
chapter 23

Chapter 106 Moon Landing Plan

"...This old guy won't find anything, right?"

Russell's complaint came to an abrupt end. Klein read through the context of the diary in his hand several times, and finally determined that the part he was reading now and the next sentence were indeed not written at the same time.

Russell suspected that Zaratul was aware of some of his intentions, so he decisively stopped recording. Was the following content added by him later?

I thought Zaratul had really discovered something... Klein felt a little regretful for no reason.

He controlled his desire to complain and continued reading with a smile.

"...Zarath visited me today with a mission. I knew that this old guy wouldn't come to me for no reason. Ever since I became a 'secret scholar' and tried to attack the angels, there was no 'secret' or anything from Under the orders of the being in the Southern Continent, He has never once entered my home in a personal capacity."

"But why did He come specifically to talk to me about the moon landing?"

"As far as I know, the 'Apprentice' Sequence Three 'Wanderer' can freely swim in the starry sky before becoming a complete mythical creature. In other ways, even if there is no special authority of the 'Apprentice', they can also rely on the complete mythology Biological properties and abilities alone breach the atmosphere."

"During the Fourth Age, wasn't it common for angels to leave the surface and head for the stars?"

"These records were once given to me by Zaratul on his own initiative, and now he comes to stop me again, in the name of 'secret'. What is it for? He is not even willing to tell me the specific reason. Is it fun to be the Riddler? "

"Damn 'divineer', I'm most annoyed by people who tell half of what they say and hide the other half!"

"I rejected Zaratul's persuasion. No matter what, my life is my own decision, and no one can interfere. What's more, 'Mystery' is not my nominal belief. What qualifications does he have to point out at me from a distance?" Guiding me, He didn't even take off his disguise and met me in reality."

"The moon landing plan has reached the final stage. I have invested a lot of energy and there is no possibility of giving up halfway."

"My biggest wish will never come true in my life. The moon landing is not only my last wave to my far-away hometown, but also for the people who stand behind me and support me."

"The current human race has developed for more than four thousand years since it was liberated. It has mastered extraordinary things that my compatriots in my hometown have never been exposed to, but it is still incompetent and stagnant at the bottleneck of feudalism. Even if I vigorously promote steam engines and put ready-made benefits in front of them , the shackles of ignorance and arrogance have never been relaxed for a moment."

"I am a selfish person, and there are not many strangers who are worthy of my nostalgia, but I cannot allow my children, my lovely Bernadette, honest Charles, and even Bonois, to continue to live in such a world. superior."

"On April 12, I will unveil the prelude to a new era at this special time. Even if it is in a deceptive way, I will let them accept more avant-garde technology, accept a new way of life, and completely transform their lives. Humanity, stagnant in the swamps, is dragged into a new era of roaring steam."

"No one can stop me. This is my last wave to my hometown." Klein silently recited the last vow at the end of the diary, feeling a loneliness that he couldn't express in his heart.

These crooked words that did not contain extraordinary abilities allowed him to briefly cross the gap of time and resonate with the thoughts of Russell, who died a hundred years ago.

When he first arrived in a strange world, despite the memory guidance of "Cline Moretti", it still took him quite some time to adapt to this backward era, to adapt to the absence of automation and information networks, and the worship of gods and gods everywhere. Extreme fanaticism, people numb their lives, extraordinary cholera in the ordinary world.

His experience has been so rough, let alone Russell, who was abandoned at the end of the feudal empire?

While reading the diary, there was a moment when Klein was almost convinced by Russell.

It's just that he, not Russell, is really living in the moment. Reality is more convincing than rhetoric.

Russell's innovation did change some things, but it didn't change too much and didn't touch the essence.

This should be the original copy of Russell's diary, right? With so much content on one page, it should be said that it belongs to the Secret Order that once worked closely with Russell. It is estimated that apart from the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, they are the only ones who can still preserve the original copy of the original diary...

"Secret" actually personally appointed Zaratul to dissuade Russell from landing on the moon. Sure enough, in Russell's era, he could still seep out some power from the gray fog blockade, but why? Klein cast his gaze into the distance of the boundless gray fog, hoping to get the answer to the "mysterious" person hiding somewhere in the gray fog.

Since it is not a big deal for angels and demigods to travel through the stars in the Fourth Age, why is it no longer possible in the Fifth Age?

Is it because Russell's goal is the moon, which symbolizes the goddess, which may cause misunderstandings and friction, or is it because it involves the secret that the gods no longer walk on the earth and go to the stars?

Well, judging from the date, shortly after Russell completed the moon landing, he openly conflicted with the Church of Steam, which had always supported him, overthrew the rule of the Sauron royal family, proclaimed himself in power, and even sought to establish the Intis Empire.

This series of turning points is sudden in the official history, but if it is connected with the moon landing that is only mentioned in the diary, it is very intriguing. Maybe Russell really discovered something on the moon that made him do it. Made a completely opposite decision from the past.

As a former college student majoring in history, when Klein looked at Russell's history of becoming emperor, he felt that everything was full of coincidences, fast and rash. As an angel family, Sauron's royal family seemed to be papery, fragile and exaggerated. The entire dynasty was overthrown by Russell at an alarming speed.

With mixed feelings, Klein replaced the next page of the diary and continued to read backwards.

The second page of the diary submitted by "Justice" has a huge gap from the previous page. It is Russell's complaint in the early days of time travel. He complained that no one here could appreciate his pop music and thought he was making noise. At the same time, he He also lamented that Shuangwen was the common pursuit of different people in different worlds. He plagiarized "The Count of Monte Cristo", the father of modern Shuangwen on earth, and learned the method of serializing modern novels in newspapers, allowing the newspaper he founded to flourish.

This series of self-congratulatory praise was in sharp contrast to the lofty words on the previous page. Klein's brows jumped as he watched, and he shouted in his heart that Russell has no moral integrity. The only thing of any value is probably this page of the diary. Roselle mentioned his earthly name.

