
chapter 22

Chapter 101 Unexpected

"I'll do it."

When it came to divination, Jerry Zaratul, who was already very excited by the sudden exposure of the "Rose School", became even more excited and took the initiative to take over Mr. A's temporarily preserved spirit body.

The spiritual box that appeared in the "Recorder"'s book opened a gap, and Jerry Zaratul put one hand on the head of the "Resentful Soul" spirit body, and stretched out his other hand to Klein's eyes and said:

"Lend me your sealed artifact, the one corresponding to the 'Secret Puppet Master'."

"I thought you had already prepared the characteristics for promotion." Klein raised the corner of his mouth as if unintentionally, and said unforgivingly, but he quickly untied the "Yellow-Black Eye" from his wrist. , and threw it to Jerry.

Although it may be more efficient for him to do it himself than the "faceless man", this is in the outside world, and there is a huge difference between the aura of gray mist and "mystery" on his body and the partial power that can directly draw on the gray mist.

The invisible spirit drifted across the messy sand in the cold wind, and clusters of orange-red flames burned quietly, quickly outlining abstract symbols symbolizing the high sequence of "divineers" on the ground, and a series of runes surrounding the symbols.

The ancient Hermes text shaped like a key neatly points to the spirit body crawling under the right palm of Jerry Zarath with the sharp end of the text, identifying the object of the psychic ritual.

Klein, who was watching on the sidelines, moved his gaze away from the "yellow-black eye" that Jerry wrapped in the middle of the palm of his right hand. With curiosity, he carefully looked at the symbols at the core of the auxiliary ritual.

The symbol is composed of invisible silk threads and eyes with completely black pupils. The edges are dotted with abstract lantern elements. The entire pattern looks relatively regular from a distance. If you look closely, you can find that there are asymmetrical contrasts in the details of its left, right, top and bottom. , like a legacy of some kind of Quaternary aesthetics.

Is this the symbol of Zaratul, the "Angel with the Lamp", Duke Zaratul who has survived since the end of the Fourth Age?

Klein's inspiration fluctuated for no reason, pulling him to subconsciously look at the sky, surroundings, and ground.

He felt that countless gazes were coming from all directions, and the "resentful soul" in the center of the ceremony, which was more sensitive than him, instantly regained its agility and broke away from the dull state of the spirit body after death.

The "resentful soul" carries the truest hatred, and every move is as if it were alive.

Jerry Zaratul, who was in charge of the ceremony, watched all this. The hand on the head of the "Wraith Soul" felt the strong struggle below, and he suddenly closed his five fingers.

He looked down at the spirit under his control and asked in an unquestionable tone:

"The whereabouts of Meursault and Baron Syndras's cargo?"

The face of the "Resentful Soul" spirit body twisted into a ball of pain. It resisted to no avail and could only reply:

"Meursault left the East End with the most important batch of goods. He is now hiding at No. 21, Camphor Street, Cherwood District."

Didn't you hide in the "Rose School"'s real home base in Backlund?

Meursault has just joined and has not been completely contaminated by the "Mother Tree of Desire", so he is not considered a trusted companion and is not qualified to meet the demigods and participate in their sacrifice to the "Mother Tree of Desire"?

Jerry Zaratul glanced at Klein and saw him nodding before asking the next question.

"Who is your real leader in Backlund, and where was he last seen?"

He did not dare to directly ask for information about the specific hiding place of the demigod.

In his view, demigods of the "alien" and "demon" pathways are monsters with sensitive to deformed senses. As long as there is a slight disturbance to their own safety, these monsters can get inspiration from the spiritual world and in turn ambush in advance.

Before he was promoted to Sequence Five and officially became a quasi-high-level member of the family, he didn't seem to be dealing with these godly lunatics at all.

"The real leader...he...he is..."

The spirit body of "Resentful Soul" suddenly became much thinner, and the blurred face could not even express the pain well, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

Jerry Zarath immediately tightened his control over the spiritual body's thread, and in response to the ritual, he managed to stabilize the spiritual body and prevent it from dissipating.

"He is Gostals... The last time we met was at the Zmang Party warehouse, in the factory area."

Gostals... Unlike Klein, who looked at the top executives of various secret organizations, Jerry and Mr. A looked at each other almost at the same time when they heard the name, and both saw the look in their partner's eyes. Mingming was shocked.

"The Resentful Soul" persisted in answering Jerry's questions word by word. The surface of the spirit body was already covered with dark and dirty lines, and the whole body was filled with traces of corrosion caused by the backlash of the curse.

"Is this some kind of restriction?" Klein asked curiously.

"Yes, it can be considered a characteristic of the 'Rose School',"

Jerry quickly took a few steps back. Mr. A opened his arms familiarly, and a round of golden light poured down. While the effect of the ritual was still there, he directly purified the ritual and the spirit body of the "resentful soul".

The curse and pollution bound by the breath of the "Angel with Lamp" squirmed and twisted, and the black-purple air flow evaporated in the pure golden light, and soon there was no more left.

After doing all this, Jerry Zaratul took off the "Yellow-Black Eye" from his palm and returned it to Klein.

He took the initiative and said:

"The situation is not very friendly, and the specific situation in the East End may be worse than we thought."

"The name Gostars doesn't sound like a name someone from the Southern Continent would give." Klein put the pendulum back in place.

"Just like the naming habits of the highlanders are different from those of the plains people, in the southern continent, the aboriginal people of the plateau kingdom...the descendants of those ancient peoples still retain part of the traditions of their ancestors, and they abide by a set of rules and regulations. , a completely different naming method from Bailang."

"Of course, because of their stubbornness, the remnants of these highlands have always been the most severely suppressed by the colonists of the Northern Continent. Gostars is one of the extremes. A 'devil' known for his madness."

Unlike the previous times, Mr. A rarely replaced the role of Jerry Zaratul's human encyclopedia and spoke in a hoarse voice.

There was an imperceptible taste of memories in his eyes, he opened his left palm, and an illusory and simple book appeared out of thin air.

"I remember that the Highland Kingdom was the birthplace of the 'Rose School'. A hundred years ago, they were still based on the 'alien' path and were very resistant to the abilities of other paths. Gostars is a demigod who appeared in the past hundred years. ?" Klein raised the question based on the historical knowledge he learned.

The "recorded" "trip" was ready to go, and Mr. A walked among the three people.

