
Chapter 95: Today!

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The next class was Arithmancy which was decent. Professor Vector had finally started teaching something seriously, and while it was just formula and sums Percy was glad to be actually learning something for once.

At the end of the class Percy walked up to professor Vector and handed in his homework assignment.

Vector looked over the parchment and blinked, "you finished all this already? I expected these to be submitted only by next week Mr. Jackson."

"Yeah I know. But I kind of got bored, I have a lot of free periods so I figured why not just finish them off right now when it's done."

"I see," Vector looked across each completed sum and formula Percy had written down and smiled. "Very good Mr. Jackson, keep up this type of dedication and you will get top marks in this class. 10 points to Hufflepuff."

Percy grinned, "thank you ma'am," Percy and Kelly high fived and quickly left the classroom.

The Next day morning Percy sat with his friends eating a healthy plate of toast, bacon, eggs and a glass of OJ.

Kelly herself was once again playing with the red rubber ball Percy made for her while the others talked about their classes for the day.

"Hey Percy, what do have for today?" Gordon asked.

"Well I have Runes and then a double period of DADA, oh and Charms after that. Should be fun. You guys?"

"Well we have divination in the first period, but we will see you in DADA and charms," Miguel explained.

"Cool," Percy munched on his bacon egg sandwich as he looked toward the Hufflepuff hourglass. It displayed that the house had won so far 105 points.

Percy had won 100 of those points personally, and it made him quite proud to be able to admit that.

Just then the morning owl came in searching. Percy saw Hoothoot approach him as it swooped down and grabbed a claw full of bacon off off Percy's plate.

"Hey! Give me back my bacon Hoothoot!" The owl instead flew into the air and threw the bacon up catching it with it's beak and chewing it quickly.

It landed only when it finished eating, burping right into Percy's face. The demigod growled, "I hate you so much."

"Hoot?" Hoothoot extended his leg showing off two letters before suddenly taking it back and pointing to the window, "Hoot? Hoot?"

"No! No please! Don't do that! I take it back! I don't hate you! You are the best owl ever!"


"Yeah, yeah, whatever you want," Percy pushed his plate, "take it! It's yours! It's all yours!"

"Hoot!" the owl seemed to smile as it began to eat Percy's breakfast.

The demigod sighed, 'crazy owl,' he untied the two letters Hoothoot had attached to his leg and looked them over.

Both had his name on the cover in delicate feminine handwriting. Obviously they were from Chanel and the others, and Percy did not want the guys around him wondering who the letters were from.

The last thing he needed was rumours that he was getting letters from veela cheerleaders.

Percy quickly put the letters in the mokeskin bag he had around his necks and quickly made himself another sandwich.

"Who were the letters from Percy?" Michael asked.

"My aunt," Percy lied smoothly, "she got worried."

"Aren't you going to read them now?" Gordan asked raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"No, I'll do it later, maybe after dinner or something," Percy shrugged before they all returned to their meal. Gordan looked curious, but said nothing.

The first period of runes passed without incident. Percy spent most of his time teaching Angelina how to carve runes using only an imber knife.

After the class he and Angelina walked together to the DADA classroom where they split up going to sit their own house mates.

Class started quickly as Moody walked in with his signature limp eyeing everyone with his creepy fake eye. He looked around the classroom meeting everyone in the eye.

He and Percy made eye contact for a second, and Percy his danger sense tingle. He didn't know why. But this guy was bad news.

"If you have taken this class then that means you are serious about defense or you just got a really good score on your OWLs," Moody grumbled as the class laughed. Percy however wasn't laughing, and neither was Moody, "quite! You think this is a joke?! This is life and death! Unlike other classes where you can get hurt if you mess around in class, here you can die if you don't focus!"

The class was deadly silent as Moody glared at everyone there. "Now...let's begin. Today I am supposed to give you a speech about how DADA should not be taken lightly, about how you can be in real danger if you fool around in my class. But if you don't know that already then you deserve whatever's coming to you."

Percy blinked in surprise. Moody's speech was a lot like Snape's, they even had the same patented glare, which was really creepy if they use it on you.

"Dark magic isn't a game boys and girls, it's very very dangerous," he tapped his peg leg, "it took my one good leg. And my eye," Moody growled as his eye spun around his socket wildly, "look at my face, and you will see just how bad things can truly become if you let it."

The class was stunned as they realiz Ed every single scar on Moody's body was given to him by a dark magic user. And the fact that he was still alive was a testament to his pain.

"I won't sugar coat this," Moody explained as he leaned back on his table, resting his legs, "magic is dangerous. Dark magic is even more so. If you wish to protect yourself, if you wish to spare your friends and family the horror that comes with this world of ours, then you must learn how to defend yourself."

Moody looked around for a few seconds to see if anyone reacted before nodding, "alright then. Let's begin with something simple. What are the three unforgivable?"


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