His name is Huang Tao.

Huang Tao...Klein gathered all his thoughts, let the diary disappear from his hands, looked at "Justice" and the others and said:

"You can trade or communicate freely."

Audrey, who had been paying attention to the top, was the first to raise her hand.

"Mr. Fool, can I exchange the diary I just submitted for the answer to a question?"

There were only two pages of the diary today, but it took "The Fool" a long time to read it. She was very curious about what kind of content was recorded in it, so that it would take so long to attract a god.

"Of course." After thinking for a moment, Klein, who had no reaction in his gut, nodded slightly.

Audrey's eyes flashed, she restrained her inner joy and said generously:

"I want to know what you just interpreted from Emperor Russell's diary?"

After hearing her words, "The Hanged Man" and other members, who had been silent all this time, also became interested and looked up in anticipation of "The Fool's" next reply.

Did Miss Justice notice that I took too long to read?

After all, they are the "audience"... Klein shook his head with a smile, glanced at the people who were waiting for answers, and said deliberately:

"Would you rather have the answer alone, or share it with others?"

Audrey thought for a moment and quickly replied:

"Just say it."

She had just entered the extraordinary world, and she was still blank in many more profound fields. The content that could attract Mr. Fool must involve some secrets. Instead of getting an answer she couldn't understand, it was better to take the initiative to share and brainstorm.

"You should know that the history before Russell's break with the God of Steam and Machinery was erased, leaving only a blank space in the history books, concealing the real motive for Russell's break with the church." Klein did not He answered directly and took a detour, "The diary just now contains records about this era of history that was erased."

Except for "Sun" Derrick who couldn't understand anything about Russell, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, "Justice", "The Hanged Man", and even the "Magician" who was a Trunsoest intelligence officer were all Klein's words aroused great interest.

Especially "The Magician".

Logically speaking, as members who work closely with the Esoteric Order and have the best chance of knowing the truth about this period of history, it is almost impossible to be completely ignorant of a period of the past.

But now, when faced with the history mentioned by "The Fool", her eyes darkened.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity was aroused by him, Klein nodded with satisfaction and revealed part of the truth.

"What really changed Russell's mind and drove him to break with the God he believed in was because he tried to go to the moon and saw some truths that he had never guessed before."

"This is what I can tell you. As for the so-called truth..." Klein chuckled.

"That's not something you can access now."

It's not something we can contact... Alger, who was the first person on the left side of the long table, breathed a sigh of relief and readily accepted "The Fool"'s warning.

As for Derrick, he was completely at a loss. After all, in his world, he couldn't even see the moon, so how could he think that such a huge thing hanging in the sky could still be landed.

Moon landing... failed to get a more specific answer. Although "Magician" Forsi was a little disappointed, he did not dare to say anything.

I remember that the teacher kept the sequel to "Abraham's Wanderings in the Spiritual World". That book recorded more mysterious experiences in the astral world, and maybe there were a few records about the moon...

Forsi, who has always been dedicated to tormenting readers with broken chapters and open endings, experienced for the first time the pain of listening to a story without an ending. He felt as if there were a hundred ants crawling on his body. He wished he could get out of the gray fog on the spot and go back to write to the teacher. letter.

Audrey, who felt the same as her, blinked her eyes and pursed her lips. Although her curiosity was raised to an unprecedented level and could not be satisfied, she still bowed politely.

"Thank you for your answer. I have no questions."

In order to divert her attention, she decisively turned her gaze to the "sun" opposite.

"Have you found out about the whereabouts of the 'Mind Reader' formula recently?"

"Taiyang", who was still in a daze, was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly replied:

"Miss Justice, I have obtained the formula of 'Mind Reader'. How do you plan to exchange it?"

Exchange... "Sun" lives in the land abandoned by the gods. They have no currency. Even if I pay with gold coins, it doesn't mean anything to him. He can only use the most primitive exchange of things for things... Audrey was a little distressed for a moment. .

She did not have the items needed by "The Sun", the only magical items related to the extraordinary and corresponding to the "Provocateur", and "The Sun" had never shown interest before.

Klein, who had been paying attention to the transaction and was sitting at the top, looked at the two people in embarrassment and couldn't help but smile happily behind the gray fog.

Miss "Justice" doesn't have anything that can be exchanged with "The Sun", but he does!

He raised his finger lightly, controlled "The World" and said:

"I can provide the formula for 'Light Prayer'."

Yes, I can buy the formula of "Light Prayer" and exchange it for "Sun"... Audrey immediately turned her head to the bottom of the depths of "World".

"Mr. World, how much do you want to be paid for selling the formula of 'Light Prayer'?"

"UU Reading www.uukanshu.net four hundred and fifty pounds." Klein gave a quite fair price.

He watched Miss "Justice" and "The Sun" happily conclude the transaction with his help, and at the end he added:

"I also have the formula for the Sun Pathway to Sequence Five 'Priest of Light'."

He was hinting that he could ask for help from him for similar transactions in the future.

Until the "Priest of Light", "the world" has mastered all the formulas of the demigod's path to the sun? "The Hanged Man" Alger frowned slightly.

Ever since "The World" joined the party, he has been the most mysterious member besides "The Fool" and has never revealed any of his origins.

Although Alger himself was very cautious, he also knew that his clothing had revealed some private information.

Usually you can master a complete sequence, either because you have been promoted to a higher level and naturally master the prerequisite formula, or it comes from the accumulation of the organization behind it.

At the level of Sequence Five, whether it is in the Zhengshen Church or a secret organization, it is a core secret that only the real high-level people can access.

Alger didn't think that "The World" happened to be an Extraordinary of the "Sun" pathway, nor did he think that he was already a demigod, the absolute top of a certain force.

His intuition told him that the close relationship between "The World" and Mr. "Fool" was not only the relationship, but also the path.