"He is indeed a relatively young demigod. He just caught the opportunity for the 'devil' and the 'alien' to join forces, and then he got the chance to obtain divinity."

In other words, Gostars, like Ince Zangwill, chose the adjacent path as the path to promotion. His prerequisite sequence is "Ghost"?

Klein nodded slightly, feeling the familiar falling feeling and said:

"Shall we go find Meursault now?"

The bright red blood moon in the sky suddenly became darker, and the ubiquitous darkness became bottomless. Reality turned into blurry blocks of color. Mr. A, who was traveling in the abstract spiritual world, looked at his feet and spoke in a low voice.


"Let's go somewhere else and do a counter-divination."


It was the same safe house that Klein visited last time, but the obvious difference from last time was that several uninvited guests appeared in the originally empty safe house.

A man wearing overalls, a gentleman wearing a top hat, a girl with ruffled cuffs, a young lady with lace on her skirt clustered into a flower shape... They are hanging from the beams, rotating slowly, facing neatly. He turned in one direction, and his dull eyes were all fixed on the three people who came to visit.

Even the horror could not be fully expressed. For a moment, Klein felt as if he had returned to the rainy night when he had just become an Beyonder. Facing the corpses in front of him was like facing the monsters transformed from the corpses of Naya and Welch. .

His whole body was cold, as if he had fallen into a crack in a frozen lake in deep winter, and could only let the biting cold soak into his bones and swallow up the light.

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness, the head of the family."

Two similar yet different titles were heard one after another. Beside Klein, Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul knelt down humbly on one knee, with their right hands on their chests and their fists raised flat in front of their hearts.

They performed the old rituals passed down from the Fourth Age and did not dare to look directly at the corpse hanging from the roof.

Klein stared blankly at the calmness of his two companions. No matter how dull he was, he realized who he was facing.


"Angel with Lamp"!

A truly mythical creature!

He hurriedly moved away from several figures that gave him an extreme uncanny valley effect just by looking directly at them, imitating Mr. A's actions and wanted to salute.

"Good evening, Mr. Moretti."

Suddenly, the magnetic voice of a mature man, the innocent and romantic softness of a young girl, and the vagueness of an old man all sounded together, interrupting Klein's movements.

Suspended at the front, the ordinary-looking gentleman suddenly left the rafters.

There is no longer any invisible thread pulling on the back of "his" neck, and he is free again. He is as agile and natural as countless normal living people.

"You don't have to be so restrained."

"As the Lord's favored one..." The gentleman with dark eyes leaned in front of Klein, his gaze passed over his neck, and he couldn't help but pause for a second longer, "You are qualified to be on an equal footing with me."

"Maybe you won't believe me now, but I think that in a few years at most, everyone will regard this as a normal fact and will not have the slightest objection."

The gentleman snapped his fingers, and several figures behind him disappeared. Instead, the shadow under "his" feet expanded several times, like the lungs of a living creature, rising and falling due to breathing.

Klein was attracted by this sudden change and subconsciously looked around, only to feel a familiar, bottomless thirst for flesh and blood.

This is a high-level secret puppet... He took a long, slow breath before responding to the gentleman's greetings.

"It's an honor to receive your appreciation and blessing, the great 'Angel of the Lantern' Zaratul."

Klein couldn't get any useful information from the angelic "clown"'s face, so he could only change the topic in another direction.

Under the gentleman's leisurely gaze, Klein nervously recounted his experiences in the past half week.

In the end, he said with great sincerity:

"With the help of Mr. A and Jerry, I killed the members of the 'Rose School' and discovered that Backlund might be hiding one of their demigods, and he might have noticed our actions."

"The demigod of the 'Rose School'...Gostars?"

In fact, when Jerry Zarath held the channeling ceremony, the gentleman who had already listened to the complete process counted his fingers and pretended to be silent for a moment.

"He" seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and scrutinized all aspects of Klein unscrupulously.

A body that is so ordinary that it has no characteristics, no characteristics of divinity... and a spirit body that is completely blended with the gray mist, indistinguishable from each other.

The return of the Lord in this appearance was indeed beyond all of their expectations... If it weren't for the mythical creature related to Origin Castle, it would be difficult to see the true meaning hidden under the identity of Klein Moretti.

This is like Fusac's popular matryoshka doll, which hides the most precious treasure in the core, and the outer layer is decorated with ordinary wooden shells to hide the true value.

Recalling all the clumsy attempts he had made before, Zarath was still frightened and at the same time a little happy.

He was glad that he recognized his destiny in time, rejected the impossible future, and surrendered to reality.

Although the "divineer" can see part of the fate clearly, even if he is promoted to the "clown", he can only smile helplessly in front of this irresistible force. This is the essence of this path.

"Don't worry about Gostars. In Backlund, except for the hopelessly ignorant idiots, no one will dare to make their existence too public. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net" The gentleman smiled lightly, very relaxed Accepted Klein's request.

"He" casually pulled out a delicately cut paper man, and with a slight wave, the paper man burned from head to toe, dragging out three afterimages, which fell on Klein, Mr. A, and Jerry respectively.

"Thank you for your generosity." Klein boldly glanced at Zaratul's expression, but still couldn't see anything.

He took a few deep breaths with a small amplitude, remembered what he had discussed with Mr. A before, and asked softly.

"Then...Your Highness, regarding the 'Rose School of Thought', are we still responsible for the follow-up matters?"

"Okay." The gentleman pretended to be thoughtful, but in fact he had already thought about the next direction.

"He" divided his eyes between Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul next to Klein, and the attitude contained in his voice changed silently.

"I will treat this as an inspection for your promotion."

"This matter involves the 'devil' of the 'Rose School'. There will be dedicated members to contact you. You only need to be responsible for the investigation and find out the general purpose of Gostars staying in Backlund. As for what happens next Encirclement and suppression..."

The gentleman briefly made a decision for a few seconds between the most outstanding divine messenger of the new generation and his descendant ten generations later.

"I will inform Kosma to cooperate with your actions."

Using different marionettes, little Zaratul will use words and deeds consistent with the marionette. This is how I designed it.

As for the marionette mainly described in this chapter, he is a "black knight", a demigod of the shepherd path.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 102 A surprising person

At six o'clock in the morning, it was just dawn.

Klein, who was sleeping soundly, woke up on time to the sound of church bells.

