dirty thoughts and feels bad about it. But he don't dare to explain what he's sorry for exactly.

'You two ready to leave?'. Fukurouki asked.

"Yes. Thank you Fukurouki-san for bringing us here. I will make sure to send you some big fish later".

'Oo! My pleasure!'.

"Thank you polka dot bird!". Naruto already gave him a nickname because every owl name start with Fukurō- and it's confusing him already.

'Oo? Polka dot... Me? Ah. Yes. My pleasure...'.

"Bye Naruto". Shou waved his hands.

"Goodbye Shou-chan. I will be sure to write to you later!".

"Sure!". Naruto really needs someone to talk to doesn't he. After all, there's only Jiraiya and him and it must have been lonely without a friend of similar age. Well, Shou does enjoy exchanging letters with Naruto. It's quite amusing to hear his experiences during his training. And it's nice to share things with him too.

Reverse Summoning Technique!


Both of them returned to their home. Shou wonders if too much things had gone differently. Kurama wasnt supposed to be THAT mean to a point of outright telling him he killed his parents.

And now, they get a little more understanding of each other after Naruto reckless behaviour. They might become real partners wayyy earlier than it should have been now though.

Naruto wouldn't somehow unlock KCM early right? Won't that mess the plot a little?

No no no. It's just Kurama being nicer to Naruto, and so not that much would change. Shou nods to himself and take a carefree nap, not realising the butterfly is turning into a storm.

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