The way to be mastered by the Secret Order is "divineer", and the "world" is most likely to be this way.

The time of Huang Tao's moon landing has changed. It is not easy to fulfill his motive of landing on the moon.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 107 Faceless Man

Four hundred and fifty pounds were about to be credited, and in a cheerful mood, Klein manipulated "The World"'s head hidden under the hood to nod slightly and start the next transaction.

He moved his eyes between "The Hanged Man" and "The Sun" and continued to ask:

"Everyone, did you collect the blood of the 'Hunter with a Thousand Faces' and the hair of the Deep Sea Naga according to my request from the last gathering?"

"And the medulla crystal of the fairy spring water." At the end, he quickly added.

Thanks to Meursault's selfless donation of one thousand pounds, Klein's tight financial pressure was greatly reduced, and even buying all the materials at once was more than enough.

If there is no whereabouts of the "Faceless Man" auxiliary materials at this gathering, I can only turn to the "Secret Order" and find a way to redeem the materials from them... Klein sighed softly, and along with the puppet "World "There was obvious expectation in the eyes looking to the right.

"I'm sorry, Mr. World, it may take me a while." "The Sun" lowered his head.

"I have collected the materials you need," "The Hanged Man" Alger responded calmly, while glancing at the "sun" beside him, "except for the blood of the 'Hunter with a Thousand Faces'."

There was only one missing... Although he was disappointed, Klein still said:

"How much do you want to be paid."

The Fairy Spring on Sunia Island... It is said that Fusac officials catch many followers of the "School of Life" near the Spring of Fairies every year. The sequences mastered by the "School of Life" are "Monster" and "Medicine Master".

As for the other one, "Hunter with a Thousand Faces", Thousand Faces... I remember that the name of one of the sequences in "Soothsayer" is "Faceless Man"... "The Hanged Man" took a deep look at "The World".

He has always believed in the doctrine of caution and is unwilling to have unnecessary conflicts with unknown forces, especially the powerful.

Although "The World" himself may not be considered a strong man, the mystery of his identity deserves Alger's vigilance.

"Eight hundred pounds for two, which is a very fair price."

It's indeed fair, even cheaper than I expected... Klein glanced at "The Hanged Man" with some curiosity.

Is it because Mr. "The Hanged Man" deliberately relaxed the price because he sensed the special status of "The World"?

The two had a tacit agreement not to discuss the specific form of the transaction, and Klein manipulated the "world" to look at the "sun" again.

But before he could say anything, the "Magician" who had been watching and not participating in the transaction raised his hand.

Seeing that she had attracted the attention of "the world", she straightened her back unconsciously.

Previously, she tried to seek financial assistance from the "Angel with the Lamp", but the result in exchange was a recipe for the "Secret Puppet Master". The "Angel with the Lamp" himself specifically emphasized that this formula was prepared for "the world".

He has no way to obtain the next sequence recipe.

But the question is, how could His Highness Zaratul know so much about the situation in the "world"? Forsi gathered her thoughts, her lazy voice a little more nervous.

"I have the blood of the Thousand-Faced Hunter here, as well as the formula for the next sequence you need."

The recipe for the next sequence that "the world" needs? Alger's eyes quickly moved between the two of them, confirming his judgment even more.

The "Magician" has the formula of "Secret Puppet Master" in her hand. Does she know my specific sequence?

Klein was shocked at first, but then quickly calmed down, and even felt a little surprised and self-pitying afterward.

Yes, Ms. "Magician" is not from the Trunsoest Intelligence Department. She must have read information related to the "Soothsayer" path, and there must be many "Soothsayers" among her colleagues. In this environment, even if she knows The specific potion ingredients are not unusual either.

And my identity, well, even if Miss "Magician" told Zaratul before that "The Fool" tried to convene a party... Klein at the top turned on his spiritual vision, and the vision blessed by gray mist framed "Magic" The spiritual body of "Master" easily restored the layers of blue angel wings with blurred patterns.

The "Magician" is still reporting the party's progress to Zaratul on a regular basis? Klein frowned slightly.

Judging from the "Magician"'s belief in "mystery", she would not take the risk of blasphemy to please an angel who is one level lower than God, and she should not reveal important information about "The Fool" himself.

From this point of view, the information obtained by Zaratul is limited, and judgment can only rely on experience and inspiration. There is a high probability that Klein Moretti will be connected with a certain member of the party...

"The World" nodded slightly, and the body hidden under the robe stepped forward and said:

"The price of these two."

Forsi took a deep breath to adjust his emotions and spoke quickly:

"One hundred milliliters of the Thousand Faced Hunter's blood costs one hundred and fifty pounds, and the potion formula you need costs five thousand pounds."

At the end of the sentence, "Magician"'s voice became much quieter, and his blue eyes subconsciously blinked many times due to inner anticipation and nervousness. He didn't stop until "The World" responded.

Five thousand pounds, I have to kill at least ten Meursaults to earn enough... I have obtained all the auxiliary materials needed for promotion, but Klein does not feel the excitement he deserves, but instead feels heavy.

At the level of Sequence Five, I can barely measure the value of formulas and potion materials with money, but whether it is revenge against Ince Zangwill or looking for the possibility of returning home, I need to continue to advance, at least to become a demigod.

When I need to purchase the demigod formula and materials, I'm afraid I can only get one clue for ten thousand pounds... Klein curled his lips in a self-deprecating tone.

In a cheap hotel room in the East District, Klein checked the doors and windows that were completely closed, and walked back to the square table in the middle of the room.

It is now five o'clock in the afternoon, Backlund time. The tarot party has ended for an hour and a half. There are still more than three hours before the evening meeting with Mr. A and others.

The low-quality wooden table with loose legs is filled with a viscous liquid that changes its color according to the change of light, a glass bottle that is only half filled even though it is lying flat, dark blue hair that is squirming like a small snake, and a black mandala. Ingredients such as juice and Agaricus powder are placed in sequence, along with a clean large pot, measuring cups and other containers.