According to his past habits, he would turn over and continue sleeping until nearly eight o'clock before officially getting out of bed. But this time, as if he had foreseen something extremely terrifying, he suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. He sat up on the bed.

Hoo, ho, ho... Klein was dressed in rough clothes. As his consciousness broke the cage established by meditation and sleep, the nightmare that enveloped him last night also came to the door again.

The corpse hanging from the beam, the dark eyes without the whites of the eyes, the slipperiness everywhere in the air, the bottomless shadow in the abdomen... all kinds of weird and weird images surrounded him, almost to the point of almost killing him. The "magician" with keen inspiration drives him crazy.

Even though one night had passed, Klein still couldn't free himself from the fear after meeting Zaratul.

"Well, I haven't turned into a marionette yet, I'm still normal..." He comforted himself, used his breathing to adjust his condition, and tried to relax. He didn't bother to wash up. He said a prayer first, and then left the bed and walked backwards. In four steps, he entered above the gray mist.

He wants to check his own status.

This is not directed at Zaratul, who is still expressing good intentions, but at the "Mother Tree of Desire" who is full of mystery and the "devil" hiding in the dark.

Sitting in the seat belonging to "The Fool", Klein took the "Yellow-Black Eye", spread his spirituality, and triggered his own prayer light spot.

The gray mist solidified under his feet spread to both sides, opening up a wide and clear field of vision, covering the entire bedroom through a layer of light gray.

Klein looked at the real field of vision opened with the help of the gray fog, and sure enough he saw a dark and illusive coat on his body.

This coat was like a simple and simple robe, completely wrapping Klein in it. In the illusory darkness, you could vaguely see the shadows of countless rickety lanterns flashing by. Just looking at those tiny lights made people feel dizzy.

It fits the title of "Angel with Lamp". Is it true that each mythical creature, even if the path and sequence are the same, has slightly different performance in abilities, just like the surface of their bodies revealed when they show the status of mythical creatures? The divine patterns are the same?

Recalling his previous experiences, Klein felt that he might have grasped some high-level essence.

The counter-divination used by Zaratul at that time was essentially a paper manikin stand-in for the "magician". If nothing unexpected happened, it was only a temporary measure. The specific effectiveness depended entirely on the spirituality he put into it...

I didn't see Him leave any name or symbol on me that could point to Him, so the duration of the counterdivination was probably a month, maybe two months?

Klein nodded secretly and tapped his fingers on the table as a habit.

"Based on the worst-case scenario, even if it's only for a month, the angel-level paper man substitute should be enough to temporarily get me out of Gostars' sight. Even if I appear near him, I won't be easily discovered."

"I just don't know if anti-divination will work on abilities like 0-08. Mr. Azik is also an angel and can be guided by 0-08 because of the personality gap between Sequence One and Sequence Two. Or has he experienced too many lives and has not returned to his full state?"

Well, the specific sequence between Mr. Azik and 0-08 cannot be determined... I can't directly write to ask Mr. Azik, it would be too rude...

Klein produced a piece of paper and pen, shook his head, and tried to throw away the troubles he couldn't solve.

He picked up the pen and quickly wrote a sentence for divination on the paper.

If he can't bully someone who is stronger, why can't he have ideas about someone who is weaker than him?

"It would be dangerous to go to Meursault now."

The "Yellow and Black Eyes" began to sway. After becoming a glorious sequence five-level sealed object, it was difficult to recall the pendulum's duty.

It slowly swings counterclockwise, finally confirming its status.

There will be no danger... Klein rubbed his forehead and wrapped the pendulum back around his wrist.

"The resentful soul" and the "demon" are dead, Gostars will definitely notice it, and maybe he will take some relative actions to try to avenge his subordinates, but Meursault, because it is relatively impossible Important, so it was directly abandoned by the "devil"?

The feeling of falling downward enveloped Klein, and as the crimson color expanded, he left the gray mist.


Backlund, No. 21, Xiangzhangshu Street, Jowood District.


In the bathroom, Meursault, who had just finished using the toilet, bent down to wash his hands.

He kept scooping up the cold water from the pipe with his hands and drained it on his face, trying to use this method to relieve the fatigue caused by fear.

A few days ago, first, his men introduced a dangerous person into the stronghold, almost severely injuring two adults, and then the lackeys of the Church of the Night took away his entire gang. Because the incident happened so suddenly, he did not even have time to move. Most of the property could only be escaped with some important bargaining chips under the protection of two adults.

Now the two adults have not contacted him for two days, and he has no response to his prayers to the mother tree. He can't help but wonder if he has been abandoned and lost the opportunity to seek liberation and revenge that he finally won.

Crash... As the sound of water echoed, Meursault raised his head and looked at his dejected self in the wash mirror, his eyes suddenly widening in confusion.

What is reflected in the washing area is not only his face full of labor color, but also a pair of eyes located diagonally behind him in the dim environment.

A pair of eyes!

Almost instinctively, Meursault suddenly bent his knees, swung his back sideways, leaned over and rolled in the other direction, and slipped out of the small gap under the bathroom door.

As a Sequence Nine "criminal", although he does not have all kinds of magical magical abilities, his intuition and physical fitness have been greatly improved.

The moment he noticed those eyes, an image of a bullet shattering the sink automatically appeared in Meursault's mind, and he controlled his body to avoid it in advance.

In the spacious living room, Meursault showed a ruthless expression, took out the dagger and revolver hidden in his waist, and based on his intuition, shot in the direction of his eyes behind him.

The smoke was filling the air, and Meursault carefully swept it away with the corner of his eye, and was surprised to find that there was no threat around him.

In the dim living room, there was no one except myself with wet hair and tired look.

Is it an illusion, or does the other party have extraordinary abilities such as invisibility?

Meursault did not dare to relax. He pressed his finger on the trigger, holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other, and remained in a stalemate with the air for a long time.

His sharp eyes kept scanning the darkness, refusing to let go of any slight changes.

The faint blue light shimmers like stars. In reality, Klein is standing in front of Meursault, with the color like his left hand in the middle of the night covered with a layer of illusory hair.

He crossed his arms across his chest, carefully looked at Meursault's spiritual aura, and clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"As expected of a method that directly targets body strengthening, even if it's only Sequence Nine, it can be compared with the 'Magician'."

