
Chapter 91: 70 Points!

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"Wait...you did this?" Miguel asked, his voice cutting through the random chatter in the hall as slowly every Hufflepuff turned to Percy.

"Yeah, why?" Percy asked sniffing his pumpkin juice noticing a hint of bark in it. He turned to Fred and George and glared, "seriously you guys? You tried to give me hiccups?"

The twins groaned in defeat as the slammed the head down. Angelina and Alicia chuckled as they comforted their boyfriends.

"Percy….you got us 70 points on the first day of school?" Gordan asked agains, very slowly as Percy realised that everyone was looking at him.

"Ah...yeah," Percy looked around, "did I do something bad?"

"Bad?" Juan blinked, "he gave us the biggest lead in the house cup on the first day on class and he's asking us if that's bad?"

"Percy! You're a God!" Gordan yelled as he talked Percy in a hug.

Percy chuckled, "actually a demigod, but sure."

"This is so awesome!" Cedric called out further down the table, "I knew you were good news the moment I saw you!"

"Good job Percy!"

"You the man!"

"What do you mean he scored 70 points in one day?! That's impossible!" a squeaky voice that was clearly not a well wisher yelled out.

"Percy, how did you do it?" Miguel asked.

"I told you, Babbling had assigned us a job, but I already knew how to do it, so she gave me 20 points. And then I showed her my pet rune projects and she basically told me I had already covered the sixth year studies so she gave me 50 points."

"What pet rune projects?" Michael asked.

"Nothing big," Percy shrugged, "just a quill that helps me write fast so that I can finish my homework quicker."

"What?!" Gordan yelled, "show me!"

Percy shrugged as he took out the quill and passed it around. The all held it carefully, examining it closely. They returned it back to Percy and begged him to make one for them as well. Percy said he'd consider it, but only if they payed him.

After lunch Percy had another free period. While the rest of his year mates went to their respect classes, divination and such, Percy found himself once again alone in the Great Hall.

He quickly finished the rest of Flitwick's homework assignment and realised he still had a lot of time to kill. So with nothing else to do Percy got up and began to explore Hogwarts.

Percy walked around aimlessly as he looked at all the painting and statues around. Most of them were off people in various poses, very few were landscapes.

All the paintings moved and talked, mostly to each other. Percy personally found them to be a little bit creepy, he was used to seeing photos remain still. Not talk back.

Percy explored each floor as best as he could, making a mental map of the place in his mind. By the time he reached the third floor he stopped and realised he had basically lost track of whatever he had learnt so far.

He needed a map, but drawing one by hand would probably not be useful as Hogwarts seemed to be constantly screwing with his head and perception of reality.

He needed some way to copy and paste the layout of the school into his map, and for that he would need to use magic.

Percy sighed, he leaned up against a window on the third floor corridor and looked out at sky. It was in the afternoon and Percy couldn't help but feel somewhat sleepy.

It was so warm, and his belly was so full. But yet, he knew if he took a nap now he would miss the next period.

So he stayed and watched the sky pass him by. He felt the breeze on his face and sighed, he wanted to go flying again. While in his animagus form he learnt the joy of flight and now he missed it. If he was really going to appreciate the sky, he needed to fly in it.

But he knew he could never do such a thing, too many people could spot him easily. 'Stupid Hecate, had to go and make me fall in love with flying,' Percy sighed. It was nearly time for his last class of the day.

This time Percy managed to find the arithmancy class a lot quicker than his runes one. The class was vastly different from the runes one as it looked more like a muggle classroom than anything else with poster of formulas put up all over the walls.

In front of the class was professor Septima Vector, a middle aged witch that had a strict aura around her. Her brown hair was tied up neatly in a bun and her square glasses hid her green eyes.

She looked graceful to say the least, looking elegant, even if she was wearing a giant purple and blue robe around herself.

During this class Percy managed to gain 10 more points for Hufflepuff by answering all the questions Vector asked. And when she started teaching Percy managed to get a few ideas for new spells.

The advanced mathematics she was teaching would be useful for him in creating more complex spells, something he has had trouble with for some time now.

Class was over at around 5 in the evening. Usually students would then go on to attend the last class of the day, but Percy had that free. In fact he had nothing to do till 8 in the evening when he had to attend dinner in the Great Hall. So he had three hours to kill.

As Percy walked around the castle keeping his eyes busy by looking around at the many paintings and fixtures of the castle, he couldn't help feeling bored. Today had not been that bad, but not that great either. He had way too much free time on his hands, and he needed something to do!

'Maybe I should do what Babbling said, patent the quick quills I made and sell them to people,' Percy wondered. He then wondered how he would even register a patent in the magical world. 'Maybe I could ask Hecate? She would know. Hm...I might as well write a letter to her as well.'


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