All the auxiliary materials needed for the "Faceless Man" potion are here... Klein, who had just emerged from meditation and checked his own status, stood in front of the wooden table and spread the five fingers of his left hand.

Except for the "Creeping Hunger" that was still worn on his left hand, he had thrown all the other sealed objects above the gray fog without notifying Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul. In order to minimize the interference, he completed it alone. promotion.

"I will find other food for you. You can't devour the soul of the 'faceless man' for a while." Klein comforted the restless sealed object and controlled it to open the illusory mouth in the palm of his hand.

This order obviously went against the instinct and nature of "Creeping Hunger", but it still responded to Klein's request in its own unique way, restraining the bloodthirsty desire that it unintentionally spread, like a real glove, slowly and gently , spitting out a gelatinous object.

At the same time, a man with a blurred and distorted face flew out of the open mouth of "Wriggling Hunger".

His face showed traces of the long-lasting pain in his soul. He saluted Klein in the air with great difficulty. He didn't even last until the end of the action before he completely collapsed and returned to the illusion.

Klein made no attempt to leave behind the unknown "faceless man"'s spirit body and try to pry open the secrets in his mind.

Not to mention that in reality, his every move may be under the surveillance of Zaratul. Klein's inspiration also told him that pursuing the secrets buried by the Secret Order too anxiously and exploring the "secret" past will bring trouble to him. He brings unforeseen horrors.

Let nature take its course... Klein touched the "squirming hunger" that was very flattering to him, picked up the gel-like object from the table, and examined it carefully.

The extraordinary characteristics of the "Faceless Man" squirmed on his fingertips, and finally became a translucent form similar to jelly. Against the black and green background, there were faces of different looks floating in and out from time to time, like hidden faces. Figure behind dark curtains.

Klein looked at it for a few times, nodded invisibly, and said to himself:

"If you are lacking grazing targets, you can find an opportunity to use Lanerwus to replace them."

For no other reason than that, he simply wanted to torture the culprit who ruined his ordinary life and almost took the life of his important companion.

Putting the characteristics of the "Faceless Man" aside first, Klein followed the order and used his black-gloved right hand to pick up the extraordinary black datura juice and dragon tooth grass powder and put them into a cauldron filled with water.

Then, he put in the hair of the Deep Sea Naga and the blood of the "Hunter with a Thousand Faces" in sequence. Finally, he waited until a light mist rose in the iron pot and the color of the liquid gradually turned dark blue, then he grabbed the "Faceless Hunter" Human" characteristics are thrown directly into the pot.

The gel-like properties dissolved in water, turning into gray and brown, and quickly merged with the dark blue. But soon, suddenly, all the water mist was attracted to the center of the boiling liquid in the iron pot, and even the simple room The light from the gas wall lamp inside showed signs of being attracted and swallowed up, and it suddenly dimmed a lot.

The black and green color consistent with the characteristic color was churning quietly. Klein picked up the iron pot with one hand and poured the "Faceless Man" potion into the prepared glass bottle.

Seeing the vaguely lingering face sticking out of the liquid in the glass bottle, Klein suddenly let out a sneer.

"It's obviously already sequence seven, but this seems to be my first time drinking magic potion."

He held the mouth of the bottle tightly, his heart pounding, and his mind was filled with excitement and anxious thoughts.

In order to get rid of the current unstable state, Klein put the potion that was almost to his mouth back on the table, and only picked it up again after he had completely calmed down with the help of meditation.

He walked to a cracked full-length mirror and saw that he had returned to his original appearance as Klein Moretti. The corners of his mouth curved in a sharp arc, and then he raised his right hand holding the glass bottle and fiercely He poured all the potion inside into his mouth.

The boundless gray fog broke through the barrier between illusion and reality and squeezed into the simple small room. The ravings that could cause a normal person to have a nervous breakdown returned. Klein suddenly seemed to have returned to the night he just traveled through, feeling that his consciousness... or spiritual body Completely thrown into an unknown space, drifting in the violent storm.

But the difference is that this time he can clearly see the palace guarded by gray fog hanging high in the sky, with a blue-black light door standing in it, and "Mystery" himself, as he said Generally, they are stuck on the edge of the light door like a prisoner, unable to leave. They can only look down at the mortals who have mistakenly fallen into the abyss with compassionate eyes, to prove that everything is not an illusion.

In just two or three seconds, Klein's face, head, and even his whole body turned into white wax twisted by fire, and his bones and muscles seemed to be dissolved by blood.

The pain in the illusion was intuitively reflected into reality. Klein, who was tossed and dropped heavily by the angry waves in the ocean of unknown spiritual remnants, tried hard to gather his thoughts and not listen to the murmurs filling his ears.

Ignoring the pain, he curled up into a ball and held his breath, meditating on the image of layers of light balls surrounding him. After repeated short attempts, he finally found the right direction.

The cascading light balls that existed in his meditation began to expand, and heavy fog filled the green and black halo. These fogs were no different from those in the gray fog palace!

As he usually did, under his control, the large area of ​​gray fog began to directly confront the spiritual waves, pouring down from infinite heights and neutralizing the pain that Klein was suffering.

Finally, his consciousness returned to reality. The incomparable stimulating murmurs swept through his brain without warning, and gradually disappeared under the comfort of the silent rising gray mist. In this way, more than ten long seconds passed.

Controlling the melting and disintegration of his skin, muscles and bones, with his eyes closed tightly, Klein drove his body solely by his feelings. His stubble and hair color changed rapidly, and his skin suddenly aged more than ten years. He belonged to Klein Morey. Di's bookishness disappeared.

He slowly opened his eyes, looked at his reflection in the full-length mirror, touched Sherlock Moriarty's somewhat square chin, and suddenly laughed.

"Hoo, 'Faceless Man'."

Near Backlund Bridge, in a coffee shop that closed early.