Although he had captured Meursault with his "Nightmare" ability, Klein did not kill him immediately. Instead, he did some divination and made sure that his action would not alarm others before he stretched out his right index finger.

He compared his hand to the shape of a gun, and with a single click, an air bullet penetrated Meursault's brain.

In the dream, Meursault, who was still confronting the unknown and fear, suddenly had a hole in the middle of his eyebrows, and a trickle of blood flowed out.

There was shock and confusion in his eyes, and the body immediately collapsed, while the spirit body maintained its previous movements, being restrained by Klein's auxiliary ritual and not dissipating directly.

"Where are Baron Sindras's goods?" Klein asked directly without any nonsense.

"The bedroom on the second floor, I hid under the bed." Meursault's spirit answered truthfully.

Fortunately, there is no need to look elsewhere... Klein breathed a sigh of relief and asked a few more questions before contacting the ritual and releasing Meursault's spirit body.

"Wait, don't worry."

Klein calmed down the "creeping hunger" that was excited when he saw the corpse. He waited patiently until a black gelatinous gem precipitated from Meursault's corpse, then opened his left hand and allowed the virtual mouth in the center of his palm to suck in the flesh and blood. In the mouth.

After "Creeping Hunger" had eaten and drank enough, Klein skillfully manipulated the flames and allowed the flames to burn the remaining blood, broken bones, and remains on the ground. He then turned around and climbed to the second floor of No. 21 Camphor Tree Street. A suitcase half a person's height was dragged out from under the bed in the bedroom.

He touched the brass lock with his hands, lifted the trunk lid, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

What is this?

Because the commission he received was to recover the important lost goods of Baron Sindras, he had always subjectively believed that what might be recovered in the end would be nothing more than precious collections such as antiques, paintings, and gold bricks and jewelry.

But now, lying in the suitcase was clearly a complete set of equestrian protective gear, and more importantly, there was a badge embroidered on the side of this set of equestrian protective gear that was familiar to everyone in Loen.

The Sword of Judgment - the royal family of Loen, the emblem of the Augustus family!

No wonder Baron Sindras would rather provoke unstable factors like the plateau people. He had obviously blamed himself for his misfortune and had to bear most of the losses, but he also wanted to take back the most precious batch of goods.

These goods are supplied directly to the royal family and are related to a certain member of the royal family.

Baron Sindelas is a newly-minted nobleman. He was able to rise to power quickly not only because of his excellent ability and the courage to take risks, but also because he defected to the Conservative Party early and won the favor of the great nobles headed by Duke Negan. He was accepted into the Lu family. Well, it's because of the established upper-class interest groups.

It's just that Baron Sindelas is a banker and investor after all. In recent years, in business, politics, and his vision for the future, it is inevitable that he has conflicts with the old and conservative duke group. In addition, he likes If you support the new factory owners and bankers, agree with some of the policies of the new party, and have sympathy for them, if you have problems with your stance, you really need to find another supporter to shift your position.

Klein put his suitcase away. With a snap of his fingers, a stream of flames rose up from his pocket and engulfed his figure. A few jumps took him to a rental house in the East District one kilometer away. within.

A member of the royal family who has a favorable impression of the new party's policies, is willing to support emerging things, and has considerable say in the kingdom, and can resist the strife of the conservatives led by Duke Negan...Klein reopened his suitcase, He picked out the belongings that Meursault put in later.

He played with a five-pound note he took out, and had a vague suspicion in his mind.

I remember that in the newspaper some time ago, a certain His Highness just made similar remarks. It seemed that it was the fifth son of the current king and the second-to-last third prince, Earl Rustin... If he really and Baron Syndras has some cooperation...this is big news.

Klein carefully counted the windfall he took out of the suitcase and checked it twice.

As expected of the gang that robbed Baron Sindras, even if they escaped, they could still carry a huge sum of one thousand pounds and thirty soles with them.

It would be better if they were all large-denomination banknotes... Klein looked at the bed of scattered currency, including banknotes, coins, and gold coins of different ages, and felt a little confused for a moment.

He looked around and couldn't find any usable materials. In the end, he had to buy a newspaper from the owner of the rental house. He used the "Joker" ability to harden the folded newspaper into a bag so that he could hold all the coins.

After doing all this, he sat back on the bed, hesitating.

If a person's position is determined by his background, then he is already a loyal subject of the Trunsoest Empire.

But it is a pity that if he had the choice, he would not want to have anything to do with the "secret" believers and allies.

But the problem is that after meeting Zaratul and accepting his blessing, even if I take all the information I have and surrender to the Church of Tranquility, I will only be sent to the gallows as a cultist... Klein Sighing, he took off the pendulum and began to do divination as usual.

He decided to let divination determine his choice.

"Telling Mr. A my speculation would be detrimental to the current situation."

The pendulum rotates, sometimes forward and sometimes backward, as if it is trapped in some kind of strange circle, and it fails as expected.

Sure enough, it involves too broad a level and without enough support, divination cannot be successful at all... His fingers paused in the air for a few seconds, and he pressed a piece on the palm of his right hand with tangles.

The skin of the area pressed by Klein melted, bright red flesh surged, and a black iron-colored badge leaked out, squirming as if alive, absorbing the blood flowing in the surrounding blood vessels. UU read www.uukanshu.net

These viscous and warm liquids were poured into spirituality and gathered into a line of small words in Klein's palm.

"What's the matter?"

Klein looked at the badge and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"I recovered Baron Syndras's lost cargo, but something went wrong."

After hearing this, the small characters composed of blood suddenly accelerated in frequency, and he hurriedly reorganized and said:


Klein, who was in a bad mood, shook his head slowly. When he thought that Mr. A across from him might be facing a powerful enemy and ready to sacrifice for his faith at any time, the corners of his mouth could not help but continue to curl up.

"No, it's just that I discovered that the real owner of the goods is not Baron Sindras himself, and I thought of something that you might be interested in."

Klein's face returned to seriousness and he said to Badge who did not respond in time.

"I suspect that Baron Sindelas may be secretly having irreconcilable conflicts with the Conservative Party and is looking for new allies."

You shouldn't expect the prince to appear like this, right?

In fact, in the original book, when I looked at Baron Syndras's resume, I felt familiar. He stitched together several famous images. The most famous one is currently in a lawsuit and is gradually becoming a saint.

