
Chapter 94: Jealous!

If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.



Sorry for the late chapter. I really didn't think that you guys will do it this fast, not just hitting the goal, achieving twice of that.

Again… very sorry.


"-Actually it wasn't even a smirk, it was a small twitch of the lips really."

"Oh get off it!" Angelina said elbowing her boyfriend in the gut, "you both are just jealous he did something you three idiots have been trying to do for the last five years."





"That's crazy!"



"Just a little."

"Oh okay fine."

"We are just a bit jealous," Fred and George admitted.

Lee looked at Percy's shaken face, "are you okay mate? You look like you've seen you-know-who."

Percy snapped out of his trance, "I'm sorry what?"

"Are you okay Percy?" Alicia asked, "you don't look good."

"Yeah, that's because I'm not good Alicia, not good at all," he held up the golden potion he was given, "do you even know what this thing is?"

"Yeah, you told us, bottled luck and all that," Angelina explained.

"Yeah, but it's more than just that," Percy sighed, "okay look. Potions get harder and harder the more effective they are. A potion to cure boils? Easy. It only affects the drinker so it isn't hard to do. A potion to cure a potion? Even easier as you only have to focus on certain elements to heal. But a potion that can affect not just the drinker but world around him? That my friends is stepping into the domain of the Gods."

"Percy, they way you are talking is kind of scary," Lee said looking at the Felix Felicis, "is it really that dangerous?"

"Lee, the ingredient used for this thing are Ashwinder egg, Squill bulb, Murtlap tentacle, Tincture of thyme, Occamy eggshell and Powdered common rue. Expensive as fuck to say the least. And it takes over six months to brew, along with various other thousand miror things to do."

"Damn, so Snape must have put a lot of hard work into this thing huh?" George commented as he tried to get a closer look only for Percy to pocket it before he could even get close, "hey! Way to be the trusting sort!"

"George, it honestly doesn't matter about the price of the ingredients or the long process needed. All off that is insignificant for the reward. The ability to make the odds ever in your favour."

"But that's only for a day."

"Yes...but a perfect day," Percy said in a dangerous tone, "and I of all people know how much a day can change," Percy recalled the day that changed his life. The longest day of his life.

"Percy...you seem pretty good in potions right?" Lee asked getting a snort in response from the demigod in question, "Right, okay. So if you are the good and know so much about the Felix Felicis, why don't you just make your own?"

"One, it's expensive as hell. Two, I didn't have time to make it. And three consumption in large quantities can be deadly to say the least."

"Okay, the first point I get, money and all," Angelina began, "but the other two isn't really an issue is it? I mean you didn't have time before because you were at him. But you have nothing to do in Hogwarts do you? You have nothing but time. And as for the last one….well you just have to make sure you don't drink it all at once right?"

Percy stopped stunned at her argument. He looked at the chaser and blinked, "you're amazing."

"Watch it Jackson, she's mine," George said putting his hand around Angelina's neck kissing her cheek playfully.

Percy and the Gryffindors separated soon, the lions had to go to their tower while Percy returned to the Hufflepuff common room. Snape had given them homework already and Percy sat down to finish it.

While he worked on that though he couldn't help but wonder about Angelina's suggestion. He could in fact make his own luck. He was certainly skilled enough, no doubt about that and had the time and several empty places to brew said potion. And while the ingredient were pricely Hecate would be more than willing to foot the bill. If not Percy would just have to make his own money, maybe finally sell people the quick quills for a reasonable price.

Percy smiled, 'damn….one perfect day...imagine what I could do with that.' Percy wasn't ambitious like a politician or a queen bee desperate for attention. But he was ambitious in another way.

He wanted excitement, he wanted adventure, he didn't like the threats on his life that those adventures brought, but hey, you can't have it all.

Percy finished the assignment by the time the bell rang for the next period. He managed to catch up to one of his friends this time and have him take Percy to the transfiguration classroom.

The class was similar to the Charms room, though it had less shiny trinkets lying around and more random junk. Though since this was transfiguration, Percy figured said junk was going to be transformed into other junk.

Percy sat with his house mates near the back as they waited in excitement for the new class to start. Unfortunately it was all for nothing as Mcgonagall decided to pull a Flitwick and spent the class lecturing them about what it meant to take NEWT level transfiguration and how they were expected to take this seriously.

At the end of the class Percy walked away disappointed, he had homework to do and a summary on the goals of the year. But not much else.

After lunch Percy had a free hour which he spent finishing his transfiguration homework and then exploring the castle once more. He started thinking of ways to create a map of the place, but so far had nothing.

The only way he could even think of something like that which worked was by using charms to send out waves of magic to mp out the surrounding area. Like a bat using sonar.

And if Percy created something like that he didn't even have to limit such a map to only Hogwarts! He could use it to map out any location! So maybe not a charm, but a spell for sure.


If you want to read ahead by 20+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.


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