Shadows and flames surged at the same time, and Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul stepped onto the ground of the coffee shop one after another.

Jerry looked around impatiently, and his eyes fell on Klein, who was already waiting at the bar.

"Why did you change back to like this?"

Klein Moretti actually appeared with his original face!

The gentleman sitting at the bar put down the coffee in his hand and pressed his cheek with his fingers indifferently. UU Readingwww.uukanshu.net The skin squeezed by the fingers wrapped in black gloves suddenly tore and grew. Densely packed, stomach-churning pale granulations.

"I just completed my promotion, and I still need to stabilize my condition." Klein explained.

Seeing that Jerry Zaratul had no reaction, Klein stopped continuing the topic and instead tapped on the table. He looked at the empty cafe except for the three of them and said:

"You're not with the 'advisors'?"

"It's already past the agreed time."

Suddenly, Jerry Zaratul sneered, and Mr. A shook his head and looked behind Klein over his shoulder.

Feeling a chill on the back of his neck, Klein instantly turned around and happened to encounter a figure that was gradually turning from illusion to reality.

The figure was suspended on the high chair on the other side of the bar. Wearing a small soft hat and a dark and complicated palace dress, it completely blended in with the environment. It was staring in the direction of Klein for an unknown amount of time.

She gently held her cheek, noticing the surprise in Klein's eyes, blinked his blue ocean-like eyes, and floated from the high chair into the air.

The "Wraith Soul" with light blond hair and delicate face lifted up her skirt, nodded restrainedly, and spoke in an ethereal and soft voice.

"Sharon Hunter."

Hunter is the last name Sharon now uses as her identity.

After reading the chapters updated this morning, it proves that my portrayal of Xiao Hong has not completely deviated. Hunters are indeed born to die and take risks in desperate situations. This wave of extra chapters was provided by the original novel for me. I'm lucky.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 108 The shit stirrer

Klein stared at Sharon Hunter, who was floating in mid-air, with a transparent body and obvious "ghost spirit" characteristics. He looked at this young lady with a pale face, light blond hair and delicate features that contrasted with each other. She preferred dolls to humans. In his eyes, the last bit of surprise at the participation gradually faded away.

Unexpectedly, the so-called "advisor" turned out to be an aristocratic lady who looked similar to Miss Justice...

"Good evening, miss."

With an inexplicable mentality, Klein bent down slightly and responded with an unconventional name.

According to Jerry, Miss Hunter is a child adopted by Zaratul, the "Angel with the Lantern", and she is not yet a demigod, so she doesn't look very old, so it is reasonable for me to call her Miss.

With Klein taking the lead, Jerry with a teasing smile and Mr. A, who was cold and solemn, responded with different mentality.

"Good evening, miss."

It seems that she has become accustomed to calling herself Miss Hunter, and it seems that Sharon herself adheres to the tradition of "temperance". She does not dwell on superficial names, and her floating body returns to the bar stool. , eye level with the three men present.

"Your Highness tells me that you are trying to investigate Gostars?"

"Yes," Klein admitted generously, "We have obtained some information from the purified members of the 'Rose School', which mentioned that he is operating in the city of Backlund and is suspected of plotting a conspiracy. ."

"Miss, do you know anything about Gostars?"

Judging from the few contacts with the "Angel with Lamp", Klein believed that Zaratul would not send a useless person. On the contrary, since He appointed Sharon Hunter as a "consultant", it means that the "Wraith" lady in front of him has a high probability of possessing some information closely related to the "Rose School" and even Gostars himself. .

Sharon was sitting on a high stool, her blue eyes not wavering at all:

"The last time I saw him, he wasn't even a demigod."

Not becoming a demigod? Wait, last time you saw him? I remember Mr. A said that Gostars' promotion to demigod was due to the cooperation between the "indulgent faction" and the devil believers.

From Miss Hunter's tone, she seemed to have been relatively familiar with Gostars in the past... Was this before she was adopted by Zaratul?

Was she a member of the "Rose School"? The so-called "temperance school"?

Klein was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer the question, but Jerry Zaratul asked enthusiastically:

"It's okay, you can share some of your knowledge and impressions of him."

He rubbed his wrist, pretending not to notice the dangerous smell coming from his partner, and said with interest:

"Although Gostars' personality will definitely change after jumping to the 'Devil' path, this does not mean that the understanding of his past will lose value."

"On the contrary, I think that for a cultist like him who has extreme emotions and is not shy about being impulsive, the changes that 'the devil' can bring to him will not affect the fundamentals, and may just make him calmer and more cautious at certain times. "

I support your view, but Miss Hunter looks at you very badly... Klein calmly moved a distance away from Jerry Zaratul to avoid hurting Chiyu.

"I believe you know very well that our mission is to investigate, not to kill in a targeted manner. Even if we are lucky enough to participate in the in-depth work later, we can only wander around the periphery as an auxiliary to the 'Dark Saint'."

"And... I think this is also a rare opportunity for you. You don't want to stay in Backlund like this for the rest of your life, right?"

Jerry Zaratul's words were profound, and they pointed at Sharon's real concerns.

Unfortunately, Sharon was not swayed.

She sat there quietly, and after a few seconds, she relaxed slightly.

"Gostars is addicted to blood sacrifices, good at playing with prey, keen on fighting, likes tactics but hates complicated and roundabout plans..."

Sharon poured out concise phrases one after another, using the most restrained words to quickly outline a clear answer to the question.

Finally, she paused unnaturally for a moment, as if recalling some bad past.

"He had an extreme hatred of sensuality and sadism, which he believed to be the source of human depravity."

"Jie, this is different from the 'Rose School' I know." Jerry Zaratul exclaimed.

It's also different from what I read in the book... Klein shook his head slightly.

Among the few books related to the Southern Continent in the countries of the Northern Continent, most of them are "interpretations" of the indigenous peoples in the current colonial areas and the historical customs of their past kingdoms.

