
Ch. 170: Noah and the New Genesis (2): The Power of Absolute Chaos

"Mistress... Project New Genesis... are you absolutely certain that we need to go to those lengths?" Riley asked me as we flew through the air of the Core at a leisurely pace toward the patch of earth that I'd ensured would stay permanently barren when I'd originally created the planet. 

"You had the girls look through the Well for them, right?" I asked her. "Can you honestly say that I'm wrong?"

"Mistress..." She didn't have anything to say to that, but it didn't change how she felt, and I couldn't blame her. Honestly, Project New Genesis left a bad taste in my mouth, too. But...

"It'd be my responsibility. I don't want to have any regrets, Riley." I told her.

"Mistress, it isn't your fault." She tried to assuage me, but there was no point. I'd already made my decision, and she wasn't going to sway me. Realizing this, the girl fell silent.

Finally, the place where the Project would begin came into view. In the center of the large clearing was a stone platform, twenty square feet in diameter. Despite the intense greenery that covered roughly half of the planet, there was a large patch of barren sand in a ring around the platform, one that stretched for miles in every direction.

Encircling the platform were Core girls, exactly one hundred of them, holding hands in a ring. The ages of their bodies ranged from 10 to 40, but they all had the same silvery-white hair, and they all exuded powerful divine energy. The reason that we'd flown here, rather than simply teleporting, had been for the sole reason of allowing these girls time to gather their energies. 

Smoothly transforming into her own divine state, Riley dropped down and joined the circle while I went to stand in the center.

"I need to do this." I reminded myself as I landed on the platform, looking around at all of the Core Girls surrounding me. One hundred of them, in their divine forms, you could feel the pure, exhilarating divine force filling every crevice of the area. As I was right now, I could punch the platform that I was standing on at full, Super Saiyan force and the only response would be from my own fist, which would likely break from the sheer amount of energy seeping through it, despite the fact that it was just normal rock. 

Taking a deep breath, I turned my attention inward. My soul, sealed beneath dozens upon dozens of heavy restraints. My body, totally normal for a Saiyan, yet another limit on my potential, as my base state could only hold so much energy no matter what I did. 

I took my time. First, I redirected my body's energy, reconstructing it from the ground up. My tail unfurled from my waist, its fur darkening a half-shade of brown, just enough that someone'd think 'something's up' were they to see it side-by-side with its prior color. My skin followed suit, then my hair, as the fundamental specs of my body changed. Now, the normal Super Saiyan mode was inaccessible to me, as my body became something closer to that of a natural-born god than a Saiyan. Not that I needed the normal Super Saiyan mode anymore. 

Next, I unleashed the seals on my power, one by one. With every seal unleashed, my power climbed higher and higher. Millions. Billions. Trillions, beyond, my power level climbed. The strain that this would have put on my body had I not recreated it would have literally incinerated me in an instant, but now, I handled all of it without even a twinge of stress. Soon, my base power had climbed all the way to equal that of the god-form Core girls around me. 

Then, it kept growing. Surpassing them, then surpassing that once more. Still, none of the power leaked from my body.

Finally, as the last of the shackles chaining my full power up began to fall away, my mind began to strain under the pressure of my power, but I refused to relent. A single micro-twitch of my facial muscles threatened to blow all of the Core Girls surrounding me away, but, working together, they managed to push the force back under control for the most part, only trace amounts of the wave of power leaving the circle.

Through those trace amounts of energy, though, I could sense the entirety of the Core Universe creak under the strain of my power as several hundred Core girls stationed throughout fought desperately to keep my power from destroying everything, then I sensed it.


A bright, blackish-blue light escaped from my fluttering jacket as Shay released the full potential of her own Divine Aspect, Chaos, to tamp my own down. Then, Chelsea, enveloped in her own Divine Aspect, Absolute Service, as she appeared in front of me via Instant Transmission, taking a knee as she forced my energy into submission. 

With that, I felt that it was time. I unleashed my Divine Aspect, Absolute Chaos

Immediately, for a moment, the entire cosmos seemed to stop as my power enveloped it, unstoppable, uncontainable, irresistible. It was all within my grasp now. I was the embodiment of chaos, which meant that I was also the embodiment of order. Nothing was out of my control, and I could do absolutely anything. In this state, the only one with the power to even match me was the Grand Zeno himself. 

And thus, with a single step, I tore straight through time itself. 


"Hanna. Don't do this." Standing in front of me was a familiar girl, though I'd admittedly never met her personally. We were in a small garden, with a dome above our heads. Outside of the dome was... nothing. Just an empty night sky in all directions. Other than the bird sitting by her feet, we were alone.

"Chronoa." In the next moment, the bird seemed to appear in the air between us, though it wasn't flying by itself, but suspended in a T-pose. Behind it, Chronoa had also found herself unable to move her body from the neck down. The Tokitoki had attempted to protect her with its body, but in my Absolute form, I would never allow one to stand in my way. "You are dismissed. Time is mine, now."

"That's fine! In the future, you ban time travel anyways!" Chronoa shouted at me, tears of frustration streaming down her face, "Please, don't do this! You'll be straining the timeline! We don't know what might-!" Having lost interest in her, I released my hold on Chronoa and the Tokitoki, turning on my heel to leave. 

"PLEASE, NOAH!!!!" She begged behind me, causing me to stop for a moment.

"My name is Hanna." I responded curtly, the rest of my statement dead in the air, not needing said.

 'My previous life, and the name Noah, don't matter anymore. I lost them, and I refuse to lose this life, too.'

Just to be clear, Hanna's Divine Aspect, Absolute Chaos, is, in fact, just a remarkably higher tier of Shay's own 'Chaos' Divine Aspect. Essentially, the personality trait that generates it is 'Hates Obstacles,' or 'Does What I Want At All Costs.' Basically, she hates to be controlled, or stopped from achieving her goals.

Every Divine Aspect affects the user's personality in some way. 'Service' is self-explanatory. 'While Ego' doesn't really seem to do anything to Vegeta's mind in the canon, 'Instinct' strips all excess from Goku's thoughts and actions, for the most part, and 'Nobility' makes Zeno's brain childlike. As for Chaos, it essentially makes Hanna consider everything other than herself and her goal as inherently lacking of value, making it one of the more powerful ones for sure, but also likely the most dangerous Divine Aspects out there. That's why she treated Chronoa the way that she did in this chapter.

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