
Chapter 90 : Wait!

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"Wait….I remember now," Babbling said as she scratched her chin, "McGonagall mentioned a student with an amazing OWL score, something that nearly blew most student's out of the water in most subjects. And what' more he wasn't even a Hogwarts student! Amazing...well Mr. Jackson I suppose you will have to do something else during this rune class, I can't have you lazing about while the rest do their work. Hm...come with me."

Babbling took him to the her desk and gave him an assignment to write an essay on how runes were used in household objects. Percy then sat down and did the work given, and thanks to his special quill he managed to finish it before the class ended.

Percy submitted the parchment at the end of class, much to Babbling's wonder. She looked the paper over and gapped, "how did you do this?! I just gave you the assignment!"

Percy shrugged, "no biggie, I used several runes on my quill to make it similar to those quick read glasses people use. It's not perfect, or as powerful, but it is good at writing homework."

"What? Can you show me this quill?" Babbling practically begged with stars in her eyes.

"Ah, sure," Percy took out the pure white quill and passed it to his professor.

Babbling treated the quill with the type of gentleness one showed a newborn. She examined the runes, making a small note every second or so. She finally gave the quill back and sighed. "50 points to Hufflepuff for creating a unique piece of art that is both practical and an achievement that is worthy of an O. Honestly Mr. Jackson, if you market these things just right you can make a fortune!"

Percy grinned, "thanks professor."

"You are welcome. Sigh, honestly Mr. Jackson I do not know what to do with you. Using runes to effect an object was supposed to be a class project at the end of the year. You have not only completed it, but in doing so essentially covered the entire sixth year portions."

Percy blinked, "seriously?"

"Seriously," she nodded. "Just who was your teacher Mr. Jackson?"

"My...my aunt," Percy told carefully, "she's a squib, but she knows a lot about magic. She basically guided me through it all. Plus she can carve runes quicker and better than me."

"Now that is amazing," Babbling gasped, "a quib with the ability to carve runes like a master...I would very much like to meet your aunt Mr. Jackson."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, sorry but I don't think that's possible. She doesn't really do parent teacher meetings professor. She hates that kind of stuff. The only way she would ever how up is if I told her she was in fact meeting my girlfriend or something. She wouldn't pass up a chance to embarrass me like that."

The young professor smiled as she hide her blush behind a hand faking a cough. "Yes well if you aunt ever does decide to visit you please call me. I would very much like to talk to her."

Percy nodded and quickly walked out of the classroom finding Angelina waiting for him outside.

"Hey, thanks for waiting," Percy told her as they walked to the Great Hall for lunch, "I honestly have no idea to get to the Great Hall from here."

"No problem," Angelina waved his thanks away, "but Percy I have to ask. How did you get so good at carving runes with only an imber pen?"

Percy shrugged, "my aunt is a slave driver. She's an amazing teacher, but also ruthless. She made me carve runes over and over until my fingers started to feel numb. But at the end of it all I suppose that hard work payed off."

"I see...how long did you take to master the skill?"

Percy shrugged, "I don't know...three days?"

"What?! Three days?! But Babbling said it would take us three months!"

Percy shrugged, "and that's why I'm in the house of the hard working and you are not."

"Damn...the Puff's really lucked out with you," Angelina whistled impressed.

"You know what we need to change that name, like seriously. When you call us Puff's I am reminded of a giant puffy pastry dish with whipped cream."

When the reached the Great all they split up, Percy going to his house table and Angelina going to hers. As Percy walked up to his friends near the end of the table he noticed a lot of people whispering to each other pointing at one of the giant hourglasses on the Great Hall's wall.

There were four hourglasses hanging above the teacher's table. One had red crystals, one had blue, one had green and the other yellow. Each represented a house with the house's name and present points listed above the hourglass.

Gryffindor had 10, Ravenclaw had 25, Slytherin ahd 5 and Hufflepuff had 80 points leaning the other three by a wide margin.

'Damn, didn't realise the gap was that huge,' Percy blinked, 'let's see I scored 70, meaning someone else had scored 10. Nice.'

Percy walked up to his friends who he noticed was pointed at the Hufflepuff hourglass and whispering.

"Hey guys, what are we talking about?" Percy asked sitting down next to Gordan and pulling himself a plate full of food.

"It's the house points Percy! Someone managed to score us 70 points on the first day!" Juan yelled in excitement.

"Miguel got us five points with Professor Hagrid, and another fourth year got us another 5 with professor McGonagall, but someone else got 70 points!" Gordan yelled out.

"This has got to be some kind of record!" Michael yelled, for the first time awake, "no one in history ever managed to score so many points on just the first day! At this rate we'll win the house cup for sure!" A ripple of smiles went through the Hufflepuff table as the other houses began to notice the change in Hufflepuff's attitude.

"Huh, nice," Percy grinned as he offered Kelly a piece of lettuce, the toy shook her head no but was happy for the offer. "It really isn't that big of a deal. I managed to impress professor Babbling with my runes and how I used them. But I'm glad everyone's happy, maybe now people will stop calling us Puffs. Seriously guys, we need to do something about this name! I don't want to be known as a pastry!"


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