After all, it was the colonists who made generalizations about the indigenous people, so they inevitably put on colored glasses and arrogance, exaggerating some of the facts.

For example, there was a book "Records of the Highland Kingdom" that was popular at Tingen University. It used a lot of ink to denounce the bloody cruelty of the indigenous people in the highlands of the southern continent. In addition to slandering and distorting their history, it also emphasized that the highlands were composed of indigenous people. Terrorists are still continuing these barbaric and anti-humanitarian styles. In the towns they looted, blood sacrifices, violations, and killings, regardless of national origin, are commonplace.

Unlike Klein, who only knew about the Southern Continent from books, Jerry, who had personally measured various places in the Southern Continent, habitually glanced at Mr. A next to him for confirmation out of rigor.

To his surprise, his companion nodded and agreed with Sharon's statement.

"When I followed my predecessor, X, to fight against the followers of false gods at sea, I had friction with Gostars and witnessed the islands destroyed by him."

As he said that, there was something strange in Mr. A's calm eyes that had remained unchanged for thousands of years.

"That island belonged to Fusac. Gostars only destroyed a temporary supply point of Fusac's Second Conquering Fleet stationed on it, and killed all Fusac residents, regardless of gender or age. , but there was no offense to the original indigenous people, and the remains left at the scene also showed that the fatal wounds on all people came from their companions."

"Compared to a massacre, my predecessor x thought it was more like a well-planned revenge."

It really matched Miss Hunter's description of Gostars... Klein could not imagine what kind of tragic scene Mr. A had witnessed, and he had a somewhat intuitive understanding of the action he was about to participate in.

This is the true demigod.

Not the friendly Mr. Azik, not the rat-like Ince Zangwill who has been hiding behind the scenes, nor the irrational and incomplete Megoose... who can easily decide the life and death of a city-state, leaving former companions behind. Falling into the abyss in despair of cannibalism, he is worthy of the serial name of "Devil".

Even if he has the specialness given by the gray mist, if he is not careful, he will just waste the miracle provided by "Mystery" and experience another death.

The enemies I will face are all Khorne-like in terms of habits and strength, and I don't know how many times I can be resurrected... Klein clenched his palms tightly and then relaxed.

"No wonder he is also an outlier in the 'Rose School'." Jerry Zaratul finally showed real surprise.

Sharon ignored his soliloquy and focused on Mr. A, with whom she had more common topics.

"His Highness said that Gostars' subordinates were in contact with the plateau people, and the place where he last appeared was also related to the plateau people."

"That's right," Mr. A nodded without hesitation, "His subordinates have been operating in the East District before. We speculate that the 'Indulgence Faction' wants to win over people from the plateau who have encountered similar experiences as them, as a reserve force and new force for operations in the Northern Continent. , spreading belief in the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

In the past two days, although the Aurora Society has not been able to reach into the secretly sheltered Church of the Night, members of the intelligence department lurking in MI9 have submitted reporting materials on time.

Mr. A turned his head, looked in the direction of Klein, and said in a cold voice:

"Sherlock Moriarty, this is who he is now."

"He was also the first of our people to discover and come into direct contact with the 'indulgent faction'."

Mr. A, who deliberately concealed Klein's true identity, continued without giving Klein a chance to express gratitude with his eyes:

"According to our investigation, the 'Indulgence Faction' has been lurking in the East District for roughly six weeks."

"If most of your impressions of Gostars are true, then it is difficult for us not to doubt that Gostars's own tasks are not consistent with those of the killed 'indulgent' believers. He is probably just a subordinate. The members are simply protectors, and they have other personal goals."

"For example, a grander revenge."

Well, Gostars likes clever tactics but hates complicated and roundabout strategies, which shows that it is difficult for him to carry out a long-term task unless the task itself allows him to overcome his own preferences and devote himself wholeheartedly. Go in... Klein put himself in the enemy's shoes and got the same answer as Mr. A.

Whether it is Miss Hunter or Mr. A, the Gostals they portray is an extremely racist avenger. Although he will sympathize with the indigenous people at sea who have also suffered colonial harm, it is difficult to say that in his In his cognitive perspective, those who deserve his sympathy also include the plateau people who are oppressed, but who belong more to the people of the northern continent.

He may not care about the life and death of the plateau people at all. Just like Mr. A said, he only provides basic protection and assistance to members performing another task.

No... Klein instantly overturned some of his guesses.

This is Backlund, the capital of Mandu where the archbishops of the three major churches are stationed and the Angel Family is entrenched. If any of these two parties notices his plot, they can directly destroy him.

According to Zaratul, as long as Gostars still has some sense, he will not mess around in Backlund, not to mention that he is only Sequence Four. In front of a real angel and a person with divinity, the relationship between him and the angel will be different. The gap is almost the same as the gap between me and him.

What on earth does he want to do?

"...Grand, revenge?" Sharon's tone fluctuated for the first time.

She still had an inorganic expression like a doll, and the blue in her eyes twitched slightly, implicitly expressing her confusion.

Obviously, having more contact with Zaratul and knowing more, she also had doubts about Gostars' real purpose, and could not imagine the scene of the "devil" causing a horrific murder in Backlund.

Mr. A expressed his opinion.

"I think we can first continue to investigate along the traces left by the 'indulger faction' in the East District."

"That's right. After all, their goal has not been achieved. According to what you said, Gostars doesn't seem to be trying to win over the extreme people of the Northern Continent. There will definitely be other 'indulgent factions' who will take over. They will also I will also be in touch with Gostals."

Jerry Zaratul snapped his fingers, patted Mr. A on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"A, it's rare to hear you talk so much."

I think if you hadn't said this, he could have said more... Noticing the danger in Mr. A's rich red eyes, Klein seized the opportunity and hurriedly changed the subject.

"Then we will continue to investigate separately as before, and then share the summary on time?"