This person relied on the Conservative Party to reach the highest level of power, and then revealed his true colors and moved to the New Party. Rather than swinging between the two parties, it is better to see him as really supporting what he thinks is right and can promote what he values. He is quite pragmatic when it comes to industrial development policies.

By the way, I also quite like his flirtatious actions against Dawn in the original novel.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly passes, please.

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Chapter 103 The Baron's Invitation

Backlund, Holy Wind Cathedral, the former headquarters of the Lord of Storms Church, is now one of the holy places.

"Singer of God" Ace Snake did not go for a walk by the river in the afternoon.

He was lucky, but also unlucky. The parish under his jurisdiction was not far from the sea, and there was also a big river nearby. Although it was not as pious as directly embracing the ocean to express one's praises to the storm, it could be considered that he could be intimate with the symbol of God on a regular basis. , making him far luckier than his colleagues who were sent to the interior.

It's just that since Duke Negan almost encountered an accident not long ago, and he almost failed in his duties as the main person in charge of security, he can no longer retain his hobby of walking. He can only spend most of his time in the church honestly to pay attention to the royal family and nobles. Be safe and responsible.

Of course, as an archbishop blessed by God, he could have ignored the intrigues in the world. The reason why he made concessions was only due to the recent cooperation between the church and the royal government on the sea. It was a dedication chosen for the benefit of the Lord. .

The bright sunshine reflects sparkling and broken spots under the stained glass windows with wave patterns. They are reflected on the unique gold and silver stone column corridors of the dome cathedral, vividly expressing the dream hidden in the majesty. , resonates with the ubiquitous wave reliefs, turning these rough dead objects into life, with the shadows caused by the sun rising and falling one after another, forming an ocean supported by stone ore.

The devout believers listened to the rumbling thunder from the bell in their ears. In the dark, they seemed to be able to see the deep blue wonders in the Sunian Sea. They were worshiping "the Lord in the star world" through the place where the Lord once walked. "Storm Abyss".

"Singer of God" Ace Snake looked at the sacred and peaceful scene in the mass hall, lowered his eyes with satisfaction, stroked the surface of the Holy Emblem of Storm with his palms, and silently recited the psalm praising "Storm" over and over again. .

Under his rule, the faith of the Lord flourished so much and so piously!


"Praise the storm!"

At the back door of the Cathedral of the Holy Wind, Tom Foster, the valet of Baron Sindras, had a face full of surprise. He hammered his right hand on his chest and sighed with great piety:

"God bless you, you actually did it."

He looked at Sherlock Moriarty eagerly, and the more he looked at the detective in front of him, the more reliable he felt.

Look at these determined eyes, this broad and square chin, these strong and powerful arms, I really chose the right person... Tom Foster checked the contents of the suitcase again and again, breathing more and more rapid.

At this time yesterday, he was still uneasy because he saw the news that Meursault, the leader of the Zmange Party, escaped from the law and his whereabouts are unknown. He was afraid that the baron would listen to French's instigation and fire him. Today, he took a twist and met a big man. Surprise, how can you not be happy.

"I have completed the commission, and even helped the Baron recover..." Klein's eyes glanced deeply at the suitcase, and his words were full of hints, "Ah, you should know, silently..." Erso is difficult to deal with, and it took me a lot of effort to get what the baron needed intact."

"You want to see the Baron?"

How did he know about the baron and the goods... Tom Foster was suddenly alert, and suddenly felt that the detective in front of him was not so lovable anymore, but more like a wolf in sheep's clothing, cunning and cunning, and full of darkness. idea.

He hid the suitcase behind his back, coughed lightly, glanced at the back door of the Windy Cathedral behind him slightly, and quickly pulled out an envelope from his arms and gave it to Klein.

"This is the agreed reward, plus your reward, a total of one hundred pounds."

His attitude was extremely cold, and his eyes were full of alienation, as if he was saying, "One hundred pounds, be content!"

Klein stroked the envelope, which was not too thick, and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry, you misunderstood. I understand the rules and I'm not ignorant. I want to blackmail the Baron for more. It's not my reward."

"It's just that when I captured Meursault, I also got some other documents. I couldn't understand what was specifically written on them, but I thought maybe the Baron would pay attention to these things and help him."

Putting away the envelope, Klein bowed slightly.

"Deacon Foster, I hope you can introduce me and give me a chance to serve the Baron. What do you think?"

Deacon... Tom Foster chewed on this title that he had longed for for a long time, and the soles of his feet felt soft.

Yes, I hired him for the Baron and I looked for him. If he really has any important documents in his hand, the Baron will remember my credit. Even if he doesn't, so what, a man who is willing to take risks can still pay for it. A capable detective, a glove that would not involve him, would the Baron refuse?

The airy Tom Foster maintained the last bit of indifference, his poker-like face deliberately imitating the airs often put on by butlers, and he nodded slightly.

"I'm not qualified to promise you."

"But I will tell the Baron, and perhaps he will agree."



Baron Sindelas was sitting leisurely in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the balcony, reading today's "Backlund Post".

After hearing Tom Foster's words, he glanced at French, who was standing respectfully behind him, as if unintentionally. He continued to hold the edge of the suitcase with his right hand, tapped the edge of the saddle, and nodded.

"Okay, this detective whose name I don't know yet has really helped me a lot."

He didn't ask why a casually hired detective would know the identity of his real employer.

In his opinion, since the detective could snatch the goods back from Meursault, he should have such ability.

As long as you have a brain and read newspapers regularly, you will be able to associate the real employer with someone else from the clothes of Downton Company and Foster. Coupled with the various reports that have been directed recently, it is just a matter of hope to determine the true identity of the employer. Questions that I don't want to think about.

Alone, he caught Meursault, who was on the run from the police, and not only snatched back His Highness's goods, but also allegedly grabbed several important documents... Sindelas lowered his head slightly and turned his face Sinking into the shadows, the whole room seemed a little darker.

Ever since he befriended Count Rustin and became barely friends with His Highness, he had come into contact with some areas that he had never known before.

His Highness's generous order to his steward opened extraordinary doors for him and solved many mysteries that had always puzzled him.

Now, Baron Sindras has reason to suspect that the detective who wants to see him is the same type of person as the guys who troubled him before and created business miracles. They are also extraordinary people with extraordinary power.

In the spacious living room, two servants stood upright and held their breath. In the unusually quiet environment, a slight muffled sound finally broke the invisible force that restrained the two servants, giving them a chance to breathe.

