
Chapter 146: Spark!

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"I...I'm not," Percy sighed, "I don't know what I have with Channel, whether it's just flirting or something more and I'm not even sure if Fleur likes me that way. I don't know what to do!"

"Oh, boo hoo! 'I have two women who love me, whatever will I do?'" Michael snorted, rolling his eyes. "Shut it, Yankee. Some of us have the exact opposite problem, for your information. Now, stop whining and eat your breakfast."

Percy chuckled along with the others, Michael's sarcasm cutting through the tension like a knife. Shaking his head, Percy returned to his food, but his thoughts still weighed heavily on him.

After breakfast, Percy grabbed his hoverboard and flew around the castle grounds, hoping the cool November air would help him clear his mind. The crisp wind brushed against his face as he maneuvered through the sky, the familiar rush of flight soothing his nerves.

By ten o'clock, Percy and the other Hufflepuffs gathered near the main entrance. Fred and George arrived with their dates, carefully avoiding Percy's gaze, while the Beauxbatons students joined shortly after. Unlike their usual elegant uniforms, they wore a mix of Muggle clothing and robes. Camille and Hugo dressed casually in jeans and jackets, while Anna and Peter, another Beauxbatons couple, opted for robes.

The group began boarding the carriages that would take them to Hogsmeade. Percy lingered behind, scanning the crowd. His patience was rewarded when he finally spotted Fleur walking toward him.

She wore form-fitting jeans paired with a puffy purple jacket, her hair neatly braided back. The scent of lavender drifted toward him as their eyes met. Percy couldn't help but grin.

"Wow. You look hot as Hades," he said with an easy shrug. "But you already knew that."

Fleur chuckled softly. "You are quite ze charmer, Percy."

He gestured to the last remaining carriage. "Shall we?"

"Pleaze," Fleur replied, her lips curling into a smile.

The two climbed into the small carriage together, the space so tight that their knees brushed with every movement. Fleur made no attempt to shift away, and Percy found himself acutely aware of the warmth radiating from her.

As the carriage took flight, Fleur turned her attention to the sky. She gazed out at the passing clouds, her expression soft and content. Percy watched her for a moment, admiring the way the sunlight framed her features, before turning his gaze to the horizon.

When they landed in Hogsmeade, Percy stepped out first and offered Fleur his hand. She accepted gracefully, and together they walked toward the village where the rest of the group waited.

Michael and the other sixth-year boys immediately noticed Percy and Fleur arriving together, their smirks making it clear they were already scheming. Percy rolled his eyes, pointedly ignoring their teasing grins.

"Alright, gang, what's the plan?" Gordon asked, rubbing his hands together with enthusiasm. "Zonko's? Oh, wait—no! Let's hit Honeydukes! I'm starving, and I need chocolate!"

"I want zome zugar quills," Hugo added, wrapping an arm around Camille and smiling warmly. "What do you zay, ma chérie?"

Camille returned his smile, her cheeks faintly pink. "Let's go, mon amour."

Fleur groaned and pretended to gag at the lovey-dovey display. Percy chuckled beside her as the group began moving toward Honeydukes. He and Fleur naturally fell to the back of the group, the chatter of their friends fading into the background.

"So," Percy began, glancing at Fleur with a teasing smile, "you don't like romantic gestures, huh?"

"It'z not zat," Fleur said with a slight pout. "I just don't care for ze way zey act in public. If you are 'appy, zen zat'z fine, but zere iz no need to show uz your 'appinezz."

"I get that," Percy nodded thoughtfully. "So you're saying if you had a boyfriend, you wouldn't act like that?"

Fleur's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by the question. She quickly cleared her throat, averting her gaze. "Well, I zuppose if I waz to date zomeone, I wouldn't mind doing thingz like zat. T'ough we would be… civilized about it."

"You know what I think?" Percy said, his grin widening. "I think you're just a big soft romantic. You just don't like seeing couples like that because you don't have someone to act like that with."

Fleur huffed, her cheeks turning a faint pink as she glared at him. "Zat iz not true."

Percy chuckled at her puffed cheeks, his laughter deepening as Fleur glared at him, clearly annoyed. Yet, beneath his teasing grin, he felt a flicker of something more. He didn't want to share her with the rest of the group. He wanted her attention—just hers.

Leaning closer, Percy lowered his voice. "Hey, want to ditch these guys and go off on our own?"

Fleur blinked, startled by his suggestion. Her surprise quickly gave way to a playful smile. "Zat zoundz fun."

With careful steps, the two quietly slipped away from the larger group, wandering into a quieter part of Hogsmeade. Their first stop was a small potions shop tucked along a side street.

Inside, Percy moved with precision, scanning the shelves and quickly selecting various ingredients. Fleur trailed behind, watching as he filled his basket with an assortment of vials and powders.

"W'at are you planning to make, Perzy?" Fleur asked, watching him with a mix of curiosity and admiration.

"Anything useful," Percy replied, shrugging. "Courage elixirs, something to boost hand-eye coordination…you know, the basics."

Fleur whistled softly. "Your potionz zkillz muzt be zomething to admire."

Percy chuckled. "They're alright. If you want, I can make an extra courage elixir for you—just in case."

Fleur's smile faltered, her gaze shifting toward a random jar on the shelf. "Yez…zat would be…'elpful," she murmured, her tone unusually subdued.

Percy winced inwardly. Even Fleur, with all her confidence and poise, seemed weighed down by the pressure of the tournament. He had to do something to lift her spirits.

Scanning the shelves, Percy's eyes landed on a jar of rat tails and another containing green Warlock's fangs. A mischievous grin spread across his face. Perfect.

After paying for his items, Percy and Fleur stepped outside. He stopped near the edge of the street, pulled out the rat tail and the fang, and began rubbing them together.

Fleur raised an elegant brow. "W'at are you doing?"

Percy glanced up with a sly grin. "This."

With a quick motion, he thrust his hands forward. A green spark shot from the rat tail, followed by more bursts of color—red, blue, purple, gold. Fleur jumped, startled, and stumbled back, her eyes wide as the vibrant sparks continued to explode into the air like tiny fireworks.

When the light show finally ended, Percy tucked the used ingredients away and turned to Fleur with an apologetic smile. "Sorry if I scared you."

Fleur let out a breath before a wide smile spread across her face. "Zat waz amazing! You did zat wit' just a rat tail and a fang?"

Percy laughed as he offered her his hand, helping her to her feet. "If you think that's impressive, you should see what I can do with an Abraxan feather."


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.


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