"Jerry and I are both 'faceless men' now. Mr. A and Miss Hunter each have their own ways of hiding themselves. It may be faster to investigate separately."

He glanced at the people in the cafe expectantly, his heart pounding.

Investigating Gostars is definitely not a task that can be completed in one or two weeks. During this period, he still needs to continue to maintain the gathering on the gray fog and answer the prayers of the gathering members. Miss Hunter, who is not familiar with Putting aside the discussion for the moment, with Mr. A and Jerry Zaratul, it was only a matter of time before he was discovered to be abnormal.

As for Zaratul, who might look at him at any time?

Klein wasn't too worried about this angel. He had already locked onto him anyway, but because he knew too much, he had misjudged it. He didn't dare to go any further due to the majesty of the "secret", so he just regarded himself as a special one. Beloved ones.

Judging from what "Secret" said to me the last time we met, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net the true creator and the pope who made the prophecy - "Angel of Destiny" Urolius, probably also grasped the true face of "The Fool" However, in their eyes, I am a successor who still needs to be investigated, so they will not provide direct help or expose me.

"No, I have a better suggestion."

Klein stared in astonishment at Jerry Zaratul, who was smiling with evil intentions, and clearly heard the thumping sound coming from the blood vessels flowing in his temples. His angry emotions were amplified by the "creeping hunger" and "poisonous wine" at the same time, making him almost helpless. Control yourself, I wish I could kill this shit-stirring person on the spot.

But he hadn't completely lost his mind yet. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words as calmly as possible.

"What is it?"

Jerry Zaratul clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"It is true that the efficiency of decentralized investigation may be faster, but the danger of us being detected by Gostars and defeating us one by one is also greater."

"So I propose that we follow the church's old rules and assign special groups in a two-by-two system."

"One Sequence Five and one Sequence Six, what do you think?"

Today is a flavorful title.

Gostals is the name provided by the group friends. Compared with the previous book, they now prefer to model the supporting characters directly in the group.

But it was totally weird when he proposed it, and I happened to be short of a demon name, so I just made it into the Khorne Youth Trial Edition, which was hilarious.

By the way, Sharon is only two years older than Xiao Ke. She is not an old aunt that some of her cunning friends misunderstood, but a real young lady.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 110 Failure to pull

Objectively speaking, Jerry Zaratul's proposal is indeed suitable for the current situation, but this does not prevent Klein from realizing that he has been tricked by him. If nothing unexpected happens, Mr. A and Sharon Hunter will post next Before their respective opinions, once there is a disagreement that is not in line with Jerry Zaratul's expectations, the eloquent "Faceless Man" will immediately block it with a more detailed analysis.

As if to verify Klein's judgment, as soon as Mr. A made a move to speak, Jerry Zaratul raised his finger as if he had understood the thoughts of his good partner in advance.

"Don't worry, A. You see, Mr. Moriarty and Miss Hunter haven't raised their objections yet."

"I can swear to the Lord that the 2-2 suggestion is definitely the most suitable choice for us at the moment." Jerry Zaratul spread his hands and pointed at the empty ceiling with his chin, "Think about it, Isn't it that the head of the family sent Miss Hunter here just to replace Mr. Moriarty, who dislikes both of us and is unwilling to work in a group, with a partner who is acceptable and easier to get along with?"

"Miss Hunter, what do you think?"

He didn't give Klein a chance to speak at all, and focused his gaze intensely on Sharon, who was sitting on a high stool.

"Are you a member of the Zaratul family?"

She didn't answer Jerry's question directly. Sharon's blue eyes were like those of a real doll, without any emotional fluctuations that humans should have.

Habitually maintaining the role of "temperance" does not mean that Sharon has lost the joy, anger, sorrow and joy that humans should have, as her appearance shows. It is just that past experiences have created a deeper barrier between her and the world. , covering up her true likes and dislikes.

She hated the members of the Zaratul family very much, and even she only maintained the most basic respect for her adoptive grandfather himself, without any deeper feelings.

Jerry Zaratul grasped the imperceptible expectation he read from Sharon's words without hesitation, smiled maliciously, and nodded.


Sharon nodded slightly and left the high stool beneath her. Her unreal and unreal figure floated in mid-air, and she took the initiative to move closer to Klein.

Jerry looked at this scene with satisfaction, but there was false disappointment on his face. Only because of Mr. A's terrifying gaze, he angrily put down the hand he wanted to put on Mr. A's shoulder.

"Well, Miss Hunter's choice is obvious..."


Backlund, Tuesday.

Regret, asking means regret.

Since Klein got up this morning, he has been torn between wanting to die and wanting to take Jerry Zaratul with him.

What evil had I done that fate would send a beast like Jerry Zaratul to torture me?

When he walked out of the bathroom, his expression did not change significantly, but he seemed to have just let out a long sigh for some reason. The corners of his eyes were drooping down on the young man's bookish face. Even without disguise, he looked as if he had aged more than ten years overnight. .

In the two-bedroom apartment belonging to Sherlock Moriarty, the sunlight that can be considered luxurious in Backlund shines between the old tables and stools and the moldy floor. A body should not belong here and is incompatible with the cheap two-bedroom apartment. The "doll" was leaning against a chair that Klein had almost never sat on. The delicate paleness was hidden in the hair that was dyed honey by the warmth of noon. He was holding in his hands the book that the detective brought back from outside this morning. Newspaper.

Klein looked at the realistic paintings in front of him, with the "doll" as the center, filled with classical artistic beauty and extreme contrast, and the scowl that was fixed on his face for a moment could not help but worsen.

He has always had the habit of reading newspapers. He knows everything about the famous people in Loen and has basically memorized the most basic common sense.

When he saw Miss Hunter yesterday and was pushed into the fire pit by Jerry Zaratul, he had not yet reacted. Until last night, Miss Hunter, who had followed him home all the way, saw another room that he had never cleaned. When he finally refused his kindness and disappeared into the reflection of the window without saying a word, Klein suddenly remembered that the boss behind the Bayerische Bank, one of the top three banks in Loen, seemed to also have the surname Hunter. .