Baron Sindras faced Tom Foster, looked at the valet who had served him for several years, and spoke softly.

"I am indeed interested in meeting the detective you mentioned. He helped me a lot, and I just want to thank him in person."

"Go tell the coachman to pick up Mr. Detective properly."


After receiving the order, before leaving the living room, Tom Foster glanced at his nemesis French provocatively, then walked slowly with his head held high, and arrived at the coachman's place amidst the surprised eyes of the servants along the way. garage.

"Go to the Cathedral of the Holy Wind."

He didn't explain anything to the coachman. As the baron's personal servant, he was usually responsible for some simple auxiliary tasks. It was commonplace to mobilize the carriage to invite guests to visit the mansion.

The dark carriage drove slowly out of Baron Sindras's house and arrived at the block where the Holy Wind Cathedral was located in a short time.

On the carriage, Tom Foster lifted the curtain on the carriage window and carefully looked at the back door of the Holy Wind Cathedral. After carefully observing Klein for a while, who was leaning on the corner of the street, holding a newspaper to kill time, he sorted out He took off his clothes and then opened the car door and got out of the car.

He told the coachman to wait where he was. His expression was no longer as arrogant as when he arrived, and he was much more approachable. He quickly walked over to where Klein was.

"Detective Moriarty, the Baron has agreed. He wants to see you. If it's convenient for you, you can go see him with me now."

Isn't it very efficient? I thought the Baron would deliberately ignore me for a day... Klein looked up and down at the valet whose attitude changed obviously, with a smile on his lips and a slight nod.

"It's an honor."

Under Foster's guidance, Klein boarded the carriage parked on the side of the road.

Different from the hired carriages he often made before, Baron Sindras's personal carriage was equipped with wooden cabinets specifically for storing drinks. The seats were covered with valuable velvet cushions, and even the curtains used to shade the sun were covered with gauze curtains. The texture is very good at blocking light without making the interior of the car look too dark. Everything is for comfort.

This is one of the largest bankers in the kingdom, the real upper echelon of Loen... Klein relaxed his back, leaned on his seat, refused the red wine that Foster wanted to open, and couldn't help sighing.

The "Tasok River" newspaper reported an article about a visit to a hired carriage driver at the beginning of this year. It was introduced that in Backlund, most carriage companies renting carriages to coachmen would require compensation of up to fifty pounds if the carriages are damaged. Compensation, this is probably the apparent purchase price of a carriage including the horses.

For big shots like Baron Sindras, their private carriages must be more expensive... Looking carefully at the various decorations and equipment, Klein judged that the carriage he was riding in had a conservative estimate of its value. More than a thousand pounds, comparable to the magic potion needed by a low-sequence extraordinary person.

Compared with the great nobles and bankers, extraordinary people are simply poor people. Even the "Hurricane Vice Admiral" who was killed by Mr. Azik before, even with the bounty on his head, if he took it apart and sold it, it would not be enough to cover the regular expenses of the big people for a year. .....

Hey, now I don't have all the money I have for magical items, but I can only afford a carriage... Klein sadly put an end to his random thoughts, shook his head with a self-deprecating smile, and looked at Foster who was sitting across from him. He was confused and couldn't figure out what Detective Moriarty was thinking.

Fortunately, the distance from the Holy Wind Cathedral to Baron Sindras's residence is not too far.

Seeing the vague outline of the two-story villa, he breathed a sigh of relief and mobilized his slightly relaxed body to regain tension. Like a doll that had been wound up again, he returned to work.

He used hidden movements to remind Klein and whispered:

"We'll be there soon. Follow me in a moment."

Klein nodded slightly, and when the carriage stopped, he followed Foster's steps, passed through the garden with fountains and sculptures, entered the light yellow-themed hall, climbed the curved stairs, and arrived at the place where Baron Sindras was waiting. Living room.

The baron, with silver-tinged black hair neatly combed back and a broad forehead, sat at the head of the table and watched Sherlock Moriarty follow Foster step by step. He suddenly smiled and pointed before they could stand still. Pointing to the position opposite him.

"Nice to meet you, Detective Moriarty."

"Please take a seat."

So enthusiastic? Klein didn't look at Tom Foster, who was stunned on the spot and was completely ignored by his employer. He followed the baron's wishes and sat down on a soft and comfortable sofa chair.

His transparent, almost colorless eyes blinked, and the corners of his mouth managed to squeeze out a slight arc.

"It is an honor to meet you, Your Excellency."

"You are more serious than I thought, Sherlock," the Baron maintained a soft smile and paused deliberately, "I should be able to call you that, right?"

"Of course." Klein nodded hesitantly, feeling a little more wary.

Examining the detective in front of him who showed determination and neatness in everything from his appearance to his temperament, the Baron continued:

"You should have seen what kind of precious goods Meursault stole from me. To be honest, the thing itself is not worth much, mainly because the owner who ordered it is special."

"You really did me a favor."

"I'm just completing the commission you gave me." Facing this baron, Klein felt a completely different sense of oppression.

Fortunately, after experiencing the storms brought by Zaratul, he was not cautious and quickly adapted to the rhythm.

"And the process may not be as tortuous as you think. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net"

Baron Sindras waved to the side, and a servant immediately brought a cup of dark red tea and placed it in front of Klein's eyes.

He stared into Klein's eyes with great interest. Although he was maintaining a smile, but no one could feel any warmth on his face, his mouth widened slightly and he chuckled:

"You are very modest, Sherlock."

"I have heard the reputation of the plateau people. They are very dangerous and violent people. I don't believe that you can get my goods back from Meursault without encountering any difficulties."

Baron Sindras lowered his brows.

"Are you really not in any trouble?"

After hearing this, even though he had lived as a coder for several years and had little exposure to the art of negotiation, Klein figured out what the baron meant.

He smiled and took out the documents he had prepared from his arms and waved them a few times, deliberately drawing the Baron's attention to these pages.

"Actually, Meursault probably wouldn't have caused me any trouble if I had just gotten your goods back."

"It's just that he seemed to have misunderstood my purpose and thought I was someone else. In order to protect the documents in his hand, he even pulled out a gun."

Klein placed the document on the table in front of him, maintained his indifference, and drew the triangular holy emblem on his chest familiarly.

