
Chapter 145: Dear Pudding!

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Taking a steadying breath, he opened Chanel's letter and began to read:


Dear Pudding,

I was so happy to get your response! Your days at Hogwarts sound a lot more exciting than mine on the road. Not that I'm complaining—I just spent the last few weeks touring Germany. Lovely place, by the way. You should visit it sometime.

I also saw what the Daily Prophet wrote about you. That Rita Skeeter is a piece of work! Don't let her get under your skin, Percy. You're incredible, and you need to show the world exactly what you're made of. Got that? Good.

About this Fleur girl you mentioned…I looked into her. Catherine says she's a nice girl. Seems you have a type, huh? Another Veela.

This does make things…complicated. If you want to stop whatever this is between us, I'll understand. Just let me know.

With love,

Chanel Brown

P.S. I left a little something in the envelope for you. If you want more, you'd better include a little something in your next letter. Fair's fair, Percy. This is a two-way street.


Percy blushed furiously, the letter trembling slightly in his hands. Carefully, he checked the envelope and spotted the "little something" Chanel mentioned—a photograph.

His breath hitched as he pulled it out. Chanel stood before the camera, her hair damp as if fresh from a bath, wearing an indecently loose robe that hinted at much and revealed just enough. She bit her lip coyly, her hand teasingly lowering the fabric.

Percy's face burned, and he shoved the photo, along with both letters, into his mokeskin bag. There was no way in Hades he was letting anyone see those.

Percy returned to his meal, but his thoughts were anything but focused on breakfast. His mind swirled with questions. Did he truly like Chanel in that way? Did Fleur like him? And what in Hades did Chanel mean by expecting "something" from him?

The idea of cutting ties with Chanel felt wrong—she didn't deserve that. On the other hand, he wasn't even sure if his feelings for Fleur were genuine. Percy groaned and let his head fall to the table with a dull thud.

"Why me?" he muttered. "Why is life so complicated?"

"Well, someone's not having a good morning," came Juan's voice as he and the rest of the group approached, dressed in their casual clothes.

"What happened, Percy?" Gordon asked as they all sat down around him, helping themselves to breakfast. "You look like you've been cursed."

"I don't know what to do," Percy sighed, rubbing his temples. "Girls are impossible to understand."

"Let me guess—this is about Fleur, huh?" Michael said, smirking knowingly.

Percy groaned but nodded. "You guys have to help me. I don't know what we are. Friends? Something more? Nothing at all?"

"Aren't you overthinking this?" Miguel suggested, biting into a piece of toast. "It's not like you and Fleur are dating."

"As usual, Miguel, your naivety is endearing but misplaced," Juan interrupted with a dramatic huff, pulling Percy closer. "Leave this to me, mon ami. I am the expert in matters of the heart."

The other boys grumbled but reluctantly nodded, conceding that Juan had the most experience in dating.

Percy sighed. "Fine. I know I'm going to regret this, but… Juan, what should I do?"

Juan's face lit up with a knowing smile. "First, let's set the stage. We're all going to Hogsmeade together, yes? But you can turn this group outing into a moment. If you can get Fleur alone—"

"Hold on," Percy interrupted. "I'm not even sure I want her as my girlfriend."

"What?!" Michael nearly choked on his pumpkin juice. "Why not?! She's a smoking hot Veela!"

"A French Veela!" Juan added, his tone incredulous. "Do you understand the opportunity you have here?"

Percy sighed deeply. Because I could date a Veela anytime if I wanted to, he thought but wisely kept to himself. Instead, he hesitated before replying, "Well… there's this other girl."

The group stared at him in stunned silence.

"Wait," Gordon said, his voice low with disbelief. "You're telling me there's a girl so amazing you're hesitating over a French Veela? Who is she?"

Percy rubbed the back of his neck, reluctant but honest. "Her name's Chanel. She and I have known each other for a while now. We exchange letters a lot, and… I don't know. She's special. But I don't really know where we stand."

"Is she hot?" Miguel asked bluntly.

Percy chuckled despite himself. "Yeah. Very."

"Hotter than Fleur?" Michael pressed.

Percy hesitated before finally muttering, "…Kind of."

"Get out of here!" Juan gasped, clutching his chest as if the revelation physically hurt. "Okay, fine. New plan! You get close with Fleur during this Hogsmeade trip. Then, when Chanel comes to visit, you switch over to her—but don't let Fleur catch on. After Chanel leaves, you go back to Fleur. Keep Chanel on the side. Simple, no?"

Percy rolled his eyes. "Brilliant plan, Juan. Except for one tiny issue."

"And what's that?"

"That would be emotional manipulation," Percy deadpanned. "I'm not going to play games with their feelings. It's not fair to either of them. Plus, I'm not that good of a charmer to pull something like that off."

"Oh, come on!" Juan groaned. "You've got a chance to be with two girls. Do you know how rare that is? It's every guy's dream! What's the worst that could happen?"

"I loose them both?"

"Details," Juan shrugged.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "hey Juan, of all the dates you went on, how many of those women called you back?"


"Right….well then i'm definitely not listening to you then," Percy huffed, "maybe I should just come clean to Fleur, tell her I like her but not like that."

"Are you sure?" Gordan asked, "because you don't sound sure."

"I...I'm not," Percy sighed, "I don't know what I have with Channel, whether it's just flirting or something more and I'm not even sure if Fleur likes me that way. I don't know what to do!"


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.


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