It is extremely dangerous and unrealistic to take on the identity of an important dignitary in an enemy country, but when the candidate for this task is named Zaratul and has the nickname "Angel with the Lamp", everything becomes very normal again. .

Klein is almost certain that Viscount Hunter himself, who often appears in newspapers and appears with Duke Negan and other great nobles, and even the king himself, is Zaratul, the "Angel with the Lamp".

He raised and lowered his fingers and stood between the bathroom door and the dining room. He was in a dilemma. Klein, who looked complicated, hesitated to speak.


The sound of newspapers being flipped broke the stillness of the "painting" in the restaurant. Sharon's pure blue eyes were revealed from behind her long pale blond hair and the newspaper, and she cast a searching look at Klein.

"I think we should discuss where to start the investigation," Klein breathed a sigh of relief, seized the gap, and quickly adjusted himself.

He finally walked into the center of the apartment, which was a combined dining room and living room, pulled out a chair from the dining table and sat across from Sharon.

"I just arrived in Backlund and am not familiar with the place. I would like to hear your opinion."

Looking at Klein, the newspaper flew out of Sharon's hand, neatly folded in half in the air, and landed on the table.

"I'm not familiar with the East End."

I'm not familiar with the East Area... Miss, you can easily kill yourself by chatting like this... Klein maintained a polite smile and silently overturned the pre-organized draft.

He looked up at the greasy and shiny ceiling, touched his right wrist, changed his strategy, and said straight to the point:

"Tonight, I have a gathering of wild Extraordinaries in the Backlund Bridge area. You know, the living environment of the wild Extraordinaries in Loen is very harsh, and xenophobia is almost engraved in their bones. If they tonight Finding out that I had brought a stranger into the party would, I think, be quite a hassle for both of us."

"Level?" Sharon suddenly asked.

Does it refer to the party convener, or to the level of all participating members? Klein thought for a while and gave two answers.

"Most of the wild Extraordinaries participating in the party are still in the low-sequence, but their convener - an old gentleman who calls himself the 'Eye of Wisdom', I suspect that he is either a believer in the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, or... An Extraordinary of the Reader's Path. In short, in addition to his own sequence, he also possesses a mid-sequence sealed artifact. I doubt that he will exceed sequence five."

The believer of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom is known for his erudition and is said to be good at many rare and powerful spells. He deliberately mentioned his uncertain guesses just to make Miss Hunter flinch.

Sharon, who was listening quietly, nodded slightly, seeming to confirm that the practical issues raised by Klein were indeed worth avoiding.

But the next moment, she broke Klein's beautiful fantasy with practical actions, and her figure suddenly disappeared, blending into the sunshine and air, just like last night, and disappeared to nowhere.

Fortunately, Sharon's figure was soon reconstructed in front of Klein's eyes, and she explained:

"Except for the 'Resentful Soul' and the 'Secret Puppet Master', it is difficult for other Sequence Fives to detect my presence."

No... "Faceless Man" can control his expression very well and only shows the side he wants others to see, but it is difficult to modify his emotional fluctuations.

Klein suddenly wondered whether it was part of Zaratul's plan that things had come to this point.

It is impossible for the "Angel with a Lamp" to be unaware of the little thoughts of his family members. He may have already expected that Jerry Zaratul and Sharon Hunter would inevitably dislike each other after they met, and they would naturally part ways. Jerry Zaratul's disgust could easily push Sharon Hunter to Klein's side.

He may have decided that I am not good at dealing with Miss Hunter's personality... The complexity in his eyes changed again and again, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Well, Miss Hunter, if you insist..."

On Backlund Bridge, near the Brave Bar, the detective, covered in a black hood and mask, suddenly stopped and looked sideways.

In the shadowy corner of the path where his gaze was swaying, a touch of pale gold covered the jet black out of place.

"Will you go in with me?" Klein asked, facing the air.

The light gold in the jet black became more real, and a small pale and blue appeared below.

Sharon, who had transformed into a spirit body, simply observed the dirty alley below her and the house not far away that was filled with the smell of alcohol, and shook her head slightly.

"I can attach myself to gold coins."

Gold coins? "Resentful Soul" can use mirrors just like "UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Witch", but "Resentful Soul" is more advanced and can attach to anything that can reflect light?

Klein nodded, took out a gold coin from his robe pocket, opened his palm and rushed towards Sharon.

In the dark corner, several unrealistic color blocks melted immediately and flew towards the gold coins lying in the middle of Klein's palm.

The head of the serious and rigid George III was much blurred. Before putting away the gold coins, Klein glanced curiously and happened to see a corner of black with complicated patterns flash by.

What a convenient ability. No wonder Miss Hunter is confident that she will not be discovered...

In front of the darkened hut, Klein read the code as he did last time, walked past the coffee table in front of the old man "Eye of Wisdom", and sat down in the corner where it was difficult for people to pay attention to him last time.

Like everyone else in the living room, he waited quietly for the hands to cross the six o'clock mark and the convenor "Eye of Wisdom" to announce the start of the party.

After a while, when the scheduled start time came, the "Eye of Wisdom" had just clapped his hands to signal the party to start. The "pharmacist" who had previously wanted to hire someone to help him clear out the rat infestation in the medicine field and a man with a weak breath appeared at the same time. action.

The two of them glanced at each other quickly, observing the weakness that could not be concealed on the man's body. The "Medicine Master" hesitated for a moment and gave up the first opportunity to speak.

The man didn't have time to thank him, so he just nodded quickly, panted heavily, turned around and looked at the "Eye of Wisdom", unable to restrain the fear in his heart and said:

"Everyone who went to investigate the ruins of the Quaternary Age is dead!"

"The person who recruited companions last time was a liar. He lied to us!"

Second update later

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