"But he is obviously not as pious as me. He lost the blessing of the gods and lost his life as a result."

"Praise for steam."

The original Baron Syndras doesn't seem to be very aware of extraordinary things, so this is a change.

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Chapter 105 Poison Wine Brooch

"Hey, Derrick, I remember that 'Mind Reader' doesn't seem to be the next sequence of 'Singer'."

In the square of the City of Silver, "Magician" Samael spotted a figure that was much lower than the others and was about to leave from the bottom of the round tower. He adjusted a friendly smile and followed him in a swish.

After a few days of getting along with each other, Samael, who is good at interpersonal communication, has broken through the wall of Derrick's heart and successfully gained the lonely boy's precious friendship and recognition.

Derrick looked straight at his friend who was about the same height as himself. The panic on his face due to the sudden interruption turned into a shy dodge. He didn't dare to look at Samael anymore. He looked away and made up an excuse casually.

"I heard that the elders of Shanmen City will bring an exploration team to visit the six-person discussion group some time ago. You know that my potion digestion progress is not slow, so I want to make some preparations in advance."

Samael nodded repeatedly and pressed his right eye socket out of habit, narrowing his eyes to a slit.

"So you want to use the 'Mind Reader' formula that is not controlled by Shanmen City in exchange for the 'Light Prayer'?"


In fact, after two thousand years of perseverance, with the Continental Congress convened by the "Angel of the Holy Word" as a link, most city-states have exchanged most of the formulas and secret knowledge they possess, and only retained the foundation for the survival of their respective city-states. The high-sequence formula of the main route, and the secrets that must be defended with life.

However, the sharing of resources between city-states is basically limited to elders and bishops. In order to better maintain the characteristics and traditions of different city-states, these exchanged recipes will only be provided to professionals as additional considerations by the elders. , and will not circulate among ordinary residents of the city-state.

On the one hand, this is because rashly spreading other promotion paths may lead the new forces in city-states to embark on a dangerous path of large-scale imbalance. Secondly, it is also because many city-states are unable to meet overly harsh rituals, and the main way to maintain the original is Save resources and avoid confusing optimal solutions.

Of course, as time went by and after repeated cooperation and exchanges between city-states, civilians gradually began to try to break the framework designated by the Continental Congress and secretly send each other's formulas to the black market in exchange for other resources.

The reason Derrick made up was based on this gray method that almost everyone knew. He was not afraid of being investigated or exposed, because there was no possibility of obtaining evidence.

"By the way," Derrick, who was walking towards home, seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked his friend in a casual tone, "Samor, you have extra blood of the Thousand-Faced Hunter in your hand. ?"

He had digested the Sequence Seven potion a month ago and obtained the "Faceless Man" formula from the bishop of the church. Summer, who had been collecting materials recently, glanced at Derrick in surprise.

"What do you want this for?"

"The blood of the 'Hunter with a Thousand Faces' has very few uses. Apart from being used in the promotion ceremony of the 'Faceless Man', almost no one will buy it. You are not from the 'Soothsayer' path."

"I'm asking for someone else." Derrick pressed his cheeks that were already red, and his voice was so small that it didn't sound like it was coming from a body that was 1.8 meters tall.

Appreciating the boy's embarrassment, Samor pretended to be distressed and pressed his eyes, squeezing them continuously.

"Oh, it's not impossible. I did collect enough blood, but the excess may not be enough to separate out another auxiliary material."

He spread his hands and sighed slightly:

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do."

"I also got my materials from the black market. I don't know where the 'Hunter with a Thousand Faces' is, so I can't get more blood."

Derrick, whose hope was shattered, scratched his head in despair and wanted to say something else, but he heard the dull bell ringing from the church in the center of the city-state.

This big bell will be rung every half hour by the priest who is responsible for telling the time that day. It is now the twenty-ninth time today.

There was still half a sun... Derrick retracted his thoughts and shook his head apologetically.

"I suddenly remembered something else, so I'm going home first."

Summer didn't mind Derrick's impoliteness, smiled and nodded, watching from the spot as Derrick's figure quickly merged into the darkness that was lit by lightning from time to time, and he didn't look back until he completely disappeared.

Samor, who stayed in place, reached into the shadow beside him with his right hand, grabbed a monocle made of polished crystal, and put it on with familiarity.

Countless mysterious patterns dance on this crystal clear ornament, breaking through the barriers of the house made of bricks and stones, directly revealing to its owner the various actions taking place in the Berg family's house.

"Samor" took a step back, and his body immediately appeared in an unnoticed alley near the Church of the Creator in the center of the city-state.

He waited quietly for half an hour until the church bells rang again behind him.


"You neither warned me nor expanded your true vision to patrol the area, but you only took away Derrick's spirit body?"

"This is not a 'mysterious' style..."

"Samor" pushed up his monocle and thought of another question.

"The 'I' who is active in Loen did not report any new changes in Honakis Mountain. If 'Mystery' temporarily gives up its characteristics and is resurrected as a pure spirit body, retaining only its personality and symbol..."

"Then for whom is the blood of the 'Hunter with a Thousand Faces' that Derrick hopes to obtain for?"

"He can completely absorb the characteristics directly, so why bother collecting auxiliary materials?"

In the alley, "Samor", who was obsessed with deciphering, looked at the exit of the alley with feeling, where someone was approaching.

He didn't feel angry when someone interrupted his thinking. Instead, he took off his monocle, wiped it with his clothes and put it in his pocket. Then he walked out of the alley at a leisurely pace and met the people passing by. A couple passed each other.

At the main entrance of the church of the "God of Mysteries", the holy emblem composed of pupilless eyes and twisted threads watches passers-by.

Samor stopped directly opposite the door, looked at the upper part of the holy symbol, and pressed his eye sockets.


The boiling shadow writhed out two tentacles of flesh and blood, holding a dark and dark secret box, and presented it to Klein.

After two days of processing, Mr. A finally sent a reply to Klein this morning, sending two pieces of news, one good and one bad.

The first one is naturally the black box with the logo of the Trunsoest Intelligence Agency in front of him. Inside is the sealed artifact of the "Devil" path that has been debugged by the "craftsman".

As for the bad news…

"The advisor appointed by His Highness Zaratul will meet with us in another safe house tonight. The following is the specific address..."

Mr. A said this...

I don't know what the people Zaratul will send will look like... With a heavy heart, Klein, who has become a private detective hired by Baron Sindras, tries not to let himself think about what he will face that night. The complex situation opened the black box in our hands.

The complex blood-colored lines swept away, and the obsidian black box revealed its finely sealed interior. The soft lining and a brooch wrapped in a sterling silver shell caught Klein's eyes.

Klein did not rush to take out the sealed object. Instead, he fumbled around in the black box and found the instructions under the brooch.

The "craftsmen" who believe in the "True Creator" heard that the owner of this commission was the Lord's favored one. They almost didn't consider the cost, and even prepared detailed instructions for the first time. All of this is something that ordinary members of the Aurora Society would not dare to imagine in normal times. of.

Because my current activity area was taken into consideration, the overall design was biased towards the Loen aesthetic... Klein opened the manual, looked at the neat small characters on it, and read it carefully.

"Non-staff item, name: "Poisonous Wine"."

"Description: Referring to the client's needs, 'Poisonous Wine' retains the core ability of 'Devil's' 'Malicious Perception', and on this basis, 'Profane Words' and simple abyss-like spells are left, which can be used The person is immune to most toxins, fire, curses and other attacks. What needs to be noted is that although in order to contain the sealed object, sanctified sterling silver is specially used as the shell, and the Lord's holy symbol is additionally engraved to always fill the lost spirituality of the seal. However, the negative effects of the characteristic itself are still unavoidable. The wearer of 'poisonous wine' will inevitably fear positive things and attacks, and will accumulate the user's negative emotions within the wearing time limit, and after a certain extent, the wearer will be afraid of positive things and attacks. 'Poison wine' detonated."

"Note: Under the effect of a blood moon or a full moon, there is a certain chance that the above negative effects will worsen. If sealing is required, a sealed container of any material can be prepared to be used with the spiritual wall."

In other words, instead of retaining the advantages of "devils" in frontal combat, they retain their weaknesses in fearing positive forces - such as the abilities of "suns" and "warriors"?

Klein put down the manual and carefully took out the brooch from the black box.

His fingers passed over the crescent moon-shaped shell of the "Poison Wine Brooch" made of thorns and rose patterns, passed over the pure dark red gem guarded by the "Silver Moon", and gently turned it over.

The silver bottom is indeed covered with dense mysterious lines, and surrounded by the lines is the hanging holy emblem belonging to the "True Creator".

Klein tried to wear the brooch on his chest, and suddenly felt a wave of negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, sadness, and greed that were not his own.

The instructions didn't say the reaction would be so strong...

The "Creeping Hunger" worn on his left hand felt the strong negative emotions coming from the owner's body. He opened his mouth in confusion, used his mouth as a nose, and sniffed.

But soon, it discovered that the sudden malicious and negative emotions were quickly disappearing.

Using meditation, Klein spread his spirituality to his chest, communicating with the pure silver shell bound to the dark red gemstone. While all kinds of messy thoughts that did not belong to him receded, the sensitivity to danger brought by the "poisonous wine" also joined. In Klein's spiritual premonition.

He found that his originally vague spiritual premonitions were beginning to manifest in all aspects, from dead objects such as table corners and the ground, to homeless people squatting in the corners of the apartment building, planning to rob the residents.

In just a short moment, his sense of danger spread to the entire Backlund metropolitan area, and after judging that there was no clear threat, it shrank to a very small area within a few meters.

And not only the horizontal direction, but also the vertical direction located on the timeline has experienced scale changes ranging from a day to a few minutes.

No wonder the "Devil" was able to escape from the "Red Gloves" before. This is too exaggerated!

Klein recalled the fantastic feeling just now, and considering the environment and spiritual consumption, he did not try any more offensive abilities such as "Profanity" and directly took off the "Poisonous Wine Brooch".

Now, as long as I gather the auxiliary materials needed by the "Faceless Man" and cooperate with the improvement of characteristics saved in the "Creep Hunger" to become a true "Faceless Man", my spirituality will be able to support me in using the sealed objects on my body for a long time. , so as not to be too affected by negative effects.

He glanced at the clock on the wall, put the brooch back into the black box, sealed it, hid it, and walked back to the living room.

Three o'clock in the afternoon is still five minutes away, and now is the time to ascend the gray fog.

I don't know if I can gather the materials directly this time... Klein took four steps backward and closed his eyes.

The familiar gray mist and hazy figures fell into view. She had almost digested the potion. Audrey, who was waiting for the formula, half stood up, raised her skirt, and said hello happily.

She suppressed the urge to ask "The Sun", turned her gaze to the top of the long table, raised her hand and said:

"Mr. Fool, I collected a page from Russell's diary."

"Mr. Fool, I only got one page of the diary this time."

"Magician" also stood up and saluted, followed "Justice"'s actions, materialized a page of Russell's diary, and sent it to the top.

The two-page diary soon came into the hands of "The Fool". Looking at this scene, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "The Hanged Man" Alger, who had no diary and information worth presenting this time, lamented that he had gathered together to buy Qilin. While the funds needed for Gus' inheritance took up most of his time, he inadvertently glanced at the other end of the long table, where "The World" was sitting.

Except for being obscured by the gray mist, the man who was also tightly wrapped in a hood stared at the party members motionlessly, without making any movement.

The "Hanged Man"'s penetrating eyes passed over "The World", and he lowered his head, pretending to wait for the reading time to pass, while secretly guessing the true identity of "The World".

Since the last gathering, "The World" has not submitted a diary, nor reported any information... Is it because he is a member individually selected by Mr. "Fool" and is a special favored one?

Klein was not aware of the little thoughts of "The Hanged Man". His attention was completely focused on the diary in his hand.

"On March 15th, the hateful Zaratul came again. He knew that I was very busy recently, but he still came. The most hateful thing is that he didn't remember to bring a gift."

It has only been a few days since the coronation ceremony after I was promoted to 'Knowledge Master'. The church and the kingdom still have a lot of important work waiting for me to handle. My moon landing plan is also in the preparation period. How can I have free time to chat with the old man? "

"Doesn't he have emotional intelligence and can't read the air?"

"Forget it's a waste of my time. It's just in time for me to write my diary. He still has to watch it finish. This old guy won't find anything, right?"

Two days of plot were skipped in the middle. Syndras hired Xiaoke after talking with him. There was nothing important in the next two days, and the daily routine was boring.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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